Thursday, June 9, 2011

long-term unemployment kills the future and maybe obama's second term

long-term unemployment is disastrous for the economy as a whole, but also for the individuals suffering through it.  many unemployed workers will consume their all of their savings if they are out of work long enough, making it impossible to retire.  without defined benefit pensions in much of the private sector now, having to start over saving for retirement in their 40's or 50's, often at salaries lower than they had before, dooms any chance they had for a decent standard of living in the era of cash value retirement plans.  we're not talking about chris matthews or bill o'reilly, of course, but lots of other folks are in deep shit.

obama and the ass clowns guiding his economic policy don't care; they are all safe and sound and looking forward to a wonderful comfortable retirement on the golf course or in the brothel.  many, many others, however, have killed their future in order to survive the present, thanks in large part to a president unwilling to understand the first role of government in the wealthiest nation on earth, basic economics and some very simple lessons of history.

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