Sunday, October 18, 2015
Easily The Most Risible Lie You Will Read All Week About Bernie Sanders
The Daily Beast: Fox "News" for dipshits under the age of 70! Exceptional! This Marlow Stern cocksucker is surely Sean Hannity stupid and Bill O'Reilly self-deluded and bugfuck insane. I guess Marlow Sterns's destiny on Earth is making Jeff Jacoby look literate or intelligent or rational in comparison! The reality of how Sanders comported himself on the Maher show is perfectly clear if you actually watch the fucking thing. Sanders was neither "stunned" nor "thrown" by anything Maher asked. He answered the fucking questions as clearly as he could, answering Maher like he was talking to a mutton-head, which he was. Bernie Sanders is probably weary of having to answer the stupid questions over and over with the same simplistic answers, almost as if the entire media-entertainment establishment is actually not listening to a fucking thing Sanders ever says. The one mistake Sanders made was not calling out Vermont's governor Peter Shumlin over the single payer debacle, pointing out that not instituting single-payer in Vermont was a political decision and not an economic one because the economic requirements of a single-state single-payer health program would have too risky to the political careers of the Democrats in Vermont. Outlawing private health insurance might just piss off the scumsuckers at insurance companies, and given that our SCOTUS is run by illiterate fucktards with the sophistication of the dumbest inbred teabaggers, not likely to get support from the courts. Without the active support of the federal government, the politicians in Vermont did not have the balls to blow up their private health care system. That's way different than saying it was impossible or would have taken the whole budget. Bill Maher is an addle-head douchebag, and shame on Bernie Sanders from letting him lie so ostentatiously. Other than that, Sanders was fine, and Marlow Stern sucks scabby donkey dick.
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