Thursday, September 30, 2021

Not Breaking News: Opposition To COVID Vaccine Mandates Is More Right-Wing Horseshit, Pure Bowel Movement Conservatism In Action

Everyone should be able to understand this, as the United States has plenty of vaccine mandates in place--and they have saved lives for decades.  

Even Jimmy Dore and his stans, teabagging shitheads, Free RePubic lunatics, and Convo Couchers should be able to get this, too, atmo.

Opposition to getting the vaccine out to everyone medically able to be vaccinated is another reactionary movement against reason, sanity, and the.American people,  It's nothing more than a continuation of the same bowel movement conservative plan in place for the last 50 years: keep Americans ignorant, keep Americans afraid, keep Americans poor, keep Americans sick, and those Americans will remain easy to control.

Get the shots, you fucking morons.

Baggers Going To Prison: The Other Bagger Remover

Heh, indeedy.  Always nice to see a teabagging fuckface go to federal prison.  Thanks, Trump.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Attn. Baggers, Libertarians, Jimmy Dore Stans, Convo Couchers, And Anti-Science Assholes Of All Stripes: Your Side Was Wrong Again

When are you assholes gonna get tired of being wrong.

So that heart thing was bullshit.  Another pre-print that trips over the first hurdle. 

You horse paste eating motherfuckers have not been right yet.

Get the fucking shot and shut the fuck up.  It's time.

Y'all are literally too stupid to live.

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Brave Beautiful Exceptional Patriotic Bagger Remover Needs Baggers To Stay Dumb And Scared

Never let a bagger learn a fucking thing.  Jesus needs to keep 'em stupid to help the bagger remover work.  No truth for baggers.  Let stay paranoid and unhinged.  Praise be.  Thanks, Trump! 

Just Great News From Ben Garrison

But it can still get better!

I'm gratified that he is unvaccinated AND will not be going to the hospital.  Keep scarfing that horse paste, Ben!

hopes and prayers to my friend jesus that the better news comes after a long and difficult and futile struggle.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Hey Kids, Don't Listen To Bagger Idiots Like Ron DeSantis About Natural Immunity To The Rona--It Could Kill You

Get the shots.  Natural immunity is worth about as much as a gin and tonic or the sheep dewormer, but the vaccines will keep you alive even if you catch the rona.

It works on teabaggers, too.

As much as it pains me to say.

So get the fukkin' shots, for the love of christ.  Conservatism is a mental defect, and it now it can kill you.  Ron DeSantis is dumber than dog shit.

Fantastic News From KC

BAGGER DOWN!  Unvaccinated bagger down.  Always good to see the bagger remover removing the baggers.  Thanks, jesus.

Ron DeSantis Is Killing Off The Florida Bagger--Praise Be

Because DeSantis is dumber than dog shit, poor stupid Florida Man teabaggers are dropping like fucking flies.  I mean, it's fucking awesome, but those disgusting bagger cocksuckers could have survived just fine if they had been given the rona vaccine.  Hilarious.  Thanks, jesus.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Florida Man Bagged America's Frontline Doctors To Make Sure The Bagger Removier Removes Every Single Florida Bagger

Florida's bagger in chief picked a screaming imbecile to bet  new chief doctor in Florida.  Nice.  He manged to find the dumbest affirmative action admit to Harvard Medical School to be his mouthpiece of medical and scientific fucktardery to help jesus kill the disgusting baggers in Florida.  Praise be.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Breitbart Bagger John Nolte Figured Out How Part Of The Bagger Remover Works

Lucky for us, baggers are too stupid to understand.  For now, despite Nolte's revelation, the bagger remover will continue to remove baggers because jesus loves us so fucking much and hates disgusting racist baggers more than anything.  Praise be.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

New Transition Sentinel AF

Nice.  All these fucking bikes are obscenely expensive now, but this is a wicked sled.

Jesus, I Never Knew Anderson Cooper Was An Actual CIA Operative

So much more than a failson pissboy on CNN.

It's nuts when you see it all laid out at once. 

Cooper was graduated from Dalton 'a semester early' so he could 'travel through Africa'.  What an odd thing to do, leave your fancy rich-boy Manhattan school before the end of your senior year, the funnest time in high school.

Then he attended Yale.

And interned with the CIA.

After college he 'visited' countries in Asia while 'working in the news business' and even 'studied' in Hanoi.

Then he god more jobs in 'news' until he winds up on primetime at CNN.

Anderson Cooper's been working for the CIA since high school.

How fucking brazen.  He's lucky nobody in any of those foreign countries put it together when he was younger.

The Dems Are Useless And You Should Never Vote For Them: Latest Parliamentarian Horseshit Edition

The Dems do not want to accomplish anything worthwhile.

Rapey Uncle Joe, Schumer, and Pelosi are all in on the plan.

The Senate Parliamentarian has no power and can be overruled by the Majority Leader or VP.

Schumer cleared the table for all the worst Senators including Sinema in AZ.

Pelosi is a hard-right neolib.

Rapey Uncle Joe is a GOP enabler his entire career.  

If you vote for the Dems you're a fool.

So, It Turns Out Pinkbike Is NOT The Place To Find Trenchant Analysis About Afghanistan

But jesus, this is dumb.  I'm pretty sure the shitshow in Afghanistan did not start this year.  Women, men, children, goats, lithium have been fucked for a while thanks to the whims of the western powers.  Thanks, Carter.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Dr. Alan Braid Might Be The Best Man In Texas

Best Man in Texas is a low fucking bar, but Dr. Braid seems to be doing the thing every single decent person in Texas should have been doing since the day this law took effect: fighting it.  So, time to get with the program Texas, and flush those anti-choice fundie bagger cocksuckers into the cesspool of history.

RBG Was A Nasty Old Neolib Too Stupid And/Or Selfish To Retire At The Proper Time

RBG stans are the grossest of the Hildos, KHive, Liz Lasses, shitlibs, neolibs, Dems, whatever you wanna call 'em.  Ginsburg made America measurably worse with her behavior.  Just fucking disgusting.  Thanks, Obama.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Fabulous News From Laura Loomer

News that can get so much better.  Jesus gotta do his bagger remover miracle here, boyo.  Praise be.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Larry Elder Was So Creepy And Awful That He Single-Handedly Wrecked The Entire Recall

Conservatives are such hilarious little pain piggies.  The entire gods-damned state was disgusted by the feckless Gavin Newsom, yet the GOP couldn't even manage to engineer a recall after they were gifted the opportunity by a judge.  The Republicans in California allowed the grotesque Larry Elder to become the face of the recall, and that was that.  Brilliant.  Only the most demented bagger would ever consider voting for a vile asshole like Larry Elder.  Thanks, Trump.

You Can Skip The Oreos During The Strike, Chubs

Solidarity is good for you.  Cookies, not so much.  So, when the strike is over, you can go back to your snacks if you must.

The 1312 Project: Millersville, Tennessee Edition

There ain't no good cops.  Officer Friendly is a racist thug.  Millersville could be anywhere.  Millersville is everywhere.  ACAB.

Baggers Are Doin' It For Themselves!

Suicide, that is.  The brave beautiful exceptional patriotic bagger remover has the easiest job in the fukkin' world.  Jesus hates baggers more than you do.  Praise be.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Astounding Bagger Suicide Pact Rocks Idaho

Jesus chirst these baggers are fucking nuts.  I guess if you need medical attention in Idaho, your fukked.  Did somebody forget ot tell these asswipes that a safe, free vaccine could have prevented all this horror?  Whoopsie.  Thanks, Trump.

Thank The Gods For Tennessee Baggers

Tennessee is chock full of very stable geniuses.  The beautiful brave exceptional patriotic bagger remover works even better when the baggers are doing all they can to remove themselves!  Praise be.  Thanks, Trump.

Larry Elder Is Sick To Death Of All the Winning

Finished behind blank is good.

Jesus christ.  

Cucked by Gavin Newsom.

Republicans suck so fucking hard.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

So, General Milley Cyrus Was Not Gonna Let Tiny Dicked Moist Orange Dotard Donald Trump Nuke China

Imagine that.  I think the general may have done the right thing, even if  he probably should have resigned and gone public after the phone call.   The racist bagger cocksuckers are not happy, and that tells you that General Milley Cyrus was right.  Trump is such a fucking cuck.

Shame On Jimmy Dore For Promoting An Obviuosly Unhinged Liar Like Robert Malone

Robert Malone is a liar.  He lied about "inventing" mRNA technology, and he's lied repeatedly about the coronavirus vaccines and Ivermectin.  Shame on Dore for signal boosting this asshole.  People are dying because of this shit, and not just bagger assholes.  Dore should know better than this.  This video is worth watching at 2x speed because you can really see how the anti-vaxx dipshits and libertarian imbeciles, even credentialed ones like Malone, operate.  It's kinda gross.

Plus, Malone makes a shit ton of very obvious medical and scientific mistakes and misstatements in this video.  Dore is clueless, obviously, but Malone is still peddling Ivermectin, so you know he's not just lying but also dumber than dog shit.  Time to revoke his medical license.

Florida Baggers Can't Stop Won't Stop Committing Suicide

Jesus sure hates Florida Man.  I mean, if those Florida baggers had gotten the shots, they'd be alive today.  christ.

Not Breaking News: The Racist Reactionary Dipshits At Free RePubic Are Fucking Gross Cowards And Bullies

But you shoulda known that already.  The revachist bagger cocisuckers at Free RePubic could not be any grosser if they tried, regardless of how many people they insult.  Tough guys who would definitely get their asses kicked by most any high school girl.

The Best Possible News Regarding Bob Enyart! Praise Be!

He ded.


Thank you jesus for killing this vile cocksucker.

Rose McGowan Should Know Better Than To Campaign For A Reactioanry Scumbag Like Larry Elder


Elder is not a friend to women, men, children, pets, decency, intelligence, or sanity,

Yes, Newsom is a dick, but McCowan's gotta be smarter than this.

Never support a reactionary in anything.  Conservatism is a mental defect.


The Baggers At Free RePubic Can't Give Up That Paranoid Ivermectin Fever Dream

Our policy should be to encourage baggers to take as much Ivermectin as they can until they shit out their entire digestive tract.  Much more entertaining than baggers getting a vaccine that will save their lives essentially 100$ of the time.

The New Picard Trailer Looks Terrible

Pointless, mundane, tedious, lazy.  Jesus christ, this was the fucking plot of ST a bunch of times already.  What a shitshow.

Bagger Carnage Is Levelling Up

What the fuck is wrong with people?  Pregnant people should have been advised by their doctors to get the shot.  And parents of young children who can't get the shots yet.  Jesus horsehide christ. 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

How Much Longer Will The American People Allow Demented Religious Lunatics Like Jonathan Franklin Mitchell To Ruin Our Society?

The state of Texas is more backward and primitive than Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia or Israel.  Mitchell and revanchist idiots like Gregg Abbott and Ron DeSantis are destroying our society, and I have a hard time understanding why the true majority let them get away with it.  Conservatism is a mental defect.  Religious people are fucking stupid.

Healthcare is a human right.  Abortion is healthcare.

Nancy Pelosi Could Not Suck Any Harder Or Be Any More Of An Unhinged Reactionary If She Tried

Brave of her to admit so starkly that the feckless Dems need the GOP to lead on the conservative agenda they both support. I'm not sure she was supposed to be clear in front of the proles tho.  Pelosi is a gross conservative every bit as horrible as Ted Crus or Barack Obama.

Get Your Shots, Kids: It Will Save Your Life If You Get The Rona

The life you save will be your own.  Let the baggers die off from stupidity; we'll get drunk and piss on their graves.  If racist teabagging reactionaries are too stupid to live, it's not your fault, so drink up.

The US Was Exposed On 9/11 As Not Simply Weak And Helpless But Also Utterly Craven And Gormless

Hardly anyone stood up, and certainly no one in authority, against the lies and batshit insanity and cruelty and atrocity.  The American people were gulled into sublime supplication of the worst people who ever lived.  Bin Laden and his band of screaming lunatics won a great victory on that day.  They scared an empire into accelerated suicide.

George W. Bush Is More Awful Than You Remember

Having that idiot bob up today was a greater atrocity than the flying of the planes into the fucking .  buildings.  How the fuck are Bush, Cheney, and the rest of those war criminals still running around loose.

Donald Trump Is A Mainstream Republican, A Lardy, Orange Moist And Breathtakingly incompetent Mainstream Republican With A Hilariously Misshampen Undersized Penis, But A Mainstream Republican All The Way

Fortunately, Trump was petty and selfish along with stunningly incompetent and dumber than do shit, but he was no aberration.  Trump was the essence of everything most vile about conservatives in general and the GOP in particular.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

The New Ultegra Group Is A Shitshow, Atmo

Dura Ace, like XTR, is always a disaster, so the bar is as low as it can for those groups, but Ultegra had been a worthwhile choice for a long time, especially as Campag retreated into the highest niche of the market and Sram has made nothing but the worst garbage for all their road groups for years now.

No more.

The lack of a proper mechanical group with rim brakes is a fucking disaster.  12 speed sucks AND blows, too, since the cassettes don't offer proper gearing anymore.  At least 11-speed Ultegra still had a reasonable 12-25 choice.

If you need mountain bike gears on your road racing style bike, find another hobby.

Too bad.

It's really fucking obscenely expensive, too.

Everyone running 1985 Super Record or a nice Superbe Pro kit looks smarter every day.

Twitter's Own Garbage Ape Is Nothing More Than A Less-Elderly TBogg

And Greenwald is right.

Greenwald is a libertarian boy.

He's a contrarian crank.

But he's right.

You don't have to like him or agree with him on everything, and it IS hilarious to watch him throw a tantrum, but that's Glenn Greenwald.

Sr. Garbage Ape is a smarmy, wiseass, comfortable, wealthy, privileged white dude or dudette who knows that no matter what, they're not gonna be in any existential distress ever over anything so it's perfectly fun to be a fucking troll 24/7.

Like TBogg.

Not Breaking News: LIbertarians Are Prone To Being Thin-Skinned Contrarian Cranks

But Glenn Greenwald is not the same as Bret Weinstein for christ's sake.  Greenwald being an absolutely pissy bastard is not an unexpected development.  He's not exactly humorless, but he's a libertarian crank at heart so he can't help himself.  Matt Taibbi shitting on establishment media nitwits is not a surprise in 2021.  More than anything, Ryan Cooper is one of those pissboys and doesn't like the attention.  Boo fucking hoo.

If You Think Vaccines Spread Disease, There's A Seat For You On The Convo Couch

Americans are fucking dumb.  They know nothing.  Even a high school student should understand this basic biology shit.  

Viruses reproduce quickly. leading to many mutations.

Uncontrolled transmission is key to those mutations spreading.

Some mutations will be more dangerous than the original.

Vaccines help stop uncontrolled transmission and the spread of new variants.

Vaccines stop the disease when it can no longer spread to a vulnerable host.

The Convo Couch will never understand this.

Vietnam's Coronavirus Vaccination Rate Is 3%, So You're Not Getting That Plastic Bike Frame Any Time Soon

Vietnam is a source for lots of plastic bike frames.  They had COVID beaten back for a while, but a delay in the worldwide vaccination program has fucked them royally.  Their vaccination rate is 3%, but unlike the united state, Vietnam has a plan to vaccinate the people.  So that's something.

I wonder how many baggers Vietnam will have who refuse to get the shots?

Hey! Remember When Children Were 'Immune' To Coronavirus And Schools Were 'Safe'

How's that working out?  All the assholes who kept saying over and over with absolutely no evidence that kids didn't get corona and schools weren't hot spots had better hope their horseshit holds up over the next few months.

Thank Christ Real America Is Over Covid--The Bagger Remover Thanks All The Gods For That!!

Real America is a place that's real.  And American.  A place where men like to watch the naked wrestlers and touch them in the shower.  A place where Jerry Sandusky is a hero to so many bagger congressman.  Real American closet-case perverts.  They're real.  And American.  And the bagger remover will deal with them we hope to the gods.  Praise be.  Thanks, Trump!

Jair Bolsonaro Can't Even Protect Trump's Boy Jason Miller In Brazil--What A Cuck!

Damn that's funny.  I bet Miller pissed himself thinking he was going to be dragged out there and shot.  Thanks, Obama!

If This Pandemic Truly Was Our American Moon Shot, Then Our First Rocket Test Blew Up On The Launch Pad And Killed Millions

What a tremendous fuck up this whole coronavirus thing has been.  The US could have beaten back the pandemic domestically at the start of the year and could have spent the last eight months beating back the pandemic around the fucking world.  But no, we have baggers and racists and fucking Rapey Uncle Joe stans killing us all.  Thanks, Obama.

Fucking Genius Optics That Rapey Uncle Joe Presided Over A Cessation Of Unemplyment Benefits On Labor Day

The fucking Dems should have extended the program, obviously, but in typical Dem fashion, they do the wrong thing in the ugliest manner imaginable.

The Dems are going to get slaughtered next year.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Joe Rogan Surely Got The Vaccine As Soon As It Was Available, And The Worm Medicine Did Nothing But Cure His Worms

Rogan was one of the first people in the country who got vaccinated, and anyone who doesn't believe that is a fucking fool.  If he really had COVID, that's why his illness was non-existent, and if he DIDN'T have the virus, he was just saying he did because TMZ had video of him picking up some medicine for his worm problem at the drug store.

Attn. Dave Sirota: The Dems Are A Far-Right Party And Have Been For 60 Years

Dave Sirota should know that.  Dave Sirota does know that.  Dave Sirota does not go by Dave.  The 2016 primary was the death of the Democratic Party being anything other than a junior varsity racist right-wing GOP. 

I wonder if Sirota regrets not running Rapey Uncle Joe out of the 2020 primary over Social Security when he had the chance, killing that old racist bastard's hopes so ded that not even Obama's necromancy would have been able to revive them to stop Sanders.  Whether it was Sanders' orders or Sirota's incompetence, it was an inexcusable mistake and cost Sanders the presidency and sent the USA beyond redemption.

How Many More Stories Of Florida Man Baggers Dying Because They Were Too Stupid To Get A Safe And Effective Vaccine

I mean, jesus.  These fucking assholes would be alive today if they had been smart enough to get the fucking vaccine.

Or if we had a vaccine mandate.

Which would protect all of us from bagger idiots and murderous scum like Ron DeSantis.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Kristi Noem Is A Deeply Troubled Woman Who Is In Love With Lardy, Moist, Orange, Micro-Penised Donald Trump


Noem is an execrable governor and a vile cunt, but holy shit that poor dumb woman is demented.  Somebody get her some professional help.

Ron DeSantis Is A Mass Murderer Who Used Racist Bagger Incompetence To Kill Tens Of Thousands

I mean, yeah, it's Florida, but at least some of those victims didn't deserve to die a bagger's death at the hands of such an execrable bastard as Ron DeSantis.  Even for Florida, DeSantis is disgustingly stupid and useless.  

Get the vaccine; don't eat horse paste; don't be a teabagger.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Jesus Fukkin' Christ, Matt Lewis Is Dumber Than Dog Shit

The reason nobody is courting the never-Trump neocon assholes like Bill Kristol and Matt Lewis are racist reactionary war-mongering right-wing assholes who have been on the wrong side of every issue in America since the beginning of the fucking country.  Nobody wants anything to do with a syphilitic fuckwit like Matt Lewis.  Conservatism is a mental defect.

Hey, Stillwithering Hildos, KHive Nitwits, Neolibs, Liz Lasses, Obama Fluffers, Establishment Dem "Feminists", You Know Who Would Have Protected Abortion Rights As President?

Bernie Sanders.

Jill Stein.

Ralph Nader.

Hillary Clinton picked an anti-choice zealot as her VP.

Barack Obama put conservatives on the courts.

Bill Clinton put horrible reactionaries on the courts.

None of them did jack shit to prevent the religious lunatics in Texas from getting their way.

Nice job assholes.

Bagging Texas Style

Ded.  Jesus christ people in Texas are fucking stupid.  I guess we can be grateful that this bagger kid didn't choke to death on horse paste.

A vaccine mandate would have saved her life.

Does Laurence Tribe Remember Who Hillary Clinton Picked As Her Running Mate?

Has shitlib Laurence Tribe ever looked at the judges Dems put on the courts?  Is Prof Tribe a disingenuous neolib prick?  We may never know the answers to these questions, but tune in next time for another exciting episode of Bullshit, or Not?

Obviously On The Way Next Year If David Crosby's Plan Works: Reunion Tours For Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young And The Byrds

If any elderly people are left alive next year, I can only assume that Crosby is fixin' to take some of their money with the greatgrandad rock tours.  Or not.  Who fucking cares.  These people are like a thousand years old and haven't been good since most people alive today were fucking born.

Just A Reminder That This Screaming Lunaitc And Bad-Faith Actor Has A Kid

Jeebus wept.  It IS funny tho that all these assholes like Doyle hated the men who ran for office and would have been the strongest defenders of abortion and reproductive healthcare but loved the right-wing anti-abortion women like Hillary Clinton--VP pick a staunch anti-choice activist in Tim Kaine--who worked every day to destroy the rights of everyone.  Sublime.

All these neolib fuckers are dumber than dog shit.  Just like every other conservative.

Liberty University Is The Baggiest Educational Institution In The Land

Those helpless bastards are getting savaged by the brave beautiful exceptional American bagger remover.  It will be fun to watch how this shitshow plays out for our grand entertainment.  Nobody with any functioning brain tissue would have gone to Liberty University before corona...

All Those Stillwithering Hildos And Other Assorted Shitlibs Got Played By That Nasty Old Reactionary Ruth Bader Ginsburg And The Feckless Conservative Simp Barack Obama

Nice job assholes.  You killed yourselves.  Without the Clintons, Trump would never have had the balls to even run for office, and the neolib women lionized a vile old conservative woman instead of telling the old bat to get the fuck off the court before she croaked.  

Kate Harding is clearly dumber than dog shit and about to get exactly what she deserves.

Unfortunately, many innocent people who are not stupid and nasty are gonna get that treatment, too.

The Only Truth In The Universe: Jesus Hates Disgusting Racist Florida Baggers More Than I Do

That crazy bastard jesus is slaughtering the fucking teabaggers in Florida like they were all first-born sons in that bible cartoon.  This is easily the greatest development in human history.  Baggers lining up to be killed when they could save their miserable lives so fucking easily.  Praise be.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Primoz Roglic, Damn

What a monster Roglic was today.  He was ready to take that jersey exactly when he wanted to, and nobody else could follow.  Masterful display of dominance. 

Abortion Is Health Care And Abortion Is An Absolute Right In Any Free Society, AKA Fuck Texas Racist Reactionary Bagger Scum

How long till all those vile Texans are ded from corona?  Please jesus, make it today!

There's never any shame in abortion.  There's no shame in getting a vaccine, either.  Or a checkup.  Or your teeth cleaned.  Or new glasses.  It's all good.  

Freedom is real, but conservatism is a mental defect.

Bagger Governors Have Killed More Baggers In The Last 18 Months Than Anyone Could Have Ever Hoped

Praise be!  Without all these fucking bagger retard governors working so fucking hard to make sure as many disgusting racist teabaggers as possible die from the beautiful brave exceptional patriotic coronavirus, well, the decent Americans out there would not be so fucking overjoyed.  Thanks, Trump!