Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Virag's Movie Reviews: The Martian (2015)
Sure, it played out like some high school wannabe science dweeb's homemade stroke story, but The Martian was a solidly entertaining flick that damn near made you stop believing in your heart of hearts that Matt Damon should just be left on Mars to starve to death alone for fuck's sake. The movie went down pretty easy, even if the change to a drama-free solo trek across the surface of Mars felt oddly off. And for all their chatter about relative scientific accuracy, it would have been more realistically plausible to simply have the native Martians pop up with four minutes left in the movie, change their minds about leaving Matt Damon to die on the surface, and have them teleport him back to fake-NASA HQ or even better right onto the first tee with Ned Stark.
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