Monday, September 26, 2022

Baggers Lose Because Baggers Are Dumber Than Dog Shit

Baggers huddle together in stinky holes like Free RePubic where they can jerk each other off and not have to face reality.

But when they lose, they act like the victims.

Heh, indeedy.

Math is hard.  

To a bagger, losing is being tied.  Check the polling history; Trafalgar, the least accurate poll in the USA, had Washington exactly the same three weeks ago.  No movement up for your bagger and no movement down for the Dem incumbent leading in the poll is not good fucking news.  In fact, it's a disaster.  

John Nolte is a fucking dipshit.

This is why baggers lose so easily.

Literally too stupid to win.


Thanks, Trump.

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