Monday, June 15, 2015
Is The Rachel Dolezal Thing A Put-On? Performance Art?
Now the story is careening from fraud into absurdity at a frenetic pace. I'm pretty much ready to believe that the whole thing is a performance or a piece of performance art, because if we could or would somehow accept Dolezal's sincerity in her work as a visual artist and teacher, then the black heritage thing would have been very nearly unimportant to her work and her life. So, why lie? To get an advantage in programs for African-Americans at Howard University and the NAACP? Seems like a huge fucking gamble because there was no fucking way she could get away with it for her whole life. Now her parents are going on Fox "News" with that vile racist whore Megyn Kelly, so Ms. Dolezal may somehow come out looking better than many other people like her parents in the end. That would be a really neat fucking trick and an interesting piece of performance art in itself.
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