Wonderful News From Sarah Palin!

But it can get better!  Let's pray to jesus that our brave beautiful coronavirus is the exceptional American hero we need!

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Cool Old Kona, But Bikes That Will Never Be Ridden Should Be Melted Down And Turned Into Doorstops

Ride your fucking bikes, people.  And if you can no longer ride them for whatever reason, pass them on to someone who can and will.  Otherwise, into the tumbril.  It's also amazing how so many "experts" get pretty basic shit wrong about even their own fucking bikes.  Ah, nevertheless.  Very vintage Kona, tho.  The Bicycle Group.

No Shit! Apparently The Guntard Girl Who Shit Herself Kaitlin Bennett Got Married Or Somethin'

What a fucking shitshow that musta been.  I can't believe anyone would want to get anywhere near that lardy stank ass of hers, but some folks don't have much pride at all.

Yes, Rapey Uncle Joe Is Abysmal, Worse Than Feared, But In Good News, Trump Is Still History's Biggest Loser

Trump is such a pussy, and he's in his own personal fucking Hell right now.  He can't help whining about it like a frail little bitch.  That's fucking incredible.  Trump knows he's a yuge loser, and he knows that all the world is laughing at him.  Heh.  Trump's torment might be the only thing making America greater again.

David Sirota's New Play About How Much Larry Summers Sucks Ass Will Probably Be A Hit

Larry Summers just so much fucking ass.  And all the kids are starved for quality entertainment, so he could have a real hit on his hands this season!

Your Daily Reminder: Don't Vote For Any Dems If You Give A Rat's Ass About Healthcare

Unless those Dems withheld their vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker back in January in order to force a vote on Medicare For All.  So, yeah.  Dems suck donkey dick. as this idiot shows.  "Progressive" Dems had once-in-a-lifetime leverage over Nancy Pelosi, and they refused to use it.  Never, ever vote for those people.  Christ.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

2 Key Takeaways From This Pinkbike Creaky Fork Crown Thing

1: Engineering and manufacturing in the bike industry is hilariously bad.  Press fits should not be a problem at all the way they are in modern mountain bike forks.  If you built your industrial machines, your cars, your trains, your ships, your airplanes like this, anything but bikes pretty much, well, you wouldn't last a second as a going concern.  Most people in the bike industry are useless.  Fox and Rockshox either don't know how to do it properly or are too cheap to do it properly.  Why not both?

2: Dual-crown Zebs and 38s would have been really fucking cool.  A properly designed and manufactured dual crown enduro/all-mountain fork in the 150mm and up range instead of the current Zeb and 38 designs we got would be fucking wicked awesome...

This, This Is Just Fucking Embarrassing, Even From Shabby Star Trak LARP Idiots

I mean, you do a lame online thing where you pretend to be in Starfleet and it's really sad and creepy, but you don't know shit about anything, even Star Trek, but then you go and completely fuck up Kubrick and an essential science fiction film because you're dumber than dog shit and it's just, and...Christ.

If You Are CNN And You Are Dumb Enough To Believe What The Racist Assholes On The Border Patrol Tells You, Well, You Are CNN

CNN is not exactly known for being especially good at the whole news thing.  I mean, Chris Cuomo.  Take Japper.  We could do this all day, but even CNN should be aware enough to never, ever believe what the fascist creeps in the Border Patrol tell them.  Jesus.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Conclusive Evidence That Paul Hewson And Dave Evans Once Had Their Own Hair

This is from 1983, after War came out, so why the fuck is Paul wearing his own fucking band's t-shirt on stage!?  What an insufferable fekkin' wanker.  Even when he was 23 fucking years old.  Christ.

With Pete Booty-Gig, You Always Wonder Whether He's Breathtakingly Evil And Reactionary Or Hilariously Frikkin' Dumb

Pete Booty-Gig is the poster child for Why Not Both?  A mileage tax is incredibly fucking regressive, so it taxes exactly the wrong people most heavily, AND it's ridiculously complicated and burdensome compared TO SIMPLY RAISING THE FEDERAL GAS TAX.  Politically it's a nightmare, a sure loser for the Dems, but on the other hand it will lead to rampant cheating and under collect the revenue when compared to SIMPLY RAISING THE FEDERAL GAS TAX and collecting that tax from THE FUCKING GAS STATION.  So, is Booty-Gig being a titanic, evil, reactionary McKinsey shitbag, or is he being a risible fucking neoliberal imbecile?  We may never know the answer to these important questions, but tune in next time for another exciting episode of Bullshit, or Not?

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Even Elon Musk Is Not As Embarassing As His Slobbering Stans

This thread aged well.  As usual, Musk failed spectacularly, but his dimwitted worshipers were ready to lave his taint for him without even being asked.  Musk is not a scientist, or engineer, or inventor, or anything, but he will always be able to say that he is not anywhere near as fucking dumb as the poor bastards who bought his shitty fucking cars or believed any of his constant horseshit promises.  The only benefit to society Musk will ever provide is as easy target, but at least dragging friend-of-Jeffrey-Epstein Elon Musk to hell on a very regular basis will probably maker America a bit greater again as well.  Epstein running his grift on the US taxpayers will def not be making anything greater again any time soon...

No, Seriously, Was This Frakking Hard Tale Dipshit Dropped On His Head As A Child?

What the fuck?  He talks English, sorta, but I'm sure he has no idea what words like stiff mean.  He's also pudgy and like two feet tall, but he's riding his wife's bike, so the fucking thing probably does not fit him properly!  She's like the size of a lawn jockey!  Jesus christ.  How can you talk usefully about a bike that doesn't fucking fit?  He ain't much of a rider, either.  YouTube should censor this content.  And bike companies should stop subsidizing the lifestyles of idiots who can't ride OR talk competently.

As Soon As Teabagging Dipshit Peter Morici Is Right About One Fucking Thing, We Will Be Sure To Give A Shit What He Fucking Thinks

Until then, Morici and his shabby little bow tie can eat a bag of dicks.  Pro tip: conservatives are always wrong.  And Morici is as gross a piss-guzzling, boot-licking reactionary fuckhead as you will ever find.  He's also dumber than dog shit.  Morici's greatest fear is the fear of his masters: any chance that the majority of Americans would be compensated fairly for their labor and be able to live a life of dignity and stability means that rich would be less rich.  Slightly less, but still less, and that is fucking scary as fuck to them.  So Morici and his pissboy brethren do their best to obscure reality with their risible inanity.  Taxes, inflation, employment, it doesn't matter.  Fools like Morici never manage to get anything right, but working as a loyal dung beetle for the plutocrats means you'll always have a job.  Right, Pete?

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

This Is The Most Cringe Electric Off-Road Motorcycle Payola Ever

Slobbering and shabby.  Christ.  When all mountain bikes have been turned into electric motorcycles, and then are quickly banned for all trails, actual cyclists will regret enabling this horseshit.

Pretty Daggy? The Cool Tool? Stupid Bogans, Can't Even Manage A Decent Neo-Vintage Fisking Of An Old Bike Tool

Australians are the fucking worst.  Jesus.  The Cool Tool was very cool.  With a real home made hand made shed vibe.  And  it worked pretty well.  And was almost indestructible if you could keep all the bits from getting lost.  That Ritchey tool was complete shit.  Never listen to a Bogan.  Their diet composed mostly of Chimp on the Barbie turns their brains to pudding.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Only The Biggest Idiots In The Democratic Party Would Believe Liz The Snake Warren Is Any Sort Of Progressive In 2021

This is wicked low-effort propaganda from the fucking Times, the saddest newspaper in the universe.  Warren has shown her true self, a capitalist to her bones willing to take the dirtiest anonymous money so that she could make damn sure nothing that could ever be described as progressive happened in the Democratic Party and USA this year.  Seriously, fuck her and all the grotesque Liz Lasses, too.  Fuck them in their eye holes.

Thanks To Our Lord And Master Jesus H Christ For Bringing Another Mass Shooting White Guy To Colorado

Jesus and all the rest of the gods love Colorado so fucking much that they rain murder down on them through crazy racist white guntards all the fucking time.  This brave beautiful exceptional American patriot loved America and freedom and the 2nd Amendment and guns and jesus and hated fucking supermarkets and food and people and sanity.  Only in America could we have such amazing mass murder on a damn near daily basis and not do the very obvious thing to eliminate the carnage almost completely the way every civilized society has managed.

Fuck Yeah!

Uncle Toms Demand To Lick Whitey's Boots AND A Return To Naked Boys-Only Swimming With William F. Buckley

Right fucking now!  "Black" "intellectuals".  Heh.  That's some funny shit.  Intellectuals.  Christ, some people are just fucking pathetic.  Uncle Toms are the fucking worst.

Everyone With Even Half A Brain Knew The Bush Administration Was 100% Lying About WMD In Iraq

Only the biggest fucking douchebag morons like Jonathan Myerson Katz were fooled.  Mostly because they wanted to be.  Every weapons inspector said there no WMD.  Every credible source confirmed Iraq had ceased their WMD programs.  Even the fucking CIA knew!  None of this was a secret.  But we should never ever let these bastards like Katz forget how fucking awful they were and how wrong they were to cheerlead a war against a helpless population.  Fuck them.

Iraq should have continued to build nukes when they had the chance.  They would have been safe from all the cowards in America if they had succeeded.  But they didn't, so we were free to slaughter them.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Apparently Australia Is Awash In Chinese Carbon Garbage

As if Australia didn't suffer enough just being Australia.  For what it's worth, that frame looks shabby as fuck, atmo. That plastic bar/stem combo has the potential be a fucking death trap.

Wicked Brutal Drive-By Fisking Of Risible Fat Stooge Jason Whitlock

Heh.  Whitlock is a fucking boot-licker, so there's no reason to be nice.  Go ahead and take medical advice from him if you are a bagger, tho.  Please.  And thank you.

Fantastic News From Idaho!

Maybe this will be a biblical sort of story and the entire fucking state will be smote by the brave beautiful patriotic coronavirus.  It's okay tho because the Idaho legislature wants to ban public health orders and mask mandates and all that good shit, so they get what they deserve.  And we pray to jesus fukkin' kriste that they get ded.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Kona Hei Hei Makes The Papers--Or At Least The Beta M T B

Of course, it gets kneecapped by the Transition Spur.  Oops.  Gotta say, too, that I love Konas, but the new Process X, Process 134 & Hei Hei really don't do it for me.  If the new Transition Patrol ever gets here, I think it's gonna do major damage to Kona in general.  It would suck if Kona became a brand you bought because the better bike wasn't available, kinda like the 2020s version of the 2010s-era Raleigh.

Eight? It's Eight Women Accusing Cuomo Of Being A Creep? Or worse! So Far.

Eight is great.  I wonder how long the Dems will allow Cuomo to dangle like this.  I'm betting a long fucking time, as it's such a helpful distraction from everything else going on.  But christ, this guy's a fucking scumbag, and plenty of Dem Party type folks have known this greaseball was fucking trouble since the gods-damned Clinton administration.  Hell, even the fucking Kennedys couldn't stand him, and their standards are wicked fucking low.

Fire Kamala Harris Is A Cop And Make The Screaming Lunatic Xeni Jardin The New VP!

What the fuck is this insanity?  Xeni Jardin would be so perfect in the senile rapey bastards administration.  She's exactly the right mixture of hateful and fucking nuts for the Democratic Party in 2021.  Jesus.

Rapey Uncle Joe Is A Frail Old Man Who Is At Death's Literal Door And Can Barely Walk

Besides the triple trip going up the stairs, the walk to the plane is also problematic as hell: it's a pathetic and frail old-man shuffle that looks absolutely horrible.  That rapey bastard has both feet in the grave and is just waiting to tumble in.  Christ.

The US Is So Fucking Demented

How can anyone be as stupid, especially nominally in the "education" game.  Christ.  No wonder we can't stop a fucking virus in the gods-damned 21st century.

Holy Frakballs, Baggers Are Fukkin' Dumber Than Dog Shit

Margaritaevna95, a very stable genius.  Sure, she deleted the tweet where she said water wasn't good for hydration, but that's not even the nuttiest thing you can find on her timeline.  How the fuck do these bagger lunatics manage to wipe their own asses?

Another Bagger Guntard Incel Kills--This Time In Atlanta

Long past time to scour the bagger guntard racist incels from our society.  This sick sad bastard shoulda' taken his little gun and rid the world of his faschy haircut, making Atlanta a better place in the process.

Excellent News From Bolivia

Jeanine Anez in jail.  Heh, indeedy.  South America is doing the lords' work in opposing US hegemony.  If the OAS hates it, you can be sure it's the right fukkin' thing to do!

If Student Debt Relief Somehow Benefited Mostly Upper Class And Upper Middle Class White People, It Would Have Been Done A Long Time Ago

It's simply because student debt cripples mostly poor minorities most of all that nobody in Washington truly gives a shit.  Poor folks and minority folks don't have fukkin' lobbyists or anything, so they deserve to sentenced to debt servitude for their entire lives.  Stupid poor people.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Book Reviews On YouTube For And By The Barely Literate--Brilliant!

Note that Hyperion is a MUCH more impressive book if you've never read a good book before, sci-fi or otherwise; the series went downhill pretty fukkin' quick, with the last two books utter and complete risible shit, and Dan Simmons is a fucking racist crackpot, so...

Suddenly Nobody Likes That Fucking Creep Andrew Cuomo

Welcome to the party, pal.  What the fuck took you so long?  Cuomo's been a fucking creep for fucking ever, as well a fatuous self-promoter and simpleton, but the Dem establishment loved him because he kept the hard-right reactionaries in charge of New York and blocked all hope for progressive change.  Now he's outed as an unctuous fraud, and suddenly he's a problem.  Fuck off.  Cuomo was fucking awful from the start.

Not Breaking News: Andrew Cuomo Is A Corrupt Greaseball

Dems are the fucking worst.  Who the hell voted for this scumbag.  You assholes coulda' had Cynthia Nixon.  She woulda' been so much better.

Bret Weinstein And His 1970's NPR Host Wife Are Dumber Than Dog Shit

This short of horseshit is what passes for conservative thought.  Jesus christ.  Baggers are fuckin' tarded.

Hands On Bike: A Bike Blog Still Being Updated In 2021

No shit.  From Singapore, it appears.  Don't they still have MySpace there...

Shimano Is Very Fortunate That Sram Exists To Make Them Look Good

If Sram did not exist, Shimano would need to invent them in order to keep up their reputation of being the quality bike shit.

The Most Bugfuck Crazy Racist Teabagging Navy Seal Masturbatory Fantasy Regarding The University Of Chicago You Will Read This Weekend

I would be sure this is a fucking joke, except you know it's not.  A way-too broad parody of racist teabagging insanity.  But no.  This screaming reactionary fucktard is absolutely serious.  The poor dumb bastard is 100% humor-free.  And the risible tale is simply a jerkoff fantasy for the OP, as in BronxBorn literally jerks off to this revanchist fantasy he tells himself.  None of it happened.  The people aren't real.  Navy Seal.  OK.  Cool story, bro.  And the OP himself is dumber than dogshit.  Namechecking some of the most hilariously idiotic conservative fuckers in modern history is just the chef's kiss of shabby bagger inanity: Thomas Sowell! Milton Friedman! The Federalist Society! BEN SHAPIRO! DINESH D'SOUZA!! Crypto! Reddit! J.D. VANCE!!!

You know the OP has never read a book, but he heard about the fatuous Vance on Parler or some shit.  Christ, this whole thread is wonderful as all the racist shitheads come out to defend the most debased and ignorant shit in the world.

UofC should be mortified by this, but they've got more humiliating shit to deal with anyhow.

And of course, the pathetic, dumb-rich-guy-at-Harvard skieurope comes in to end the funfetti. 

The Federalist's Sean Davis Starring As 'Mommy Milky'

Mommy Milky.

Sean Davis may be a creepy and fatuous reactionary racist propagandist with a misshapen bald head, but he's also mommy milky. 



Whatever you do, don't leave him alone with the kids...

Excellent News From Mexico

Legal weed in Mexico.  Heh.  This is actually pretty fucking cool.  The United States is a fucking shithole. 

It's 2021 And Dipshits Still Buy Mountain Bikes When They Should Have Road Bikes Or A Tricycle For The Elderly

Not just Limey dipshits, either.  Only in 2021, the mountain bikes are 40 lb Speshy sleds with barely functional Sram plastic garbage on 'em.  Christ.

No Matter What Or Who, The US News and World Report College List Is THE List, The ONLY List That Matters, And Forbes Can Suck It

Malcolm Forbes' gey little vanity press rag does not fucking matter ever, and especially doesn't matter when it comes to college rankings.  THE LIST is the USNWR list, for better for worse, even though it is mostly unhelpful bullshit to many/most candidates and their families at super competitive high schools and elite high schools and top-tier boarding schools, but it IS wicked fucking entertaining to watch the whole shitshow play out every year even knowing the truth.  That's racing.

Wrecking Neolib Dem Pissboys Like Brooklyn Dad Defiant With Sublime Shitposting Is Making America Greater Again

Fucking perfect.  It doesn't matter whether it's true, because it's better than true.  These arch-conservative Dems like BDD are the scum of the motherfucking Earth, and they deserve to have all the opprobrium ladled over them like fetid, lukewarm elephant diarrhea every second till the end of time. 

I Have No Idea Who This Bagger Fucktard 'Zuby' Is, But He's Dumber Than Dog Shit

Shit he doesn't know: WWII; what Marxism is; how schools work; basic history; reality; sanity.  Jesus.

All This Shitting On Andrew Cuomo Is Starting To Get Wicked Fun Now

This shit is so much more entertaining than Rapey Uncle Joe's threadbare dementia.  Cuomo is such a fucking neolib shitbag.  He's always been a big dumb fuck, and now we know he's a creepy sex pest.  Bill DeBlasio does not deserve this much joy, either. 

Yo Dems, What Happened To That $15 An Hour Minimum Wage Rapey Uncle Joe Promised?

Supposedly Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer and AOC and Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris Is A Cop were all on board, too.  So what happened?  Those skeevy cocksuckers weren't lying, were they?

Andrew Cuomo Sux Wicked Hard Too

What a scumbag.  NY could be a fukkin' utopia if the Dems were not such corrupt morons.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

People Who Are Dumb Enough To Subsidize This Moron's Lifestyle Are A Threat To Human Progress

Christ, this is just awful.  YouTube beggars need to be censored.  Or fired into the sun.  

Anywho, don't listen to this fucking moron: if you want an oval ring, get the same size you have now.  DO NOT GO UP A SIZE.  That's fucking stupid.  Jesus.  This idiot doesn't know anything.  He'd fit right in on the Serotta Forum.  Or circle-jerking with Peter Verdone.

Oren Cass Hates Poor People Because He Missed Out On The Naked Boys Time With William F. Buckley

And had to settle for that no-homo naked male bonding with Mitt Romney.  Sad.  Thanks, Obama.

Cass is truly exceptional American piece of shit, so look for him to be near the front of the line at the guillotine party. 

Because Cass is dumber than dog shit, and an enthusiastic Mitt Romney pissboy, he cannot understand that the best way to eliminate poverty is to give people money.  Directly.  Send everyone a check.  Get the money by taxing Mitt Romney and Bain Capital out of existence.  Or at least relevance.  That makes the economy work for everybody.

Kirsten Gillibrand Is So Fucking Awful

Christ, she fucking sucks ass.  Gillibrand enabled a Roger Stone ratfuck of a Al Franken because she thought it would propel her to the White House, but she doesn't have the fucking balls to call on greasy sex pest like Andrew Cuomo to resign.  Fuck her.  Dems are fucking worthless, and Gillibrand can be the queen.

Excellent News From Brazil

Lula xtra livre.  This is some good shit.  Lula can run next year, and possibly Brazil will have a chance to undo some of the damage wrought by Bolsonaro.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Andrew Cuomo Is A Fucking Greasy Scumbag, And All The Neolib Rapey Uncle Joe Stans Are Having A Sad Over It

The establishment Dems, KHive scum, and Rapey Uncle Joe enablers are all so very butthurt over this disgusting Andrew Cuomo shit coming out.  Coumo is a fucking creep, and he should fucking resign fucking today.  Funny how these hard-right Dems can get away with anything without any of the pissboys or boot lickers saying fucking boo.

Jesus, Rapey Uncle Joe's Disastrous Start Must Have The Pissboys And Boot Lickers Quite Terrified

I have no idea who Alexander Reid Ross Sorkin is, but holy shit he is guzzling that piss with a gusto you usually on see on the Majority Report when Ben Dixon is on.  This whole sad little screed just screams terror from every line.  He does a great job making those people, Jimmy Dore and the rest, seem like the good guys, though.  Nice job, dipshit.  Ross teaches at one of Oregon's, and the nation's, least competitive universities, so I guess we can assume he didn't make the cut for Lawyers, Guns & Money at some point in the past.  Ross was even too slimy for the SPLC!  He loves him the taste of that neolib jackboot, tho.  Mmm, mmm, good.

Finally, The Truth About Steven Crowder Soliciting Underage Trans People For Sex

Not exactly a shock or anythingGetting Lowder with Crowder in Prison is gonna be a great reality show on NewsMaxTV.  Coming soon!

Kirsten Gillibrand Is A Fatuous Neolib Cunt

Remember when this fucking assclown thought hounding Al Franken out of the Senate over nothing would launch her into the White House?  Well, the moron Kirsten Gillibrand is not so very very upset of Andrew Cuomo.  What a fucking cunt.  Gillibrand was always a very transparent neolib shitbag, but now it's hilariously apparent to everyone.  Sad.  Thank, Trump!

So, Jamie Peck Will No Longer Be A Professional Seder Simp

It's bad for your health!  It melts your brain!  Now Seder and Emma Vigeland will get those MSDNC jobs for sure.  And Emma Vigeland will be working for John Thune or Ted Cruz by 2025, anyway.

David Sirota's Thing Has A Pretty Nifty Fisking Of Nasty Neolib Shitbag Kyrsten Sinema

David Sirota's uncorks a vigorous fisking all over Kyrsten Sinema for being a vile conservative whore.  Cool.  But we have to do a better job of weeding out these scumbags like Sinema.  I mean, it's no good if people like this don't get culled early.  It was pretty obvious that once she got into office in DC that Sinema was gonna suck up as much dirty cash as she could as fast as she could.  She should have been hounded from office long before she even thought about the US Senate, but the Dems are fucking neolib shitbags who love conservatives most of all, so Sinema is all fucking set.  Sad.  Thanks, Obama.

Get On Board: The Drive For $25

The minimum wage needs to be at least $25 an hour, so any one from the center to the left should be advocating for that and leaving the Fight for 15 nonsense behind.  Even CNBC knows it, and agrees with it, really, if you read the actual article, but they can't quite make the headline truthful because it would freak the oligarchs and their pissboys who watch CNBC out too much...

Somehow Harvard Manages To Keep Lowering The Bar

Larry Summers.  Alan Dershowitz.  Almost every student.  Yet, Harvard will always find a way to be even more hilariously grotesque.  It's the one true talent of that institution.   Nothin' dumber than a rich guy at Harvard...

The Drive For $25

If the "left" in the US ever wants to have any success raising the minimum wage or helping working class and poor people, it's time to lose this $15 nonsense and begin the Drive For $25.  Otherwise, they're just jerking off.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Hugo! Chavez!

Jesus, it's hard to believe it's been eight fuckin' years.  Venezuela has done such an astounding job fighting off the United States over those years.  Chavez would be proud of his wonderful country and the amazing Venezuelan people.  Human garbage like Joe Biden and Barack Obama and George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are still alive, though.  Fuck.

Hey, Dems! How's That $15 Minimum Wage 'Done Deal' Going?

Rapey Uncle Joe is a fuckin' liar.  And the Dems sucked his scabrous limp prick just to stop fucking Sanders.  Conservatives are fucking scum.  The only satisfaction we'll get is watching the Dems get fucking slaughtered next year.  Warnock and Stacey Abrams might as well not even run.  Those two fucking idiots are dead meat.  The rest of the destruction will be even worse for the Dems.  Sad.  Thanks, Obama.

There's Nothing More Hilariously Dumb In These United States Than National Review

None of these soft-headed weirdos have been the same the naked boys-only swimming with William F. Buckley ended.  Now they're just fatuous boot-licking creeps without any joy of naked time with their idiot king.  If the whole lot of 'em mushed together could flicker a half-watt bulb, they'd probably be mortified at their state, but as they are now, they just wallow in their flaccid ignorance and shabby bigotry.  Sad.  Thanks, Buckley.

Fuckin' Mikey Duggan Shoulda Kept His Stupid Mick Fuckin' Mouth Shut

Somebody musta told the Mick mayor Mikey Duggan to back the fuck off and think for a fucking second.  So this is becoming a fucking clown show, as you would expect when Micks and booze get together to run a city.  I mean, I assume Duggan was drunk.  That would make the most sense.  Get your fuckin' shots people.  The J&J is as good as any of them as far as anyone really knows since each vaccine was tested for like a week, mostly to see if it did anything at all or caused people to drop dead immediately from a bad reaction.  Beyond that it's all conjecture.  Fucking Mick mayors.  Jaysus.

Cenk Uygur And TYT Stans Are, Like Seder Simps, Fucking Children

I guess the only way to hustle is to hustle.  Grifters gonna grift, but christ, this is pretty fucking hilarious.  It's gonna make him money from the literal dummies on the fake left, tho, so...

Kyrsten Sinema Is Just Fucking Gross

Simply a vile human being.  A shabby neolib grifter with her hand out waiting for the next chance to fail upward.  Sad.  But she's not the most disgusting Dem we have right now.  She is one of the more disappointing, though.  At least she hasn't raped anyone as far as we know yet.  The fact that she's voting against the interests of the people in her state is just banal atrocity in our exceptional America.

So, Baggers, Is Trump President Again? Trust The Plan? The Storm Is Here? Q?

Hillary and Obama executed by Trump?  Deep state vanquished?  Disloyal Republicans in GITMO?  Well?

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Heckuva Job With That Canyon Handlebar, Krauts

Jesus.  Those fucking bars sure are light.  Nice job, Canyon.  Bars and seatposts are not really problems if they fail catastrophically, right?  The Krauts might wanna do a little bit better of a job keeping an eye on the manufacturing of that shit in China, too...

So, It's March 4th...Is Trump President Again?

Rapey Uncle Joe and Kamala in prison?  Obama, Hillary.  Deep State defeated?  Well?  Is that fat orange retard back or no?

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Reminder: The US Minimum Wage Needs To Be At Least $24 In 2021--And Indexed To Inflation

This fight for $15 nonsense was outdated ten years ago.  Now, since the Dems have shown that they're scum-sucking liars and Rapey Uncle Joe apologists, it's time to reset the conversation.  

The new talking point should be $25 minimum wage, indexed to inflation and productivity.

Any candidate running in any race from any party who does not support should not receive a single vote.  Stand up for yourselves.  Christ.

Stillwithering Hildos And KHive Shitheads Are Having A Real Sad Today After Bernie's Revenge

Neera Tanden is a synecdoche for every fucking vile Hildo and KHive slut today, and that is fucking lovely.  Eat shit assholes.  Rapey Uncle Joe will continue to destroy all hope for the future, but today at least all the bad people are in pain.

What Happened To Neera Tanden Was Not At All Racist: Being A Corrupt, Hateful, Hard-Right Conservative, Screaming Idiot, And Vile Cunt Is Not A Race

The disgusting corrupt Hildo whore Neera Tanden got exactly what she deserved: humiliation and failure.  Miriam Yeung must be some kinda mental-defective if she thinks what happened to Tanden was anything to do with race--being a proud, queer Asian immigrant woman doesn't make you very bright, apparently.  Tanden was a professional neolib cunt and corrupt as fuck, and everyone who wasn't a fucking corrupt, right-wing cunt as well hated her fucking guts all along, so they took a chance to make her eat shit in the most hilarious and public way.  Awesome.  Thanks, Hillary!

After Jimmy Dore's #ForceTheVote, There's No Excuse Not To Shit On Sam Seder And His Seder Simps With Alacrity

With the help of folks like JD, Rapey Uncle Joe's administration has unmasked sooooo many fake leftists and shameless pissboys.  Never trust anyone with an MSDNC gig.  And Emma Vigeland is just dumber than dog shit.  Rich-kid Republicans from NJ have nothing useful to say about anything, ever; in five years she'll be working for Mitch McConnell or John Thune.  Sad.  Thanks, Obama.

Ibis Could Charge Less For Their Bikes If They Stopped Subsidizing Idiots

Why the fuck would you give free shit to fucking clueless morons?  Like, these YouTube beggars don't know shit about fucking bikes.  But Ibis gives them shit for free.  Brilliant!  Jesus.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Neera Tanden Is Sick To Death Of All The Winning!


That vile bitch Neera Tanden has been canceled, and that is a beautiful thing.  Nice going, Rapey Uncle Joe.

So. Much. Fucking. Winning.

Vernon Jordan: What A Sellout Piece Of Shit Uncle Tom Looked Like

Holy fuckballs, Vernon Jordan sucked ass.  He mighta grown up poor, and he mighta fought for civil rights when he was a young man, but as soon as someone showed him the white man's money, well, there was Vernon Jordan doin' a little dance and singin' a song for the Massa who was payin' him that cash.  That motherfucker was lookin' for the payday all along and selling out was his business plan.  Fucking being Bill Clinton's black friend, especially after Ricky Ray Rector, was about the most humiliating thing any Tom could hope for and Jordan fucking wallowed in it. 

Those Stupid Killer Whales Are Pretty Frikkin' Cool

Them cranky old ladies gettin' it done.  We should help those dumb fishes out by putting each one in an individual above-ground pool at a theme park.  They'd probably like that shit.

The Dems Were All Lying About Supporting A $15 Minimum Wage

The entire leadership simply lied about it: Rapey Uncle Joe; the KHive Slut Queen Kamala Harris Is A Cop; Pelosi; Schumer; all of them were full of shit.  The only reason they won't raise the minimum wage is because they don't want to.  If you voted for them, well, you suck.

Twits Are Everywhere!

Raise their taxes!!  It's amazing how fucking clueless most people are.  But hey, spend more money!  Derp!  Jesus.

Daniel Roebuck Sounds Like A Fucking Teabagging Idiot--And This Letterman/Leno Stuff Is Horseshit

Roebuck sounds like a fucking fundie creep.  And the reality is that Johnny Carson despised Jay Leno and continued to write jokes for Letterman after Letterman went to CBS.  Of course, Leno is a fucking creep too, so he probably loves a gross weirdo like Daniel Roebuck.  The only one who looked good in that whole shitshow was Letterman, because he was actually talented, and we know what a fucking bastard Letterman was...