Monday, November 14, 2016
Daily Kos: The Stupidest Place On Earth
Never forget that Daily Kos is part of a media company as corporate and right-wing as any NBC or Fox or any big newspaper. Hell, the parent company was created by partners including noted lunatic and lifelong Hillary supporter Jerome Armstrong in addition to Markos Moulitsas, both of whom were mentored by world-famous right-wing stooge and Fox "News" "democrat" Joe Trippi before their venture capital courtship and the creation of such valued content as Ezra and the rest of the sad little twits at Vox. The entire enterprise was a long con from the beginning, a way to transfer money from the naive, self-described and self-deluded political class of the internet to a few careerist schemers. Pretty neat. But those fools help give us Trump. Kos and the rest are solidly establishment and gleeful guzzlers of the piss and jizz and everything else the leaders jam down their holes--while they may be a step up from the pathetic failures in the welfare academia cohort, all of them are enthusiastic, right-wing entry-level establishment morons and mindless, rock-ribbed Obama fluffers. They may pretend that they're going to resist the new order, but in the end they will scheme to get paid just as before.
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