Thursday, August 29, 2019
Welcome To The Party, Pal: Brutal Drive-By Fisking Of Sady Doyle
By Sr. Garbage Ape. Or is it GarbageApe? Anywho, the kindly simian initiates a gleefully brutal drive-by fisking of vile nitwit Sady Doyle to the delight of everyone involved. Doyle and her ilk are a plague on reason and good taste; they hate Bernie because Bernie made Clinton look foolish and tiresome even before she lost the easiest election in history to a fat racist orange dotard. An entire multi-billion dollar party infrastructure was required just to get Clinton the nomination instead of the more qualified and competitive Sanders. Then, Clinton lost but BERNIE WOULD HAVE WON! Doyle can't stand that reality so she's cracking up again.
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