Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Excellent Gary Leupp On Petty Bigotry, Comical Ignorance, And Disgusting Political Manipulation
Leupp is right on target, and circles back to some history to finish it off. Well done, and he's correct, of course. But the Republicans fomenting vague gay panic and nasty bigotry against some of the most powerless citizens should be nothing but opportunity for the Dems. Transgendered people are not any sort of threat to anyone, and if the Dems stood up for basic rights of transgendered people, they could leverage that into a defense of the rights of others, like women, poor people, scientists, workers, everyone. The Republicans use this ploy often: gin up some hatred against some powerless minority to ramp up the enthusiasm and bring out the small-minded and ignorant haters in their voting base. But this shit only works if nobody pushes back. Have the Dems learned the lesson? Have the Dems been standing up and pushing back hard against abortion restrictions? Have the Dems been fighting for the rights of workers to organize and earn a living wage? Have the Dems been campaigning hard and promising to reverse the vile voter suppression scheme pushed by the Republicans? Thought so.
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