Thursday, April 18, 2013
Please Gods, Save Us From Pop Culture Banality And Shit Like Bridesmaids
Fictional gods, I beseech you to save us from banal and shallow pop culture criticism like this nonsense and from heinous films like Bridesmaids. (And has the supremely unwatchable and unfunny Leslie Mann ever "stolen scenes" anywhere? What the fuck is that bullshit?) The only worthwhile, satisfying comedic entertainment of which Judd Apatow, or J.J. Abrams for that matter, could ever be part would be a prime-time self-immolation live on MSNBC. Shitty films like Bridesmaids are chock full of cheap, obvious faux sentimentality and stunningly inept jejune attempts at humor. I certainly understand that most pop culture appeals to the basest audience, but shouldn't we expect more at some point and not be such slipshod consumers?
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