Rapey Uncle Joe Is Trying To Do The Impossible With The Railroad Unions: Be Worse Than Barack HUSSEIN Obama

Rapey Uncle Joe is a real vile reactionary bastard.

The Dems suck huge ass.

And nobody could ever be worse than Obama, but Rapey Uncle Joe is giving it his all.

Never, ever vote for Dems.


Monday, November 28, 2022

PA's Big John Is Gonna Be A Bigger Chris Murphy Soon

Or a Sheldon Whitehouse.

Or Sherrod Brown.

A mostly useless Dem Senator who doesn't suck as hard as Tim Fucking Kaine.

So Apparently Ancient Rome IS Real--Who Knew?

It's gettin' so you can't trust anybody these days.

Next you'll be telling more Elron Musk is a fraud and moron.

Or that Jimmy Dore is not 100% VINDICATED!

Elron Musk, Apartheid Emerald Guy, Is A Big Fan Of Racists And Nazis??

Who did nazi that...

Everyone should be astounded that the giant fucking idiot who grew up on apartheid money is a yuge racist Nazi stan.

Simply astounded.

Thanks, Obama.

The Single Best Thing The Dems Have Done In A Great While Ended Because Rapey Uncle Joe Sucks Ass

And the 'progressives' in the House suck major ass.

And Senator from Wesleyan Michael Bennet sucks dog dicks.

It wasn't Joe Man's Chin.

The Dems didn't give a shit because they are worthless.

Never, ever vote for Dems.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Thurston, This Is Randy Watt, A Ded Bagger! Praise Be!

The fucking baggers killed themselves!

The beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover was nothing without the the baggers being too stupid to save their own lives.

All the ded baggers have truly made America greater again.

Under his eye.

This is the best of us: gross conservative assholes dying because they're reactionary morons with help from the blessed holy bagger remover.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Tim Pool Is Exactly The Sort Of Creepy, Pedo-Looking, Closet-Case Loser That Y'all Need To Keep Away From The Children

And farm animals.

That nasty bald misshapen head motherfuckin' closet-case manlet is an Elon Musk style pedo if I've ever seen one.

And I have seen one. 

Tim Pool.

Trump's Loyal Bagger Fucktard Army Will Never Support The GOP Without Trump

Ride or die with Trump for those sorry bastards.

And the death will be the death of the GOP.

The Free RePubic baggers will never be reliable Republican votes ever again once Trump is gone.

Under his eye.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Tales From The Darker Sides Of The End Of Your Life

Y'all really fucked this place up.

Heh, indeedy.

The USA is the biggest shithole out there now thanks to you execrable reactionary fucks.


Thanks, Madison.

Caroline Ellison, Billy Evans, Sam Bankrun-Fraud: The Truth About The MIT Economics Department Is Out There

Econ at MIT is not exactly a meritocracy.

Plus Jeffery Epstein.

Can't forget about Epstein.

MIT is full of dumdums too.

Pro tip: effective altruism is oligarchy for dummies.  Just ask Matty Yglesias.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Elizabeth Holmes Has The Perfect Pussy For A Super Dumb Trustfund Bro

Clearly!  That poor bastard.

Nine years younger dick for that sad old lady Elizabeth Holmes.  And knocked her up twice!

Lucky for Holmes that her baby daddy has a generous trust fund.  The rest of us would have been waayyy better off if Billy Evans' fortune had been taxed out of existence in 1960.

Too bad none of the Theranos investors took the time to visit a biochem class at their local state college before they gave this whore a dime.


Thursday, November 17, 2022

What The Hell Were They Thinking With This?

2 things:

1) Greg Lake was better than Wetton.  Something was always off about John Wetton.  The best thing about him was his Gibson Victory bass.

2) Steve Howe is/was an excellent guitar player live, even if the music was never my bag.

3) I hate prog. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Georgia Republicans Demand Only The Best People: Herschel Walker!

What the fuck is going on?

Holy shit that poor dumb bastard Walker is a special kind of fella.

You really do love too see it.

Thanks, Trump!

Praise Be! Trump Is The Sad And Helpless Little Hero The GOP Needs Right Fucking Now

Heh, indeedy.

Trump will be remembered as the wonderful man who finally killed the GOP.

Pat Buchanan couldn't manage it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Trump, Kari Lake, And The Drooling Baggers Eating Shit In Arizona Is The Last Funfetti Of The Election

Good times.

All the baggers are butthurt over this one most of all.

You really do love to see it.

Heh, indeedy.

Thanks, Obama.

Now All The Shitlib Strivers And Hustlers And Grifters Can Go Back To Their Usual Reactionary Scamming

Hate the game AND the players.

Christopher Bouzy is a really gross neolib asshole.

He and Michael Moore and Simon Rosenberg and that Boner guy all decided to stake out the contrarian Dem cheerleader space, but Bouzy had the most to gain since he started with the least.

I'm sure other folks with no platform and no visibility saw something weird happening in the days and weeks before the election, but they had no way to get that shit out there in order to make a quick buck.  Ahem.

And Bouzy was wrong on his big guess, but the Rapey Uncle Joe stans, KHive slut queen worshipers, stillwithhering Hildos, Obama fluffers, and all the rest of the rock-ribbed establishment Dems will buy whatever garbage this guy is selling now.

They're as dumb or dumber than the most meth-addled inbred MAGA CHUD.


Thanks, Trump.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Not Breaking News: The New York Times Is A Dumb Reactionary Fishwrap Full Of Shabby Copaganda & There Never Was A Liberal Media

The New York Times is written for dummies by dummies to serve the interest of vile and violent dummies.

That's the only news fit to print.

And when the NYT people are not fucking up, they're lying, creating a narrative to serve their masters at the expense of the citizenry and society.

Because the NYT is part of the conservative political & media establishment, and it always has been.

And it will not change until the top marginal tax rate is 100% and we abolish billionaires.

The Times doesn't want you to notice that the folks in Burlington are already dealing with the theft problem without the help of the fucking cops.


Sunday, November 13, 2022

Even Considering The Bagger Obliteration, Sean Patrick Maloney Might Be The Most Wicked Awesome Story Of This Election

Fuck you, you disgusting fucking Mick cocksucker.

Lazy AND stupid AND gross, just like a reactionary drunken Irish goon should be.

So fucking glorious to watch this miserable racist bastard get skullfucked AND cost the Dems the House.

Heh, indeedy.

Unfortunately, the piece of shit will probably win next cycle, but, for today, he's a bigger loser than Donald Fucking Trump.


Thanks, AOC

Praise Be And Thank You Jeezus: The Free RePubic Forum Has Been So Much Fukking Fun This Past Week

I fucking hate vile racist reactionary teabaggers so fucking much.  Watching them suffer has been sublime.  If only we could enjoy their pain and torture without the gods damned Dems getting the benefit.

Trump is wrecking these poor disgusting fuckers.  Half want to die for Trump and half are shitting their diapers because Trump fucked them so hard.

Those miserable bagger fucks watched their humiliation and shame drown them in real time--and in the most public way possible.

The most hilariously entertaining way, as well!

The bagger retards had no way to cope with this glorious event, leaving them to cry and bitch and moan like the beta cuck losers they are.

Helpless baggers suffering defeat after defeat is a boon to all mankind, a treat for the senses and a tonic for the soul of the nation.

Reveling in the agony of these grotesque racist bastards is the most any sane decent person could want, and we have it and so much fucking more.

Baggers lost, conservatism lost, and comedy won.  Joy won.  Beauty won.  This is the greatest gift jesus could ever give us.

The most horrible fucking people on the planet ate shit for days this week and they're choking to death on it.

Their screaming terror made manifest.

And we are all so much fucking better for it.


Josh Marshall Has The Emptiest Head Of Any Of The Establishment Dem Pissboys

The worst part of the GOP eating shit is the Dems winning.

Josh Marshall is a vile and comically dumb Democratic Party pissboy, a racist neolib stenographer and boot-licker.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Meet The Mekons

Or somethin'.

From 2010 which was along tima go.

Many of the Mekons were around 30 when The Mekons Rock 'n Roll came out...

PA's Big John Is A Loyal And Savvy Dem & Hillary Clinton Would Be President Today If She Had Listened To Fetterman In 2016

Big John Fetterman was always a loyal establishment Dem guy.  You don't get to be friends with a creep like Ed Rendell unless you are a real bastard.  And Fetterman knew what Hillary Clinton needed in 2016 to win Pennsyltucky, but her campaign was too stupid to listen.  Now THAT'S funny.

Fetterman was more than a loyal Dem, tho.  He was a smart campaigner with a long game plan, and now he's a US Senator.

Hillary Clinton is just an epic, hilarious, historic loser and nasty old woman.


Thanks, Trump!

Trump's Destruction Of The GOP Is Entering A New And Wonderful Phase This Week!

We are all blessed that we were alive to see this.

One great and heroic man named Donald Trump has done what no Democrat has wanted to do in 60 years: destroy the GOP.

Through an astounding mix of incompetence and stupidity and cowardice, Trump has wrecked that vile racist revanchist nest of shabby bigots known as the Republican Party.

The local stuff in all those states just shows how deep Trump has been able to spread this fabulous cancer.

The ostentatious rot on display in PA is just the most hilarious of it all this cycle.

It's only gonna get more entertaining from here, boyo.

Praise motherfucking be!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Story Of Braddock PA Is The Reason Why The GOP Was So Scared Of Fetterman

A very good reason.

Fetterman was never going to lose that Senate race. 

He was not behind for a single day.

But the baggers and reactionary cocksuckers had reason to fear the man AND his record.

The record is why the Dems have always been wary of Fetterman as well...

Oh My Fucking God, The Free RePubic Baggers Are Now The Apotheosis Of Pure Comedy

Heh, indeedy.

They hate Trump.  Or they love him.  It's about 50/50 but they're all pissed regardless.

You really do love to see it.

Their greasy little retarded rat brains are having so much trouble processing everything.  They had been promised a glorious victory but got fucked instead.

Comedy has never been so blessed, and we are all basking in the beauty of conservative failure and pain.

We can never repay jesus for this sublime blessing.


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Not Breaking News: GOP Voters Are Grotesque And Stupid Racist Assholes

Racist assholes are easy to manipulate.

And easy to manipulate into voting against their best interests.

This is not breaking news.

The Republican Party is a racist party.


Thanks, Obama.

Bagger Nitwit Matt Lewis Probably Really Believes Rock-Ribbed Reactionary 'Third Way' Dems Are 'Left'

Matt Lewis is not a smart or handsome boy.

His mommy was a lying, two-bit whore.

Only the most debased reactionary cretin would think that the bowel movement conservative scumbags at the Third Way have anything to do with 'center' or 'left' in the Democratic Party.

Libertarians Are Dumber Than MAGA CHUDS In Every Conceivable Way

The Brownstone Institute is some wingnut welfare grift started by a loser idiot named Jeffrey Tucker.  He's a crypto dipshit who attended some of America's worst colleges and universities.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Brownstone was also behind the Great Barrington Declaration, so you should know by now that they got every single mother fucking thing wrong regarding the coronavirus and shit.

Baggers are dumber than dog shit.

Free RePubic baggers are waayyy fucking worse.


Thanks, Mises.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Jeremy Corbyn Is Not Perfect, But He's Sure As Shit The Best Fucking Limey In The Last 100 Years

In a world of vile Limey cocksuckers, Corbyn stands out as a pretty good politician.

Corbyn is brilliant compared to any Labour PM you can name, and is, of course, nothing like all the vile reactionary Tory cocksuckers as far back as your history book goes.

Way fucking better than Obama or Clinton or Clinton or Rapey Uncle Joe, that's for fucking sure.

If you stand with Palestine, that's a yuge bonus for humanity!

Lula 2022 Is No Leftist, But The Pain His Victory Has Caused The Reactionary Evangelical Bastards Is Divine

You really do love to see it.

Evangelical christians are the worst people on the planet, so anything that causes them strife is a true miracle from jesus.

Who gives a shit if Lula 2022 is a shadow of the man he once was as long as the racist reactionary scum in Brazil and the USA are choking to death on the copium.

Friday, November 4, 2022

The Only Truly Dangerous Places In America Are Rural Bagger Areas Filled With Reactionary Racist Guntard Morons

New York City is a paradise compared to Texas.

Or Florida.

Or Wyoming.

Or any of those shithole states filled with racist idiots and guns and run by cocksucking bagger assholes.

The "crime wave" is solely a creation of the Republican Party and the establishment media, which is arch-conservative and always has been.

No room for truth or sanity in the USA.

Sad Old Argentine Fascist Andres Oppenheimer Is Quite Butthurt Over Lula's Win

You really do love to see it.

Sad old reactionary fools can choke on an entire bag of dicks for all that anyone should care.

Fuck nazi fucks.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

No Amnesty Ever For COVID Deniers: Emily Oster Is A Vile Cunt

Vile scum like Oster can beg for forgiveness, but we must never forget what these horrible stupid motherfuckers did.

No amnesty, ever.

Oster was wrong about everything COVID, just like Jimmy Dore and Robert Malone and thousands of others.

Those people need to be hounded to the ends of the Earth until their dying days, knowing not a moment's peace for all the harm they have caused.

Fuck them all and send them to hell.

The Free RePubic Baggers ARE Spooked About Something, Tho & Their Fear Is Palpable

Like greasy rabid vermin running from an earthquake that humans can't detect, the baggers on the Free RePubic are definitely terrified of something about the election this year.

Is it Moore's and Dean's and Rosenberg's and Bouzy's Dem victory?

Or is it just that baggers are giant pussies in general?

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

This Unhinged BlueMAGA Shit Is ONE Reason Why The Dems Are So Easily Buffaloed By The GOP

Not the only reason, of course...

Christopher Bouzy is coocoo for cocoa puffs.

And Simon Rosenberg is not much better

Both of these shitlibs are riffing on Michael Moore's abortion/women's vote/youth vote story.

Cool story bro.

I think they're in for a bad day next week.

And a bad lifetime after this inanity.

But pray to jesus they're right, because a Dem victory would be hilarious for the next many years...

Stupidity Is Killing You: Tails From Your Shithole Country & Donate To CounterPunch Also Too

You assholes sure are fucking up this whole thing.

Give money to CounterPunch to make some sort of amends, you worthless fucks.

Bonus Bono fisking is worth it just for that.

Thanks, Joy Division.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Free RePubic Baggers Are Very Smol Bois Having A Sad Over Brazil

Butt meets hurt on the Free RePubic.

Their manly man lost again.  First Trump now Bolsonaro.


You really do love to see it.

Thanks, Lula!

Tim 'Timmy!' Rowland Makes A Fantastic Case That He Is The Biggest Dipshit Not Named Trump On The Planet!


I think this Timmy, Rowland, might have the worst case of ADD ever seen.

Either that, or, ya' know...