Friday, March 20, 2020
Teabagging Fuckface Tyler Cowen Whistles Past His Own Open Grave
The 2020 pandemic has killed off the progressive left? Really, Tyler? That seems quite unbelievable, but since Cowen believes the progressive left is run by rich coastal elites, well, poor Tyler is a fucking idiot. The pandemic will indeed have many victims, but I think the center-left as defined by Bernie Sanders and folks like him--not at all hard right-wing Republicans like The Snake and her Liz Lasses--will be the dominant force in American politics for generations. Universal healthcare, a robust government at all levels, income redistribution, jobs programs, massive infrastructure investment, all of it will become normal and expected in public life forever. That is not how the progressive left dies. Cowen is a retard. We will see who is right about this, but since Tyler Cowen went to risible teabagging college George Mason University, I'm pretty sure I'm right.
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