Sunday, July 7, 2013
Daddy's Purity Balls? Now THAT'S Fucking Creepy
Christ, Digby! Eww. Fuck. That's some nasty shit pushed on their idiot spawn by some very nasty people. As the father of a daughter, I would never, ever do anything as disgusting as what these purity creep assholes are doing to their children. Of course, my daughter is a fuck of a lot smarter and more sophisticated than those poor ignorant kids, so I probably don't have to worry. Still, it is enough to infuriate you, father, daughter, mother, brother, human, beloved pet. Any father getting so hands-on with his daughter's sexuality is something so vile that these fundie Christian loons prove they are every bit as backward and dangerous as the fucking Talibs. Daily Mail version of the story. Yuck.
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