Monday, December 9, 2019
The Dumbest Right-Wing Horseshit Regarding Health Care You Will Read This Week
This week. Week. Get it? Anyway, vacuous libertarian bimbo Bonnie Kristian is, besides a screaming fatuous idiot, hilariously uniformed about healthcare in the United States. One third of Medicare spending is not wasted, no matter what lying right-wing shitheads like Charles Silver and David A. Hyman say. Unhinged racist arch conservative assholes at the Cato Institute are not reliable sources on anything other than the taste of Koch brother piss. Single-payer is a boring centrist compromise, a way to cover everyone while preserving the private care-delivery side of the health care system. Taxes will not go up for most people, and wait times will not be any worse than they are now--and will probably go down as every provider will know that they will be paid on time every time for each patient. Reactionary libertarian Republicans don't want everyone to be covered, but Bonnie Kristian will never be honest about that shit. Fuck them all. Time for real progress now.
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