This might just turn out to be a big deal. Upward pressure on wages is something that is vital to legitimate economic growth, and if the fast food workers get a big raise, everyone else will, too. So, where's the political support for this stuff, for $15 an hour for McDonald's workers? Where are the elected people, the candidates, the major party apparatchiks? Oh, yeah. Right. We're fucked.
You're a moron -- $15/hr at McD's will only force employees onto part time and drive up the price of the food there, hurting customers. Fucking left wing asshole!
ReplyDeletecuz you are clearly too fucking dumb to understand economics and the relationship between hourly pay and employment--hint: higher wages ALWAYS means lower unemployment at the levels we are considering; find one reputable source for the fucking lie that higher wages means higher unemployment when the figures being considered are $8-$16/hr, dipshit--i will simply say that you can go fuck yourself on the way out, cocksucker.
DeleteActually I do understand the relationship between hourly pay and employment -- when employers are forced to pay higher wages, they don't run out and hire more people, asshole. They find a way to get work done with less. Add that to the number of businesses that are downsizing and converting their workforce to part-time to avoid the penalties of the ACA, and you've got a disaster on your hands. You don't strike for higher wages during a recession. The depression should have taught folks that.
ReplyDeletesee, i knew you didn't understand! wow, you are even dumber than the average teabagger. enjoy eating your own shit, fuckface.