Saturday, June 30, 2012
Welfare Academia Realizes Joe Pa Was A Titanic Bastard
Welcome aboard, fellers! Paterno and the whole of the Pennsyltucky Vatican are some of the biggest frakking villains in recent history. (And real Catholic pedophile priests are very bad men, too...) I'm sure the fellers will still be eagerly embracing their buddy, though. Being the Paterno Family Professor of some bullshit probably still pays pretty well.
Wilfred Is Going For The Sox Tonight
With any luck, Beckett will get fucking shelled and then NESN will have Eck on to bitch and moan. And if I manage to be around to watch some of it, well, then yee fucking haww!
Excellent Dean Baker Shifting Through The Bullshit
This is an excellent job by Dean Baker of exposing some of the most absurd Republican/Conservative/Teabagger bullshit that's been polluting our culture since forever. Not a single one of those assholes are in any way rugged or individualistic. They're just fucking morons.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
John Roberts Is A Pussy
Roberts fucked his masters today because he didn't want the Roberts Court to go down with Rehnquist's pathetic crew as some of the bigger fucktards in American legal history. He was way too much of a pussy to actually be a conservative and made some asshole Liberty University law graduate clerk find some lame-ass justification for his vote. Dickhead
Contempt of Issa Is the Only Thing That Could Make Holder Look Good
Only as big a cocksucking moron as Darrell Issa could make a pathetic careerist douchebag like Eric Holder look good, but holy motherfrakking christ, he's actually sorta doing it. Holder should get him a fucking cupcake and make sure he's on the list to get the good card each Christmas.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Lu Edmonds On Guitar With PiL
Renaissance madman shredding on the ole 6-string with Public Image Limited on tee vee in 2010, bringing back the old days. Frankly, the most interesting about PiL these years is Lu Edmonds, and it is wicked cool to see him rocking out. He's had quite the interesting music career.
One Year Ago Today
michele bachmann? really?
no shit. this woman is a fucking idiot. the teabaggers and rejects
love her, but she's scary dumb. unfortunately, she's a proper
representative for millions of retard-americans, so she'll probably get
more than a couple of votes in the republican primaries.
new york is the gayest state yet for marriage
now, when the dickbag lawyers get their paws on 'em, for divorces and prenups and nasty custody fights, well, then we'll see the true blessings of god's love spread to more of our homosexual brothers and sisters.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Freedom Bombing For Jesus
There are always shitloads of conceited assholes who are oh so ready to go nuts with the freedom bombs because America is so righteous and true that our bombs only kill bad guys. Fuck them. There's nothing liberal about indiscriminate political mass murder.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Dylan Rat Ratigan Got Fired
That's pretty fucking amusing. I have been up against a couple of rock-solid deadlines, so I missed the fun little factoid that transcendent cockbag Dylan Ratigan got himself fired off of MSNBC. What a douche. What's even funnier is that they're replacing him with some lame Fox-lite show featuring that vile twat SE Cupp. Larry Flynt must be some kinda fucking Nostradamus.
Hilarious Kathryn Jean Lopez Mauling
Pareene is in good form for this one. Hack is probably too kind of a term for that rancid slug.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Taylor Max
The Yankees Can Hit Home Runs
And the fucking Red Sox are not on NESN, so we won't have the awesome post-game show if it's an entertaining loss for the Bosux tonight.
One Year Ago Today
free whitey! free the whitey tape!!
oh, it's not the whitey tape? really? it's just whitey? arrested? well, michelle obama's probably pretty fucking happy. she hate's whitey, ya' know. just ask larry johnson, he'll tell ya'.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Get That Man A Bomb Vest
Marty could go out in style if he dressed up as a suicide bomber and blew that crinkled old hag straight to hell. Probably ain't gonna happen. Too bad.
One Year Ago Today
mr. smerconish, i'm sure you remember mr. lindorff
sweet. dave lindorff does a great job exposing michael smerconish as the fool he is in this piece from counterpunch. for
some reason, i've always found smerconish particularly disgusting, kind
of like a glenn beck without the charm, and it's great to see him
smacked around by someone with as much talent as lindorff.
sarah palin sucks worse than you thought
attention: david vitter still in congress
does he wear a soiled diaper on the senate floor?
in six more months, we will achieve total victory
anybody who believes that is a moron.
it's always six months away.
who thought obama was interested in ending any wars?
not me.
you don't become president if you're interested in fucking with our wars of choice.
you don't become president if you're interested in fucking with our wars of choice.
economic austerity is redistribution of wealth up the ladder
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Has Obama Betrayed the Progressive Cause?
Was Obama ever a progressive? He never claimed to be a progressive or a liberal or whatever, though he was happy to benefit from the support and work and money of the progressives and liberals and the rest of them. Obama hasn't betrayed anyone; he's the same rat bastard as President as he always was.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
One Year Ago Today
falling skies was pretty bad
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
The Pennsyltucky Vatican On Trial
I have not had the time to follow the Sandusky trial as closely as some, but what I have seen has made me realize that if anything, the case is worse than the scandal. The kids who came forward and gave testimony were absolutely the victims of a criminal conspiracy to rape boys, but instead of the Church, it was Football that covered for the vilest of sins. No one should be violated the way those kids were, and if not for that miserable motherfucker Paterno and all his greasy and gutless sycophants, it would never have happened the way it did for so long.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Scott Brown Is A Chicken
If you are this much of a pussy, how the fuck can you be a U.S. Senator? Scott Brown is an embarrassment, even compared to Ted Kennedy. I certainly hope Warren can pull out a win in November.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Greece's Best Days Are Long Gone
It's too bad we can't count on Greece to lead the way with a hale and hearty 'Fuck You' to the Galtian fraudsters and other assorted villains who are currently destroying the planet. Greece may have been cutting edge once, but that was a while ago. Now it is an open question who will have the guts to assume the responsibility for real self-determination in the 21st century.
One Year Ago Today
steve wynn on fox news for 10 seconds
10 seconds was all it took as i was surfing by to see that steve wynn is
not only the victim of some bad plastic surgery but also a complete
fucking asshole who knows so little about anything other than sleaze
that he should just shut the fuck up about everything, especially health
care in the united states. of course, frank luntz is an incomparable
douchenozzle as well.
yikes! cenk uygur goes off on congressman over social security
cenk very helpfully pointed out that cutting benefits--and raising the retirement age, which is cutting benefits as well--hurts the people who work the hardest and need retirement and social security benefits the most. the congressman was part of the muddle-headed fools in the democratic party and elsewhere like aarp who will sell the majority of americans into poverty without a second thought because their personal wealth and retirement are secure and worry free.
if we were really interested in stimulating the economy, we would lower the social security and medicare eligibility retirement age to 55 or 60, along with expanding medicare eligibility in steps to everyone 50 and over, then 45, then 40, until we cover everyone. that would free up jobs for the currently unemployment when more people retired earlier, and it would free a up a buttload of money currently wasted on medical insurance and outright private insurance industry theft giving even more stimulus to the economy.
what are the chances of earl blumenauer or nancy pelosi or harry reid or tim geithner or barack obama even understanding such a basic concept, let alone working diligently, showing leadership, wielding political power and expending political capital to get it done and make our economy and our society healthier?
digby on aarp and the social security grand bargain
as usual, digby
is all over this shit, and the point is well-made: as soon as they are
willing to give in to the forces who want to eliminate social security
completely, they have lost. of course, aarp has always been more about
making money off the old folks than actually advocating for programs and
policies that would most benefit the old coots.
the scariest thing in the universe
Elvis May Not Be Everywhere, But Racist Assholes Are
For all the good and kind peace-loving people in Israel, the Zionist state is a vile racist hellhole and has been from its conception. An insane theocratic nation is no better if it is Christian or Jewish than it is if it is Muslim or Scientologist.
Here's A Good Way To Stop The Empire
More guys like this. If more of these folks had refused to enable Ronnie RayGun's insanity, then BHO would not have the opportunity to promulgate his own generation's special sort of imperial atrocity. I hope this brave fellow got a sweet Saab before they went belly up.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
One Year Ago Today
romney and huntsman
they should make this a habit
jon huntsman, senior and glenn beck
good buddies, like that stupid cowboy and the annoying space guy in that cartoon! jon huntsman, jr.
is gonna run for president. he's gonna pretend to be a normal, sane
and middle-of-the-road kind of guy, but his daddy is a fire-breathing
asshole and good friend of glenn beck. if the democrats have any sense,
they'll strangle junior with his douchebag dad and glenn beck and their
teabagging bullshit.
david barton is a liar. and insane.
it took a long time for him to wind up on fox news, but it happened! even though beck will be off the air, plenty of idiots will have seen him and believe him like they believe beck. truth doesn't matter to barton and beck. it's all a ridiculous bullshit metanarrative promulgated by the right to keep the dumb as dumb and misinformed as possible.
breaking news! breaking news!!
heinous sex pervert, whoremonger and diaper freak david vitter is still in congress.
s.e. cupp: glenn beck lite on msnbc
16 june
today is the day.
weiner sucks
the fault lies with weiner for being a coward and with the high-profile democrats who set a pathetic, low-bar precedent for other juvenile, outspoken democrats.
weiner's a jerk--and a pussy--but virginia foxx is still in the house. eric cantor is still in the house. paul ryan is still in the house. dirty diaper pervert david vitter is still in the senate. worst-doctor-in-the-world tom coburn is still in the senate.
Friday, June 15, 2012
One Year Ago Today
More or less.
how long till that happens by accident or 'by accident'? maybe when we're attempting to freedom bomb syria or palestine.
if the obama administration had been concerned with jobs and fundamental
economic growth, they would have taken different steps with job growth
in mind. of course, if obama or his political team had given a flying
fuck about jobs, you would not have had larry summers, tim geithner or
ron klain anywhere near the white house.
obama's focus is clearly on wall street. he's as much a servant of the destruction of the middle class as any republican.
nesn really needs to keep eck on ice and pull him out when the sox lose.
besides me?
paul o'neill and al leiter are going to get themselves tossed off the air eventually
when those two get going and leave the vile michael kay behind, they
sound like they're only seconds away from coming out with something
totally inappropriate and being banned from the airways forever.
the yankees should hire sean mcdonough to be their guy for every single game with ken singleton. if they want some comic relief, o'neill would be okay.
the yankees should hire sean mcdonough to be their guy for every single game with ken singleton. if they want some comic relief, o'neill would be okay.
freedom bombing: israeli edition?
freedom bombing: yemeni edition
our glorious freedom bombing
in the middle east continues apace not only in libya but also in
yemen. if we keep this up, we may actually run out of places that need
freedom bombing! or not.
the focus on jobs or lack thereof
obama's focus is clearly on wall street. he's as much a servant of the destruction of the middle class as any republican.
not so super 8
first he killed godzilla with cloverfield, then he murdered star trek, and now he's everywhere with super 8. jesus, jj abrams is a fucking brain-dead hack. isn't there someone out there who maybe has a good idea, doesn't suck and can get more than tree fiddy to make their fucking movie? the man responsible for the inane alias and the legendary abortion that was lost
should have been dropped out of a c-130 over iraq with a couple of
dozen live grenades minus the pins stuffed in his shorts as a small
start on atonement for all the sins of stupidity that humanity has
committed against the universe.
jim rice is not as satisfying as eck after a sox loss
gingrinch on hannity
there's a meeting of the mindless! i'd really hate to see the room
where newt gingrich is always the smartest guy in it. even the
shit-flinging, constantly-masturbating chimps would be disgusted at the
low level of brain wattage in that terrifying room.
who said rick perry was absolutely just as stupid as george w. bush?
besides me?
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Saab Fanboy Suicide
The Saab fanboys are lining up for seppuku today. It is very sad, for them, and for Sweden. Sweden used to make cars, and now they don't. The Chinese Volvos will be knock-down kits before you know it, and that's that. It's too bad, too, because Saab made some excellent and interesting cars. Kraut cars for everyone, now, I guess.
One Year Ago Today
dallas mavericks
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Noun Verb 911
America's Shittiest Mayor In History is one of the sorriest motherfuckers on the planet. Bernie Kerik, anyone?
One Year Ago Today
i'd like some good tee vee scifi shows
is blood and chrome our only hope? possibly, if canada decides
to ban ronald d. moore from entering the country, it might be not bad,
sort of battlestar galactica without the idiotic nonsense the moore
killed that show with. if we've been very, very good, blood and chrome will
be all shooting, all flying, all kicking cylon ass with no idiot god
and no annoying angels. too bad they fucked up saul tigh's character
because it would have been awesome to see him as the crazed war-hero
cylon fighter he thought he was, too, even if he didn't meet adama till
after the war. (caprica had promise if only because it looked like moore had little to do with it and because they had a stellar group of actors.)
falling skies
terra nova looks absolutely awful
brannon braga. that's all you need to know. might as well also say
ronald d. moore or jj abrams to have the seal of shitty brain-dead scifi
televsion, guaranteed. they're the three stooges; it's sad that anyone
listens to them after the absolute idealess garbage they've puked up.
liam neeson should make more movies like taken
can pavement ever be forgiven for weezer?
Monday, June 11, 2012
America Is Too Stupid To Live
It's not just Wisconsin, though the Wisconsin abortion was inexcusable. No it's all of us together. We hate the teacher or the cop or the fireman but not the politician or the Wall Street cocksucker. 38% of union households voted for Walker in the recall. People who make less than a million a year vote Republican all the time. They're fucking morons and too stupid to live. Unfortunately, they're killing all of us.
The Whole of the Ass
What an asshole. Fits in perfectly well with that loser crew. The people on that group ride must think he's a jerkoff, too.
One Year Ago Today
Pretty much.
what do we have to do to get that fat dumb fuck to run for president?
it would be a short run, cause he'll get out of breath almost
immediately, but watching that greasy turd get flattened by his own
arrogance and stupidity would be oh so much fun.
you fools are u.s. senators. you serve with creepy diaper-pervert
whoremonger senator david vitter. your only response should be, 'well,
david vitter still serves in the congress. david vitter. david.
other than that, shut the fuck up!
long-term unemployment kills the future and maybe obama's second term
long-term unemployment is disastrous for the economy as a whole, but
also for the individuals suffering through it. many unemployed workers
will consume their all of their savings if they are out of work long
enough, making it impossible to retire. without defined benefit
pensions in much of the private sector now, having to start over saving
for retirement in their 40's or 50's, often at salaries lower than they
had before, dooms any chance they had for a decent standard of living in
the era of cash value retirement plans. we're not talking about chris
matthews or bill o'reilly, of course, but lots of other folks are in
deep shit.
obama and the ass clowns guiding his economic policy don't care; they are all safe and sound and looking forward to a wonderful comfortable retirement on the golf course or in the brothel. many, many others, however, have killed their future in order to survive the present, thanks in large part to a president unwilling to understand the first role of government in the wealthiest nation on earth, basic economics and some very simple lessons of history.
obama and the ass clowns guiding his economic policy don't care; they are all safe and sound and looking forward to a wonderful comfortable retirement on the golf course or in the brothel. many, many others, however, have killed their future in order to survive the present, thanks in large part to a president unwilling to understand the first role of government in the wealthiest nation on earth, basic economics and some very simple lessons of history.
chris christie
pat leahy, mark pryor, shut up shut up shut up!
other than that, shut the fuck up!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Van Jones Must Be Pissed
He figures that there's a good-looking, well-spoken, educated, clean, polite black man in the White House, and it's not him. It's someone much worse. Jones must wonder what the fuck he has to do to get a decent not-white President elected in his lifetime. The way Obama fucked him and let Fox 'News' spew bullshit about him must still burn.
Welfare Academia: The Shame of Our Age
There's usually a reason these clowns are not at a brand-name institution. Fuckers.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
The New Fiat 500 Looks Worse Every Time You See One
It's so hard to believe that a Mexican Chrysler Fiat car would be a fucking abortion...
Friday, June 8, 2012
Babylon 5 Props
Via Atrios. As seen originally at the A.V. Club. I really liked Michael O'Hare in this show, and I thought Boxleitner was a weeny. B5 was shitloads better than BG. At least JMS had a fucking clue and was no where near as big a fucking moron as RDM.
One Year Ago Today
rudy can't fail
i need me some of that entertainment. let's get that scumbag rudy in the presidential race! that self-important moron is always good for some cringe-inducing fun.
keep that wiener right where it is, please
larry flynt on maddow!
this sure is an odd few minutes of tee vee right now. larry flynt.
rachel maddow. okay. larry flynt is always pretty well spoken and
sensible in these situations. why does this guy make sense and many
serious villager types are almost always incoherent and ill-informed?
did diaper pervert senator david vitter soil those diapers?
rachel maddow is all over vile pervert senator vitter again
good for her. it's a decent use of a basic cable news show. the
country is run by asshole hypocrites, and the media are essentially
air-headed bimbos. maddow's doing a little bit to expose them for what
they are. vitter committed crimes in all probability. weiner's a
creep, but who fucking cares. vitter's a disgusting pervert.
bill o'reilly and dennis miller live
breitbard vindicated?
only if you are a moron, which accounts for many if not most it seems,
could you believe that anthony weiner being a dipshit somehow vindicates
that asshole breitbart.
he's a lying sack of shit, pure and simple. so's weiner, but at least
weiner isn't anywhere near as big an asshole as breitbart.
megan broussard's brother the ex-baseball player
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Obama Didn't Lose in Wisconsin
I did. You did. 99% of America did, but not Barack Obama. He gets his money from the same places as Scott Walker. He serves the same interests as Scott Walker. He has the same disdain for the Middle Class and the Working Class and anyone who is not in the Ruling Class. Sure some of the more heinous racist assholes in the Ruling Class might not like Obama because of his heritage, but for the most part, he is as good a servant to power as any Republican could ever hope to be, and much like that flabby bastard Clinton, in some important ways, he's better for the Kochsuckers than any Republican has ever been.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
One Year Ago Today
where's tanya donelly when you need her?
home with her family, probably. maybe even sleeping at this hour.
sarah palin's short bus
diaper pervert david vitter
let us not forget that vile hypocrite and creepy diaper pervert david vitter
is still in the united states senate. he was reelected by the people
of louisiana, proving there's something fucked up with a certain segment
of that population. why was he not prosecuted, convicted and sent to
prison? we may never know the answers to those questions, but tune in
next time for another episode of bullshit or not?
i got your wide stance right here, bub!
what was weiner thinking, by the way?
he was thinking with his wiener, that's for sure. how did believe that
this wouldn't wind up all over the freaking idiot news channels? he's a
public figure, for christ's sake, and he was sending wiener pics all
over the intertube webs. bad judgement is not a crime, but he's a fool
regardless. now the big question is whether he has the guts to stick it
out in order to keep his ranter in chief crown.
shame on abc news for enabling breitbart
santorum, santorum, santorum, santorum, santorum
that inbred mutant is runnin' for president.
santorum baby!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Obama's Wisconsin Failure
Does it mean he will definitely lose in November? Of course not. He will fight for his own job and will suck eagerly at the same cocks as Walker to deserve the big-money. Still, in a better world, if Obama was a better man, he would have made sure that Walker was back to spending his days jacking off to Sesame Street instead of being a governor.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Wisconsin Fukfetti
If--when--Walker wins tomorrow, the blame is going to be squarely on the national Democratic establishment and the White House. At some point, it will be really, really clear that the Democrats are not all that much interesting in replacing the Republicans. Instead, it is all about splitting the electorate enough to stop an effective alternative to either of the major parties from forming, probably from the left but with some of the real, reasonably sane (left-)libertarians out there.
Virag's Movie Reviews: The Change-Up (2011)
Sucked. Not funny. Not even raunchy or offensive. Just lame. I'm sure she's very nice, but Leslie Mann is annoying as hell and whatever the opposite of funny is. Jason Bateman is not too bad, and he's becoming sort of a poor-man's Clooney, but this movie was nothing. For once, Olivia Wilde looked as good as you think she would, but the fake not-nudity is really annoying and even more pointless than the rest of this exercise. This wasn't a skin-flick, so if your actresses are chicken, just film it a different, better, way and move on. This was a stupid movie; it pissed me off. I'm glad I didn't pay money for it.
Getting Rude With SE Cupp
SE Cupp and Hustler magazine. That says it all. Rudepundit has more, but the whole manufactured outrage bullshit from the conservatives is pretty lame. Hustler does this shit all the time, and a badly faked blowjob picture is not any sort of a big deal. Juvenile and pointless, but not outrageous after all these years. But SE Cupp sucks bigtime. And we didn't need Hustler to tell us.
One Year Ago Today
even more of a disgusting mess than santorum
pat cadell and lanny davis! oh, yuck, that's gonna leave a stain.
santorum, baby, on huckabee
Sunday, June 3, 2012
The Left Will Continue To Savage Obama
With very good reason. Fortunately for Obama, the left is tiny and politically insignificant in this country, but at this point only center-right Democratic Party establishment fucktards will be voting for Obama this fall.
One Year Ago Today
cable news channel taxonomy
fox news is all about the big lie. cnn is almost completely concerned
with utter silliness. (erick erickson and andrew breitbart? come on.)
msnbc is defined by soft-headed incompetence.
sarah palin cannot be this stupid
mittens for kittens
Classic Eck on the Sox Postgame This Afternoon
He was shitting all over Bard's shitty performance. Schweet. Great tee vee.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
One Year Ago Today
and fat. the most pathetic thing is he couldn't even walk the 100 yards after he got off the taxpayers' helicopter. disgusting, fat, lazy fuck.
he was pretty up front. he wouldn't cop to the picture or not; sounded
like legal advice to me, as if an attorney told you not to get a
definitive statement on the record in case it was a highly manipulated
image that was technically you at one point or something. regardless,
we are a rotting, fetid culture that deserves whatever it gets.
james mcnew has done his mom and dad, georgia and ira, proud
there are a bunch of live versions of this song with a wicked guitar
freak-out solo on youtube as well. there's never enough yo la tengo in
the world.
chris christie is lazy
weiner on maddow tonight
Friday, June 1, 2012
One Year Ago Today
virag. sausage-eating bastards. there is a pattern, so don't get overly offended, cause i know you like to get offended...
way to go, you sausage-eating bastards
under the big tent, democrats
this is
well-constructed analysis, i guess, but the question i have is this:
what would lead anybody to think that the
astroturf/teabagger/republican/conservative/oligarchical priorities for
the government are not identical to obama's and the democratic party's?
they're not afraid of repercussions. instead, they are totally
uninterested in policies that don't benefit their class and the class of
their masters. those masters are the same for the ignorant, racist
teabagger as they are for barack obama or joe biden. it's not that the
teabagging point of view will win the day even if obama wins in 2012 or
the democrats recapture the house, it has already won and will guide the
government regardless of the party in the majority.