Sunday, November 11, 2012
Silversun Pickups: Neck of the Woods
Silversun Pickups are another band I like okay. Their latest, Neck of the Woods, also resides in that suburban domain of okay. It's not bad, but it's not great and is an unfortunate representation of what 'big' 'alternative' bands are and will be going forward. Really, what SSPU need is more diversity. The lead vocals are too similar, and the music would benefit for some big-time backup vocals from the whole band to offset lead blandness. If the keyboard player forced his way into the music more, or perhaps picked up a guitar, that might push the music over its boundaries a bit and expand the sound. I get the feeling that the band doesn't have all that input into the music though the songs are admirably credited to the band. A few songs from the other members, and a twisting and perverting of their musical formula may birth something far better than the band has delivered thus far, Neck of the Woods included; Silversun Pickups are not Superchunk, and their formula not nearly as enjoyable as the Chapel Hill standard-bearer's. At this time, Silversun Pickups come across as the idiot offspring of The Smashing Pumpkins (a band I'm not all that into) and The Pixies (good band, good kids). Sometimes good enough is not actually enough.
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