Sunday, December 2, 2012

One Year Ago Today

one thin dime

if this is one big fat dime's worth of difference between the two major parties, why are not many, many democrats making careers and winning elections--or at least attempting to--and beating republicans into a frothy pulp with this very important issue?  there should be a discernible difference between the parties, but for most purposes, there is not. 

deputy mittens

what is willard planning to do for a vice president?  he must know he can't fuck it up as the election will probably be very close.  since rick perry turned out to be way too stupid and insane to be taken seriously by anyone, just-as-stupid-and-way-more-crazy michele bachmann no longer serves any useful purpose.  none of the other presidential aspirants will be any good.  santorum is a toxic froth, obviously.  ann coulter's favorite train is already toast.  newt is way to much of douchebag.

i don't think he'll pick a governor.  tapping new jersey's favorite tubby-the-whale would be a guaranteed loss--that blubbering pussy would sweat shitloads of bacon fat under the scrutiny of a presidential campaign, and biden is more than enough of a dick to bait that fat shit into an hilarious outburst.  that smarmy psycho fucker in virginia has the insane christian cred, but he's as toxic as chris christie covered in santorum.  no, it can't be a governor anyway; romney was a governor.

i believe he will go with a sitting republican senator; high-profile republican house members are not gonna cut it.  eric cantor?  no way; he doesn't have the right profile.  paul ryan?  no, too stupid.  a screeching back-bencher like jeb hensarling or one of the other fox news-created clown-car posse?  not gonna happen; it would hand the whole shootin' match to obama.  it's will have to be a senator, and it's gonna be a man this time.  palin has probably skull-fucked kay bailey hutchison will her bathetic four-year walking shitshow, so it's probably not gonna be a senator from texas unless romney is polling in 50-state loss territory--cornyn is probably too much of a dim bulb, even for romney. 

romney's looking for a southern or western ostentatiously-christan senator with some credibility, and thus, without a time machine, he's fucked.  lindsey graham is too gay; jim demint's too fucking dumb.  inhofe?  no.  cochran?  too old.  not grassley.  i don't think any of the most-recently minted senators, including rubio, will pass muster, too obama, too palin.  i'm betting that in the end romney will settle for tom coburn as a running mate.

or jim webb.

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