Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Now Let's Look In As Xeni Jardin, Former Girlfriend Of Chief Miles "Lefty" O'Brien, Morphs Into Her Final Form, A Corn Cob
Sad. Hillary stans are the biggest idiots in the galaxy. Something broke inside them after Hillary's sublime loss to Donald Trump. Now, fatuous neolibs with made-up names like Xeni Jardin think Kamala Harris might be something, anything, other than a rock-ribbed reactionary petty-fascist careerist scumbag content to exploit the slave labor of prisoners and lock up parents because they are poor and therefore powerless. Harris called herself a cop for christ's sake. She's wicked gross. And Harris is being bludgeoned in state after state, including California, because she's a fucking wicked unlikeable shithead. But, yeah, Russians. Russians did it. Sure. Fuck the KHive until the heat death of the universe. They suck major ass.
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