Monday, November 21, 2016
A Guy Died
At some point over the summer, I stopped reading the welfare academia idiots on Lawyers, Guns & Money--along with utterly tedious fatuous Obama fluffers at Balloon Juice--because they had all become so fucking inane that it didn't seem to have a point anymore. The welfare academia clowns pretend to be the too smart too cool successful kids when they're barely hanging on at risible non-competitive colleges and universities, and the John Cole crew are even more pathetic--with both groups being so fucking hilariously wrong about politics and everything else that I'm sure they'd fit right in on the Serotta Forum. Except the clueless and embarrassing Serotta Forum twits have lots more money. Anywho, I had no idea that minor internets legend Scott Eric Kaufman was even sick. Fucked up.
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