Sunday, November 11, 2012

One Year Ago Today

the passion of the newt

sleazy ole newt gingrich has to be in agony these days.  he's been humping and pumping his bullshit for two generations, turning his failed career as an historian and teacher and his even more amazingly failed career as a congressman into an engine to fleece loose change from nursing home residents, paranoid fundamentalists and low-grade morons with his inane books, fake awards and unintelligible speeches.  he's even pretending to run for president every four years in order to get free publicity, but now that's he's huffing and puffing himself into a waxy sweat this year on the campaing trail, he must be all kinds of pissed at the likes of herman cain, sarah palin and mike huckabee.  those assholes have managed to steal most of newt's act recently but haven't had to work nearly as hard.  cain played incompetent godfather to a failing pizza chain, scoped out some opp as a lobbyist in d.c. and did a few hours on local talk radio in his life; sarah palin used the national party credit card and bailed out on being governor of all 14 other people in alaska; huckabee barely punched the clock in arkansas state house and was able to become a fox news millionaire.  each of those three fools have managed to eclipse newt's profile without much effort at all.  on the other hand, newt has had to keep running his con non-stop for years and years with barely a chance to get some illicit pussy on the down-low.  if he had been half the con-artist that cain, palin or huckabee have become, he coulda been relaxing in his ugly senescence with a huge staff and a multi-million payday from rupert murdoch.  so as it turns out, newt's bullshit con-game is something else that is in fact an embarrassing failure. 

sachs machs lugs, atmo

you know what i thought before i saw the picture of the sax max lugs?  yep, dammit.

the brothers grunt

rocket science is hard.  they lost another one of these 15 years ago.  it would be pretty funny, except that when you lose a space probe, it often winds up falling on your head.  or someone's head.  or someone's atmosphere.  or someone's ocean.  if china continues with its plan to ramp up space activity, expect to see much more of this keystone-cops-in-orbit shit. 

cockburn on clinton

no! not that way, pervs!  he reflects with fondness on that fine man from hope who, even by modern standards, was one of our worst presidents.

hoofing the austerity pony

austerity, it's what's for dinner.  the 99% are recipients of a wonderful gift, austerity.  democracy is not a remedy; in the face of a possible rejection, austerity voids democracy.  in the united states, obama and his merry men are riding the wave of austerity to complete their dream of dismantling the meager social medical and pension benefits in a brazen and massive redistribution of wealth up to the top 1%.  almost the entire federal government is aligned in their wish to destroy those social programs in the belief that they will be rewarded by their masters.  the plan is simple: lie about the national debt; convince enough voters that debt is a problem and 20% real unemployment is not; cut social security and medicare/medicaid and transfer the savings to the richest americans.  the individual suffering and the destruction of the middle-class economy is not their concern.  if it is yours, then don't go for a ride on the austerity pony. 

let's be careful out there, folks

i've seen a lot of stoopid shit on the road and in the woods.  i've made some really dumb mistakes and been lucky lucky lucky at times when i had nothing other than luck to get me through.  night riding in the woods alone during the winter, for example--not the best career move.  bad stuff happens, though, no matter how kool we think we are.  have fun but be careful.

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