Monday, December 19, 2011
newt's joyless insanity
gingrich is every bit as bugfuck insane as bachmann, cain and paul, but gingrich, like paul for the most part, is a nasty, joyless insanity, poorly designed to provide maximum entertainment. paul's gold standard is loony, and his racism is as vile as david duke's or haley barbour's, but paul is a fringe of a fringe of a fringe candidate. newt, on the other hand, was playing at the top of the shitpile, until recently. for all gingrich's crazy talk, like arresting judges or enslaving children or blowing donald trump on live tee vee, he never performed with the joyous verve that squeaky michele bachmann or aging horndog herman cain brought to our shameful national freakshow. gingrich comes across a humorless turd who can't even be bothered to smile when he's turning his trick.
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