Friday, November 16, 2012
The 2014 Campaign Started Last Week
Now that Obama's reelection is over, the Congressional election campaign has begun for realz. Coming off the somewhat surprising outcomes in the Senate and the House, the better souls in the Democratic Party have to start working in earnest to continue upgrading the Congress with Better Democrats. Based on the election results, the three obvious, easy issues they should take national are women's reproductive rights and healthcare, immigration reform and amnesty, and voter rights and access in a vigorous struggle against Republican voter suppression. These issues are winners, and they don't require complex and boring arguments to be made in favor of wonderful and important things like universal healthcare, massive defense cuts, tax fairness and wealth redistribution, rights for labor organizing, reaffirmation of civil liberties, and drug legalization. The easy three issues also don't need the support of the President, though it would be great if Obama actually grew a pair soon enough and decided to help someone besides Barack Obama get elected to something. People in America care about abortion, immigration, and voting rights; they already support them and voted for them in 2012. Every Democratic candidate in the 2014 election should be united in a national movement based on this popular, winning agenda. If they do that, they'll win wicked big in the midterms.
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