Saturday, July 31, 2021

We Had A Way To Stop The Coronavirus In The Winter And Spring Of 2021, But We Were Too Stupid To Use It

Now we're fucked.   The first round of vaccines are still 100% effective, but evolution is not going to stop just because Americans are gods-damned morons.  Because we wasted the better part of  a year fucking around with conservative insanity instead of mandating vaccination, soon enough, we'll have another, vaccine-proof mutation pop up before we get enough people vaccinated with the current vaccines, and then it will be years before we have a viable vaccine again.  Baggers, shitlibs, nitwits, and lunatics did this to us.  I hope they have the common decency to die first so we can enjoy it before we all get it.

Holey Christ There's Alot Of Frakking Weak Whyte Racist Dipshits Out There In Cycling Land

This is not as uniformly ugly as the Serotta Forum, but jesus motherfucking chirst, there's  way too many racist assholes out there.  Conservatives are a cancer on humanity.

Friday, July 30, 2021

All Cops Are Bastards--And Armed Cops Are All Potential Murderers

Don't ever trust any cop, and any cop with a gun, even some doofus Ranger Smith at Jellystone, might very well murder you, especially if you are black or brown.  We need to defend and disband the fucking police and disarm any cops that are left.  ACAB.  The 1312 Project.

In The United States, Poverty Is A Political Policy Imposed By Our Racist Reactionary Right-Wing Democratic And Republican Parties

Poverty is a political choice, a preferred policy for our racist conservative establishment.  Half of the people in our society live like animals so that a racist plutocracy can ride to space in pathetic, tiny dick rockets.  Anyone who can't understand that is an irredeemable nitwit. 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Right-Wing Cubans In Florida Are The Scum Of The Earth

All kind decent people stand in support of the wonderful Cuban revolution.  Castro was a hero to the Cuban people for many reasons, not the least of which that he helped drive the filth like the family of Jeanette Nunez from the island.

Don't Forget That AOC And The Fraud Squad Could Have Eliminated Our Pelosi Problem

AOC and the rest of those assholes had real power to remove Pelosi from Congress--she most certainly would have resigned her seat if she had been voted out as Speaker by her own caucus--but they refused to use it, so now we have this GOP horseshit vomiting forth from the Democratic Speaker.  Good job.   

Biden said that nothing would fundamentally change, and AOC and the Fraud Squad made sure he could keep his word. 

Those Nefarious Russians Really Got Into Simone Biles' Head And Cracked Her Like An Egg, But That's Racing


Like, it sucks for Biles, but the Russians put the pressure on Biles with their astounding performance on the first day, and she couldn't handle it.  It happens.  That's racing.  But when you are the sole focus of the team and maybe even the entire American contingent, you gotta be better than some sneaky Russians, and she wasn't.  She was smart to withdraw; she could have been killed out there.  Nobody wants that.  

But the best don't break.  Ledecky and Lilly King both got beat in swimming after dominating last time, too, though Ledecky did win the 1500, so that's good.  But shit happens.  There's always somebody better.  Don't make excuses for failure just cuz it's your fav.

You know who never failed: Donald Trump.  He loved America so much he was the best at everything.  Trump is undefeated in Olympic competition.  He was the best business man ever.  The God Emperor of America.  The richest man in the world.  Never beaten.  Always in first place.  He loved America and freedumb and our exceptional American exceptionalism so fucking much.  A super patriot.  He never let any fucking Russian pussies stop him!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

George P. Bush Is The Most Hilarious Beta-Cuck Loser In A Family That Includes Jeb, Laura, Barbara, And Prescott The Nazi

Heh, indeedy.  Trump is a fucking king of all baggers.  These fucking assholes like this Bush goon can't help but beg for Trump to shit on them in public, and , in a family that has known mostly sublime humiliation, George P. Bush might be the most risible failson of all.  LOSER!

Rochelle Walensky Should Be Fired For Incompetence, Or Cowardice, Or Both

Walensky really fucked this up but good.  Either she is an idiot and had no idea what would happen after she told everyone and their bagger brother to take off their fucking masks in public, or she is a fucking coward who caved in to the political pressure from Ron Klain.  It doesn't really matter at this point what exactly happened, but we are now looking at another fucking coronavirus trainwreck in the United States, and Walensky's name is on the fucking tin.

The jerkonffs, the dipshits, the half-wits, and teabaggers--and a whole bunch of average, weary, vaccinated Americans--won't go back to wearing masks even as the unvaccinated fuckknobs start dying by the truckload.  Great job, Doc.  Christ.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Mathieu Van Der Poel, What The Actual Fukk

Ramp?  RAMP??  Is he serious?  Something's off with this bullshit.  How could he not know?  The rest of the racers were riding off the drop pretty confidently, so how did a race favorite not do the same?  And now some Limey bastard named Tim Pid-Cuck or Tom Pig-Cock wins the fucking race?  Jee-suss.  Completely fucking unacceptable. 

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Anna Kiesenhofer Wins In Style, Atmo

Well, well.  The Netherlands team sure looked dumb after that race.  Kiesenhofer was off the front all day and was stronger than the others in the break and pedaled herself to a gold metal.  She ran her own program this to make the Olympic team and scored a major upset as part of a nice month for Austrian cycling.  Now she's gonna have to apply her mathematics skills to figuring out if it's worth taking a break from her post doc job...

Is Joseph Mercola The Greatest Hero In History, Killing Off Baggers To Finally Make America Greater Again

Joseph Mercola may be a slimy grifter and dumber than dog shit, but his actions may do more to make America greater again than any man who every lived.  Mercola is a tremendous bagger remover, killing vile racist conservative Republicans more efficiently than anyone ever.  This is greatness.  Thanks, Trump!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Richard Carapaz, Nice

Nifty win at the Olympics.  The TdF big men had a nice showing; I hope they got the fuck out of Tokyo immediately after the race before they caught something.  Carapaz getting it done for Ecuador is cool.

Really Fantastic News From Phil Valentine

But it can still get so much better!  Valentine is a low-rent bagger fucktard who should get exactly what he deserves from the big beautiful brave patriotic coronavirus.  Thanks, Trump!

Friday, July 23, 2021

Sad Idiot Stephen Moore Thinks The USA Is Bankrupt Today

Mewling bleats of sad lickspittle conservative drone.  Moore has never, and will never, be right about anything in American life.  The US is not bankrupt; if reckless government spending could bankrupt the country, our military budget would have done just that by the fucking 1980s.  Moore is a fucking asshole who is dumber than dog shit.  First, the coronavirus HELPED Trump in the election, and despite his atrocious leadership, he almost won in 2020.  And second, Moore is sad because the coronavirus spending was a benefit to the dirty poors and blahs and hispandex people out there instead of the folks who piss in Moore's bucket.  Stephen Moore would gladly guzzle that piss all day, but some days he has to complain about any dollar that might have been given to the 99% so he doesn't get all that sweet hot steaming piss he craves.  Sad.  Thanks, Obama.

Liz Cheney Is A Vile, Cretinous Reactionary Shithead, And Matt Lewis A Soft-Headed Conservative Nitwit

Liz Cheney is a slab of human garbage, a loyal Republican, even if she can't stand Trump, a racist, reactionary revanchist cretin like every other conservative in the gods-damned country.  Matt Lewis is a mewling pissboy.  But that doesn't make Liz Cheney a hero or even human, really.  So. Cheney is actually inhuman conservative racist, war-mongering garbage.  That's better.

Guns Must Be Getting Jealous Of The Coronavirus' Position As Number One Bagger Remover

Guns need to prove to America that they can remove baggers as efficiently as the brave beautiful exceptional coronavirus, so expect to see a fuckton more hilarity for the rest of the summer.

Between corona and guntards shooting themselves and each other, we could be running out of baggers sooner than anyone dared hope.  Praise be.

The Coronavirus News Keeps Gettin' Better & Better

It's bagger suicide!  FUCK YEAH!!  Florida!  Texas!!  Missour!!!  Yee fucking haw!  Come on, corona, you big beautiful infectious bastard, get this done for the kind, decent, sane, intelligent people and kill them baggers!

Imagine If Pelosi Gave A Shit About Healthcare--Or ANYTHING--As Much As She Cares About Being A Bitch To Kevin McCarthy Over Thie Dumb Bagger Melee Committee

I mean, it's funny.  But useless.  This committee on the bagger melee should be nothing but hundreds of hours of everyone shitting on the GOP for being gross and stupid and violent and racist and dumber than dog shit in the hope that people won't vote for them next year, kinda like the 'Hillary Is A Cunt' Benghazi hearings but for Dems.  Perhaps Pelosi actually understands this.  But there are way bigger problems right now, and she should be getting off on Medicare For All instead of just making Kevin McCarthy cry.  But she won't cuz she is a vile neolib monster and sucks major ass.

Yes, Ben & Jerry's, But Good For Ben & Jerry's: BDS Is Always A Good Thing

Cheap symbolism is better than nothing, and Israel is an evil terrorist apartheid state.  Crushing racist Israel is a noble endeavour.   Nobody is free until Palestine is free.

Space Rockets Don't Explode Every Time, Unfortunately

Unfortunately.  Woulda made the world a better place if that thing had gone boom.  And been funny as fucking fuck.

I Think We All Remember Our Second Shooting

A more innocent time.  Image, just your second shooting.  The only hope we can take from this is that we know this girl will have so many more shootings in her life.  Until she doesn't.  And then she'll be dead.  Thank you jesus.  Thank you 2nd Amendment.  FREEDUMB!

If You Voted For Rapey Uncle Joe, You Voted For This Racist Reactionary Neolib Parlementarian Horseshit

That senile old racist cocksucker Rapey Uncle Joe sucks ass.  Major ass.  Major's ass.  Dems are vile racist conservative shitheads.  A not-racist, not-archconservative POTUS would not be doing this shit.

Arkansas Is The Honorary Coronavirus Capitol Of Baggerland

The baggiest baggers who ever bagged are getting the coronavirus right fucking now, and it is glorious.  Arkansas is a fucking shithole, and the racist motherfuckers infesting the state are getting exactly what they deserve.  Praise be!

Pogacar Is Already A Great Champion

A dominant performance this year.  Hope there's no milkshake duck shit on the way.  At only 22, Tadej Pogacar could be a titan of the sport if he stays healthy and finds a way to win in some other big races.  He's got time, though.  Will be fun to watch it all play out.

Vaccines Turn You Into A Tranny Gay Soy Communist, So Whatever You Do, Never Get ANY Vaccines, Republicans

Vaccine hostility amongst the conservative racist bagger Republican cohort is the greatest development in American history.  This is some hopeful shit, and we must all pray to jesus and all the rest of the gods that the beautiful brave coronavirus culls every single right-wing shithead in the USA.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Washed-Up, Elderly Wingnut-Welfare Queen Stephen Moore Has Never Been Right About A Single Thing In His Pathetic Life

Without his incessant suckling on the slimy teat of wingnut welfare for his entire life, Stephen Moore would be squatting naked and filthy and lice0ridden, covered in weeping sores, in a greasy puddle on some forgotten squalid, disintegrating backroad in baggerland eating worms and mewling to himself about liberals.  Instead, he gets to shit himself in public and proudly clap as the rest of us point and laugh.  Sad.  Thanks, Trump.

The Coronavirus Story Keeps Getting Dumber Every Day--Soon We'll All Be Baggers

Jesus fucking chirst, Americans are fucking useless.  Soon enough we'll be a year into the vaccine era--with vaccines that were 100% effective against all known strains THE WHOLE FUCKING YEAR--and yet somehow we couldn't finish off a fucking virus.  We will definitely be getting everything we deserve if this shit keeps up for just a little while longer.  Long enough for a new variant that smashes through our current vaccines to come along and send us all to fucking baggerland.  Awesome!  Thanks, Obama.

All Good, Kind, Decent, Sane Americans Should Discourage Any And All Baggers From Getting The Coronavirus Vaccine

Give the people what they want!!  Please, jesus.  The coronavirus has been solved; our vaccines work essentially 100% in preventing illness and death, but since conservatism is a mental defect, the fucking baggers don't want the shot.  And that's great news for the rest of us.  Now is the time to make sure only good, sane, decent, kind, non-baggers get the shots from now on.  Once we get rid of the baggers and conservatism is dead in America, we can finally get some shit done.  Brilliant!  Thanks, Trump.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

A Daily Reminder That Rapey Uncle Joe Is A Senile Old Racist Reactionary Bastard With A Skull Full Of Mouldering Rice Pudding

Rapey Uncle Joe is not running anything or deciding any policy because he's a senile old racist, but his staff are racist right-wing fuckers who ARE setting policy, so it works out to the same fucking disaster.  Anyone who voted that ticket is an irredeemable asshole.

If You're A Bagger, What's The Opposite Of Herd Immunity?

Ecstatic joy for everyone else?  I think so.  I hope so.  Finally my undying love for jesus fucking christ will fucking pay off with the bagger die-off.  FUCK YEAH!

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

And Now A Whole Bunch Of Folks Working In Cycling "Journalism" Are About To Get Canned

The Outside Media company already had three cycling sites PLUS Bicycle Retailer, and now they're adding a direct competitor of two of them in Cycling Tips and Pinkbike.  That's not sustainable.  And nobody believes it ever could be.  So many/most of the people at Beta, Peloton, Cycling Tips, and Pinkbike are gonna be redundant sooner rather than later.  AND all the content will be behind a paywall.  Look at how Outside fucked up VeloNews.  And if you were a bike racing person and born in 1978, you do remember the Velo-news and Velo News iterations even if you were too young for Northeast Cycling News.

The End Of Pinkbike--It Will All Be Behind A Paywall Soon Enough

And now we know why Mike Levy has been absent.  But there's nowhere to go for him.  Or any of them.  Magazines are dead.  Journalism is moribund with only the largest, shittiest outlets left; no more local papers where someone could start their career and then work their up or find their level or maybe even branch out into criticism or niche sports writing.  Gone.  Now it's all reactionary rich-kid failsons landing their first gigs at the NYT or CNN.

Pinkbike's former shameless advertorial glory will be just a memory within months, probably.  Sad.  Thanks, Obama.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

We Must Never Forget That Our Hero Andrea Mackris First Showed The World Just What A Shabby, Desperate Little Pervert Bill O'Reilly Is--With A Vibrating Falafel Jammed Up His Ass

Andrea Mackris is owed a debt by all good people who love comedy and hate disgusting, desperate little sex pests like Bill "The Falafel King" O'Reilly and his collection of vibrating butt toys he loves to have up his ass at all times.  With some bonus content about how fucking awful reactionary shithead Richard Cohen was to her and what a vile bastard that sniveling racist reactionary imbecile Michael Smerconish was as well.  Sad.  But Andrea Mackris exposed O'Reilly for all the world to point and laugh at his hilarious humiliation and chronic masturbation.  With a falafel up his ass.  Thanks, Roger Ailes.

This Is The Real Reason Sam Seder Hates Jimmy Dore So Much

"Don Cheadle owns a house." 

Seder's entire career doesn't amount to seven minutes as funny as this bit.

Katy Winton: Wee Bit Of Wee Big Bike

Pinkbike delivering the advertainment.  Those Nukeproof bikes are okay for what you get, I guess.

That Assassination In Haiti? Was The US Behind That? Yes, Of Course

Like duh.  The geniuses from Colombia were stinking of US involvement.  Subtle, guys.  Jesus christ.

When The Baggers Are Gone, All The Problems Will Disappear

Bigotry, hatred, that awful stench, inanity, all of it will be gone when the baggers all die of COVID.  Thank the lords.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Maybe Fox "News" Will Be The Key To Eradicating The Disease Of Conservatism From The American Body Politic

Nobody who is fully vaccinated will get sick from COVID now, and cases and deaths are going up, so that means all the serious illness and death come from the conservative fucktard teabagging cohort.

Which is the best news in human history.

Fox "News" is doing their best to kill of conservatives and conservatism, so rock on, assholes.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Please Pray To Jesus And Hope That The Baggers Might Just Do The Lords' Work That Cornavirus Was Too Lazy To Do

And kill all the baggers.  I heartily encourage dipshit Alex Berenson and every other single fucking conservative, racist, teabagger, GOP member, Trump voter, libertarian half-wit, Proud Boy, CPAC groupie, and all the rest to definitely not get the vaccine.  Or any vaccines.  FUCK YEAH!

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Da' Bears, Montana Bikepacking Edition

Oops.  Be careful out there.  Watch out for Da' Bears.  I'm not sure we got the whole entire story here, but it sucks to be killed by a bear like that regardless.

The bear got shot by Fish & Wildlife agents, so.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Damon Linker: Exceptional Conservative Nitwit

Nobody tell this asshole Linker that the problems schools will have with the newest coronavirus mutations in the fall of 2021 were set in stone in the winter of 2020 when the nation did not embody the idea that all Americans would get the vaccine as soon as it was available to them, no questions, no exemptions, no complaints, no exceptions.  This would have created the herd immunity scenario where the delta variant and whatever else comes next would not gain a foothold in the US.  But no, Trump and his band of merry bagger idiots fucked that up royally, and Rapey Uncle Joe and his stooge Rochelle Walensky have only made things worse now.  So Damon Linker and the rest of the reactionary racist conservative dimwits out there are just going to have live with the future hellscape we all worked so hard to create in the spring and summer of 2020.  Sad.  Thanks, Obama.

So, The Corona Olympics Are Off To A Grand Start

No problems here.  Everything will be fine.  

If they decided to go through with the Olympics after last year, well, Japan should have been the first country to get the vaccine.  A 15% vaccination rate is not gonna cut it, and they could be looking at a fucking disaster.

But maybe they'll get lucky this time. 


Thursday, July 8, 2021

I Wonder What Happened In 2008 That Made Nitwit Racist Reactionary Bagger Sean G. Turnbull Completely Lose His Shit?

The Washington Post doesn't mention it, so they probably don't know either.  At the Post, you have to be at least as dumb as Jeff Bezos--or act like it--if you wanna keep your job...

Anywho, this hard-right racist asshole Turnbull is a teabagging grifter, liar, coward, and loon.  Who could've ever seen that coming?  Good job, Amazon journalists.

Apparently Cenk Uygur Was Always A Titanic Asshole

But he's gone full-on ocean-going reactionary lunatic with this shit now.  This is beyond nuts, as he keeps doubling down on the grossest smears and most obvious misrepresentations.  You don't gotta respect the man OR hustle.  In the end all these dipshits are careerist weasels first and, at the end, only.  Michael Brooks was glaring example.  Kyle Kulinski has finally come out all the way out.  It's not just the shameless and shallow grifters like TYT and Sam Seder.  Glenn Greenwald is having fun with this shit tho.  He's an alright guy.

Lauren Boebert Is Dumber Than Dog Shit

Even John Wayne or Ronald Reagan woulda been like 'Da Fuq?' if they heard that psycho bitch Lauren Boebert come out with that dumb shit.  Conservatism is a fatal mental defect.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

What Are The Chances That The Terrorist Bagger Who Came Up With The Idea Of Bible Study Bomb Making Was Wearing Shear Lingerie And Was From The FBI

Pretty much 100%.  Those baggy cocksuckers didn't come up with that shit on their own.  It took the self-hating closet-case fascists at the FBI.

IF Vaccinated People Can't Get Real Sick With Corona Right Now, But CAN Infect Baggers...

Win fucking win!  Of course, after a while, a new mutation will come around that breaks through the available vaccines with ease, and then we will all be fucked.

Mark Cavendish: Yeah, Wow, Atmo

Another great sprint from Cavendish yesterday, after a monstrous leadout from pretty much his entire team.  He's going out with a statement, because I'd imagine he'll be nowhere near a sprint win next year, but I guess I could be wrong...

When The Elderly Men Start Discussing Deep Purple Vs. Led Zeppelin, Well...

Jesus christ, Led Zepplin was fucking awful.  Over-rated is a thing, and that thing is Led Zeppelin.  Just. So. Dumb. Ritchie Blackmore, great player.  Now it's nap time for the TB crew.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Army Man Bad, So Don't Forget Your Birth Control, Very Dumb Ladies Who Love Bad Army Men

Kinda hard to believe that this guy is still walking around and that so many fucking airheads fell for his obvious horseshit.  But, I guess if we didn't have people like this reproducing like vermin, baggerism and other forms of conservative mental retardation, along with the GOP as a whole, would have died out by now.

Hot Corona Summer In Baggerland! Hell YEAH!

Let us pray that this beautiful brave exceptional patriotic coronavirus does the lords' work and brings the sickness and death home to every bagger, racist, conservative, GOP voter, libertarian, dipshit, nitwit, halfwit racist and every other flavor or reactionary moron in gods' favorite America.  Wicked hot coronavirus summer.  Amen, atmo.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Virag's Movie Reviews: The Tomorrow War (2021)

Oh shit this flick was way long.  At first I thought this was going to be a mini-series or some shit, but it was purportedly a real movie.  

But that can't be right.  It looks cheap as fuck.  And it was at least two dumb movies that didn't really go well together.  The J. Jonah Jamieson movie woulda been the better part to go with here.  At least Paul Giamatti wasn't in it for christ's sake.

Surely a case of a film not being saved in editing.  Why didn't they send all the intel and weapons back from the future?  Stop the problem before it began; all you needed were some big fucking guns and napalm.  I thought for sure J.K. Simmons was gonna be in the future, too, with the daughter.  Jesus this thing was dumb.


1: The Alien sequel where the xenomorphs reach Earth;

2: But it's actually an episode of Stargate SG-1 budget-wise;

3: Starship Troopers, only no fun;

And that's the flick.

Pretty Good Corona News From Springfield, MO

A good fucking sign.  This could still wind up being a wonderful coronavirus ending for racist teabagging America.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Mathieu Van Der Poel Had A Good Week, Atmo

It was a nice run in the yellow jersey, keeping the lead after the short time trial and blowing up in the first alpine stage.  Good week.  Pogacar was a beast on the first day in the mountains, but maybe it was too soon...

Jesus Christ This Is Pathetic

The Gossip Kids just keep getting sadder and dumber.  At least now Terrell J. Starr, Russia "expert", does not stand out as the most singularly inane Black Gossip Kid after this...

Friday, July 2, 2021

Jim Clyburn Is One Of The Most Toxic Reactionaries In The US Government

Jim Clyburn is a corrupt conservative and an Unlce Tom for the Fox generation.  He should be flushed into the cesspool of history along with shitbags Breyer and RBG..

Mountain Biking Providing Some Olympic Drama From USA Cycling

Scumbags.  The whole lot.  Racing is such a shitshow once national governing bodies like USAC get involved.  If USAC gets a discretionary pick, that pick had better consistently be a clutch performer--and if the coaches' pick always sucks, get new coaches.  Otherwise, you can burn down the Olympics and salt the earth any time, and we'd all be better off...

The Democrats Are A Failure As A Party, Unless Their Mission Is To Be A Feckless Reactionary Partner Of The GOP

AOC is a joke, but that has been obvious since she fired her chief of staff at Pelosi's behest just a few months into her first term.  The Dems are a failure.  

Fantastic News That Donald Rumsfeld Is Dead!

Sadly it came eight decades too late.  If only Hell were a real place where spiky demon cocks could be violated Rumsfeld's skull holes for eternity...