Bernie Lost SC Bigly, And Now Joe Biden Is Poised To Win The Nomination

South Carolina is a humiliating, devastating, and probably fatal loss for Sanders tonight.  Biden may finish with more than 50% of the vote; the Sanders campaign cannot survive that.  The establishment media is going into overdrive right now propelling Joe Biden forward into Super Tuesday.

This press coverage is worth far more than the last five years of Sanders' organizing and spending.  That sounds insane, but the evidence will start appearing tomorrow.

National polling will begin to show a Biden surge; Sanders will lose his lead nationally and that loss will be permanent.  Sanders support in state polling will now crumble.  Biden will get a significant number of delegates in California after tonight.  Biden will also win more than half of the Super Tuesday states; Sanders will be denied wins in Massachusetts and Minnesota after being rinsed tonight in SC.  ST will end in humiliation for Sanders and an overwhelming victory for Biden; California will take days to report results.  Sanders will get no benefit from winning CA.  Once Sanders loses the delegate lead, he should simply drop out.

This is his fault.  After Nevada, Sanders should have gone hard at Biden over SS cuts, racist shit, the bankruptcy bill, South Africa, and Anita Hill.  That was the one chance, and they fucked it up.  The campaign needed to perfect, and they were not.  It isn't fair.  Neoliberal, racist, hateful campaigns get to make mistakes and still win, but not the Sanders campaign.  So what if it isn't fair?  That's racing.

Everyone was lined up against Sanders, and they beat him.  Super Tuesday is lost to Sanders now.  Biden will win a majority of ST states, cementing his status of frontrunner.  All of the people on the left waiting for ST to save them are utterly helpless fools who are going to be crushed when reality steps in on Wednesday morning to bury their dreams.

South Carolina is a disaster for the Sanders campaign.  Fatal.  The only chance Sanders has is if the bounce does not appear, blunting the Biden gains on ST, but the Sanders campaign is not in control of that now.  Their die was cast the day after Nevada.  Nothing they can do now will change the outcome.  If they are lucky, they will survive.

But nobody is that lucky.

Saving Steven Donziger Would Be A Good Way For Tom Steyer To Spend Some Money In 2020

Fund Donziger's defence team.  That would be helpful in 2020.  Fuck Chevron and the rest of the plutocrats.  Sharon Lerner is on the story for The Intercept.  Do something worthwhile.  Funding a giant registration drive focusing on the states with lots of unregistered Latino voters would be helpful as well.  No need to be a shitty candidate in the primaries.  Burn your money in a ways that actually accomplish good things for everyone and stuff like that.  Don't be a dick.

Senile Old Man Charlie Pierce Is Just Mike Barnicle Minus The Charm

What a nasty, bitchy little Liz Lass he is.  Nobody tell Charlie that Liz is gonna get shellacked in her home state on Tuesday, and then it won't require Pressley to primary The Snake in 2022.  There will be a line of great prospects.  Charlie Pierce is that mutton-headed old school racist from Boston that hasn't aged well.  Dumb as a fucking rock and as annoying as hell.  Mike Barnicle has the balls to be a shameless plagiarist, at least.

Keep in mind that Pierce's juicebox revolutionaries have been utterly eviscerating his beloved Snake all over the country.  Those juicebox revolutionaries have won the first three primaries and caucuses and are poised to win the entire fucking election.  Warren's gonna lose Mass, too.  So, if I were a dumb old man like Charlie Pierce, I might want to maybe not be such an asshole about the whole thing.  Winners get to gloat, not Charlie Pierce, not Liz Warren.  Those insufferable ratfuckers in Bernie's campaign are skullfucking you, your candidate, and the entire Democratic Party for fun cuz it's easy as fuck for them.  Pretty bad for the Snake and the rest that they are just lying there and taking it.  Or maybe they like it?

The Klobmonster Is Pure Evil

Mike Elk from Payday Report is on the case.  The Klobmonster is as bad as any Republican.  She IS a Republican, and everyone should understand that.  Conservatives are fucking monsters.  Mike Elk and the Payday Report fucking rule.

There's No Limit To How Fucking Stupid The Serotta Forum Twits Are

Fucking christ.  The entire wealth and privilege in the United States is used solely to construct a grotesque ignorant mediocre white guy universe.  The greater world of hopeless idiots creating the hopeless idiots on the Serotta Forum paying for the creation of more hopeless idiots is an ouroboros of pathetic worthless, but very American, inanity.  White people are fucking awful in every way, and rich, overprivileged white people are so much fucking worse.

Even That CBS Shitshow Can't Slow Bernie--He Still Won Their Awful Debate

Oops.  That was another great night for Bernie, despite what the fuckers tried to do.  Sorry everyone, Bernie is unstoppable now.  You really do love to see it. 

Sweet Jesus, Atrios Murders Gross Neoliberal Pissboy Edward-Isaac Dovere In An Amazing Drive-By Fisking

Damn.  Nobody likes that horrible right-wing racist shitbag Dovere.  You really do love to see it.  Herr Doktor Professor Black kills.  Chicken fucker.  Heh.

Joe Biden Doesn't Know Where He Is Tonight, Does He?

Jesus.  This is a mess of debate, but creepy Uncle Joe is not present.  This really is elder abuse now.  I guess it's finally in a retarded kid chasing a greased pig to win a cookie way.  But it's not kind or dignified.  Sad.  Joe Biden isn't gonna win SC.

Health Care Is Human Right

This is a moral issue.  And every Republican and every Dem who is not a Bernie Sanders supporter is failing this moral test.  No one should have to go through what Michelle DuBarry did.  An absolutely monstrous society fully supported by Hildos and MAGAtards and oligarchs.  Time to flush those evil motherfuckers into the cesspool of history where they belong.

Sr. Garbage Ape Gets It, Atmo: Never Fucking Praise Liz The Snake Warren

Warren is not on our side.  She's not an ally.  She's a conservative.  She's a spoiler.  She's a liar.  She's a nasty little snake.  Don't praise the snake.  Do step on the snake.  Never Warren.

Fab-You-List; Loon-Ah-Tik; At-Ten-Shun Hoor; Say-Dee Duh-Oil

I don't know this awful woman Sady Doyle, but my suspicion is that this all horseshit, the pot roast, the father, the Liz Bruenig baby murder threat, everything else.  Sady is an unhinged liar, grifter, and attention whore.  I don't believe a fucking word.  Perhaps she does, if she is indeed that fucking crazy.  Meanwhile, these wonderful people are the perfect antidote to a screeching neoliberal pot roast fabulist like Sady Doyle.

The Half-Pint Pride Of Choate, Little Jimmy Surowiecki Is A KNOWER OF THINGS

And not at all a greasy neoliberal establishment boot licker.  Nope.  Not Lil' Jimmy.  He is very smart and handsome; his mommy told him so and sent him to Choate.  And there's always a job for a boot licker and a pissboy, so Little Jimmy Surowiecki will be there with a smile on little rat face.  He looks like a Mini Mike sorta fella to me.  And I wonder what else he learned at Choate...

Barbara Lee Is 73, So Tammy Baldwin Might Be The VP Winner

Jacobin likes the pairing, too.  Baldwin would be a lock if she was a POC; a current governor would be even better, but Baldwin is a solid choice and a yuge stick in the eye of every Hildo in the fucking world.  You love to see that shit.  (Nina Turner should be chief of staff.)

Insane Racist Hard-Right Hildos Were ALWAYS Screeching Liars

This risible horseshit from RiotWomenn was a fucking YEAR ago.  But keep in mind, these fools are not just arch-conservatives and racists and liars, but also fucking insane morons as well.  Fuck these miserable racist Republican scumsucking assholes.  Guess what, cunts?  Bernie's winning.

Gods Damn, Bernie's Ceiling Is Now 100% After His Amazing Victory In Nevada

Sweet jesus, Bernie destroyed Biden, Booty-gig, Warren, and the Klobmonster in Nevada.  With 100% in, Bernie has 46.8%!  That's 26.6% ahead of second place.  Christ.  Warren finished in fucking fourth(!) with less than 10%.  You love to see it. 

Sweet Frakking Jesus, Rick Perlstein Is A Smarmy Dipshit And Fatuous Liz Lass Asswipe

Nobody gives a shit what you think, Eric.  Holy christ he is one self-important little bastard.  Nobody loves the stench of their own farts more than Rick Perlstein.  Liz Lasses are Republicans.

Don't Blame Stephen King For Being A Neolib Moron

At his best he was an enthusiastic disgorger of barely literate hackneyed prolix word salad.  Not exactly a sparkling intellect or incisive philosopher.  Then he was killed by a car while walking on the road, which didn't make him any smarter.  And he's from Maine.  So, ya' know, Stephen King sucks.

Wendell Potter Gets It On Health Care, Atmo: Medicare For All Is Very Popular And Wins Everywhere

Time to burn the insurance companies to the ground and salt the earth.  M4All is super popular except with rich racist oligarchs and their boot lickers and pissboys.  Bernie knows how to get it done.  (Hint: California.)  Trust the plan.

Racist Reactionary Neolib And Ambulatory Pussbag Tom Watson Is Broken--By The Hulk!

Smash.  Tom Watson is grotesque racist right-wing stooge, and it is wonderful to see him broken and bleeding after first Bernie and then Mark Ruffalo crush him.  You really do love to see it.

OK...THIS Inane Motherfucker Is The Most Unhinged Liz Lass Left On The Planet

LOSER!  Warren is in 4th place in single digits, with ZERO delegates, so it's time for her just quit before she loses her remaining dignity.  Oh, wait...nevermind.  She has nothing left to lose.  Except that Massachusetts senate primary in 2022.  You really do love to see it.

Bernie Wins The First Three Primary Contests And He Is The First To Ever To That, Dem Or GOP

Wow.  Sanders wins everything.  Sanders wins everywhere.  Bernie is going to POTUS in 2021.  Fuck.  Yeah.

Pro Tip: Never Listen To Advice From A Fatuous Reactionary Racist GOP Apparatchik Like Rick Wilson

He's dumber than dog shit and wrong 100% of the time.  Rick Wilson has worked for The Real President Bush, Dick Cheney, and Rudy Giuliani, so you know he's not only stupid, but really fucking gross, too.  Wilson is shitting his pants over the coming Bernie era in America, and, as always, you really do love to see it.

Bernie Won The Culinary Workers Today & Bosses Lost Again!

Fuck yeah!  Even a toady shitbag like Jon Ralston admits it.  Heh, indeedy.  No bullshit stories about throwing chairs this year, eh, Jon?  You love to fucking see it. 

Risible Simpleton Rick Newman Sounds Scared As Fuck

Poor lil guy is pissing himself because he's knows Bernie's gonna win.  Worthless boot-lickers like Rick Newman can't do much in life, but whether they are shining those jackboots with their tongues or guzzling the rancid piss from a pissbucket, they do it with a syphilitic rictus on their bloated faces.  Sad.  Thanks, Trump.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Nathan J. Robinson Now Rightfully Despises Liz The Snake Warren

Nice.  Warren could have been the key to victory for Sanders and yuge winner herself, but she fucked that all up so fucking badly that it's beyond hilarious.  Now she's just going to be a loser who can't even win her home state.  That means primary opponent in 2022 and a good chance The Snake is out on her ass.  You really will love to see it.  Heh. 

Bernie Bustin' Through That Ceiling In Nevada

Jesus.  If Biden and Warren really can manage to come in 4th and 5th somehow, well, lord have mercy, that would be one of the greatest days in recent memory.  They would both have to drop out.  Fuck yeah.

Wonderful Drive-By Fisking Of The Execrable Hildo And Lunatic Sady Doyle

Really fun.  Doyle gets humiliated and pwned on both threads; she doesn't have the requisite intelligence or sanity to become a corn cob.  Somewhere Freddy deBoer is laughing, I hope.  Sady Doyle is a truly vile garbage person.  The worst of the worst.  And she's fucking nuts.  The rest of the racist reactionary Hildos are no better.  Fuck 'em all.

Is 21st Century John Walsh, Professional Victim-Parent Fred Guttenberg Severly Mentally Ill Or Is He A Hateful Lying Grifter?

Yes, grifter. It's always grifter.  I don't know much about this grotesque cocksucker Guttenberg, but I do know he's a hateful racist conservative piece of shit and slimy attention whore.  It's the only possible answer.  Otherwise, he would keep his fucking mouth shut.  I'm sure he's got an agent trying to get him the job on the reboot of America's Most Wanted, ICE Division, coming soon to OANN Trump TV.  Guttenberg will be happily casting his vote for Trump this November.  Fuck him.

Who Are More Disgusting, Deragned Racist Neolib Hildos Or Mental-Defectives Like Not Very Smart Brothers?

This insane thread is a cornucopia of why-not-both demented boot-licking conservatism.  Bernie has broken these gross motherfuckers.  You Really Do Love To See It.  Both the vile racist neolib Hildos and the Not Very Smart Brothers are sickening, but the NVSBs are certainly more disappointing.  African-American folks have much more at stake than fat and stupid overprivilged white assholes, and they should know better.  But being a hateful petty ignorant moron is a multi-racial disease.

After The Nevada Debate, Bernie Is Up To 30% Nationally In The Morning Consult Poll; Bloomberg Not So Much

-3%! Excellent job Mini Mike!  Fucking big brain genius shit right there, debating like that.  Your appearance on that debate stage should count as an in-kind donation to the Sanders campaign.  You really do love to see it.  That idiot snake Warren is at 12%, btw.  Fourth place!  Behind Mini Mike.  Heh.

75k Early Votes In Nevada After 84,000 Total Votes In 2016

75,000. Seventy-five thousand.  What candidate does that favor, I wonder?  Jesus christ, I guess we know why Harry Reid looked so fucking angry this week.  Bernie's winning.  You really do love to see it.

Note That Jen Kirkman Continues To Be A Demented Fatuous Hildo

No cure for stupid motherfrakkers.  And in Kirkman's case, she is desperate for the cure to not-funny.  Stillwithering.  And lacking in all humor.  Sad.  Thanks, Hillary.

Pro Tip: Twits Will Always Be Hillariously Credulous Dipshits

Raise the taxes on these twit motherfuckers!  Save them from themselves!  Ben Serotta's true genius was identifying a specific type of consumer with way too much money and privilege along with the utter banality and breathtaking ignorance of confident mediocre white dudes.  These fucking assholes will believe anything.  After Serotta takes a decent-sized packet of cash from them on this grift, he should go full-bore evangelist tee vee preacher!  Christ.

The Snake Is Only Staying In To Stop Bernie

Warren knows she cannot and will not win, but she is following her orders to stay in the race and continue to get humiliated until there is not chance to stop Bernie.  Warren is also taking the Clinton cash that she promised she wouldn't take, but that because she's a liar.  Warren is shit.  She has destroyed her political career.  Let's help her bury it in the next two weeks.  Primary in 2022.

Mini Mike Bloomberg Should Consider Moving To Bermuda Once And For All

Even a cocknozzle like Doug Schoen can't muster up any enthusiasm for Mini Mike after last night.  Sad.  Schoen will pretty much lick all the shit off any rich man's boots and guzzle their whole bucket of piss with a mad, gleeful smile, but he sounds so defeated, even on Fox "News".  If Mini Mike can't keep a greasy right-wing racist dipshit like Doug Schoen on his side, who's left.

Racist Neocon Shitstain Jennifer Rubin Is Not A Smart Or Pretty Girl, But She Is, Perpetually, A Corn Cob

Poor Jennifer should delete her account.  She's a fucking moron.  And a grotesque racist bitch.  Whatever hell awaits her, she deserves it tenfold.  She knows how to get ratioed, though, and shrivel into a corn cop.  Sad.  Thanks, Trump!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Bernie's Campaign Should Considering Hiring Booty-Gig And Klobmonster To Do A PPV Fight As A Fundraiser

That would be some good fun.  Klobmonster clearly hates that miserable little bastard.  I'd consider  paying to watch her stomp on him if the proceeds went to Bernie's campaign.  I'm sure many folks would as well.

Armando Big Cuck Not Daily Kos Democrat Llorens And Michele Mendoza Ferrer Granville Curry Are Beyond Parody

Some people are almost too stupid to be real.  Almost.  Poor Armando and Ms. MMFG Curry are just plain broke.  Deluded and deranged.  Screeching hateful little impotent trolls.  Bernie did that!  He broke them.  By winning.  You really do love to see it.  Armando and Curry are vile racists, tho.  Don't forget that.

Mike Bloomberg Is Getting Violated Tonight In Las Vegas--Huge Mistake To Even Debate

Bloomberg shoulda stayed way far away from that train wreck in Las Vegas.  Liz Warren is being a real bitey snake tonight, and she's biting Bloomberg on the nutsack.  It's pretty fucking fun.  Bloomberg's presence is also giving Bernie a great target AND creating a target for the fire which would otherwise be trained on Bernie, so Bernie is loving all this.  The NBC moderators are all pretty much idiots, though.  Jesus, they're useless. 

Booty-gig is a nasty little piece of shit rat.

I think Biden is dying of coronavirus. 


Bernie Broke The Neolibs, The Hildos, The Establishment Pissboys Like Jonathan Alter, All Of Em

They broke.  None of these retards care that Sanders released his medical shit and his taxes and all the other nonsense.  Jonathan Alter is a bad-faith actor, a pissboy, a boot-licker.  Reality has no meaning for him.  Fuck 'em all with a rusty railroad spike.

Bernie's Ceiling Is Going To Be In The Penthouse Soon

Or in Penthouse, if he wants to get freaky with Bob Guccione in like 1978.  Anywho, Bernie is destroying the field nationally now.  You really do love to see it.

Great Thread From Boots Riley On Bernie, Voting, And The Coming Communist Ascendancy

Boots Riley gets it, atmo.  Rocking thread on the future of America if we are to have any future at all.  Vote for Bernie and keep working for that future.

Liz Lasses Are Certifiable

Fucking insane.  When you are from Mass and come in fourth place in the NH primary with 9%, your campaign is finished.  You lost.  You are a loser.  Nobody is erasing Warren.  She erased herself by being a shitty politician who ran an execrable campaign.  It's not because she is a woman.  It's because she fucking sucks at this game.  Deal with it, assholes.  Cry all you want and feel so so angry.  Nobody gives a shit.  Nobody fears Warren.  She was a fucking rock-ribbed Republican till about a month ago.  She ran a shit campaign and failed in the most humiliating fashion.  Too fucking bad.  She's a capitalist shill to her bones.  Time for you Liz Lass morons to move on.  Or not.  You're useless and will undoubtedly vote for Bloomberg if you get the chance.  Meanwhile, the rest of us are all backing the winner.

Imani Gandy, The World's Dumbest Foreclosure Lawyer, Is In Fact Apparently Illiterate As Well As Incredibly Stupid

Obtuse doesn't cover this level of fucking inane.  Fucktardery is closer, but jesus crispy cumbucket, you have to be tryin' wicked hard to be this fucking stupid if you don't think Bernie has a plan to implement and pay for M4All.  It's detailed.  It's real.  Many options are laid out right there for anyone with a greater than room-temperature IQ to follow.  It's paid for.  It's cheaper.  It covers everyone.  And that angry black idiot gets all mouthy when you point out just how dumb she is.  A brave, hopeless warrior for sanity tries to help Gandy understand, but it doesn't work.  All she can do is get all mad and squawky.  Liz Lasses are pretty fucking retarded.  They can't be helped.  But at least Gandy admitted she is a foreclosure lawyer; she doesn't try to lie about that anymore.  Thanks, Trump!

Meanwhile, Bernie Is Winning Nationally, More Than Doubling Up On Biden And Warren

Fucking Biden isn't even is second place!  Biden and Warren are getting cucked by Bloomberg.  Biden is in third place and Warren fourth.  You really do love to see it.  Racist right-wing Dems are fucking vile garbage.  Bernie's 46.

If You Were The Dumbest Guy In 'Dude, Where's My Car' You Are Hal Sparks

No offence, but is Hal Sparks like clinically a special needs child, like, you know, retarded?  Neolib, staunchly reactionary Dems are so fucking weird.  I can only assume that sparks is bitter because he is jealous of Jimmy Dore's career success.  But if anyone goes out and says that Bernie is proposing a public option instead of M4All, well, like I said, retarded.  And there aren't any Bernie Bros, either, you dolt.  It's all bullshit made up by the epic assclowns who lost to Obama and then to Trump.  But right-wing Dems, Hildos, Biden stans are not at all well to begin with, so...

Reminder: Stacey Abrams Lost In Georgia Because She Sucks

She was always a neolib stooge.  Abrams would have been a good governor in GA because she is black and female and the racists would have gone fucking insane.  But Stacey Abrams was always right-wing establishment Dem garbage.  Now she is defending racist cocksucker Mike Bloomberg.  She is telling you who and what she is.  Believe her.  Selling out to CAP and that vile cunt Neera Tanden.  Trolling for a VP spot.  Shilling for Bloomberg.  All after losing an election for governor.  That's Stacey Abrams, a souless, careerist, reactionary scumbag.

Now You Know: Never Warren

It should finally be clear to anyone and everyone: Warren is a neolib shitbag.  She cannot win, and she is not in this campaign to win.  All she is doing is working and doing anything she can do to stop Bernie from winning the nomination.  She's not an ally.  She is an enemy of progress.  Or she is such a shitty politician that she hired a bunch of incompetent Hillary and Kamala veterans who fucked up Warren's entire political career.  Either way, she fucked up.  And it's all her fault.  Primary this bitch in MA next time.  Jesus.  Warren is a liar and a snake.

So, I Had To Buy A Couple Of iPhone Xr's For The Christmasdecemberbirthdays Time Last Year, And They Are Pretty Fucking Great

It was going to be either the 11 or the Xr, since they're the same phone, but the gotta-have blue and coral colors won out, so there you go.  These fucking phones are really awesome.  All the tech twits bitching about the screen resolution and the bezels and the this and the that can eat my entire ass.  Coming from the 5 and 6 era iPhones, these Xr/11 units are amazing.  I watched an NFL playoff game on one, and it was good.  I like smaller phones in general, and would love an iPhone 11 the size of an iPhone 4 or 5, but that's not the world we live on.  The goofy colors on the Xr are so much better than the 11 colors, too.  If any cell phone is worth its price, these are.  14/10, would buy again.  I really dig the coral color myself and would buy it for me no problem.  Apple should bring it back next year.

Little Green Footballs Shitbag And Racist Charles Johnson Is An Arch-Conservative Cockbag Who Smeared The Great Rachel Corrie, But He Is Not The Guy Who Shit On The Floor

As far as we know, anyway.  LGF Charles Johnson is a yuge greasy cocksucker though, and he deserves all the insults and beatings yet to come his way, from Bernie supporters and every other decent person in the world.  Fuck him.  He called Rachel Corrie 'St. Pancake' on his gey little website and has always been a neocon shithead.  Seriously, fuck him.  In the eye holes.  With a railroad spike.

Everyone Knows That Bernie Is Gonna Win Nevada--Even Politico!

You love to see it.  Bernie is running away with this thing and the racist reactionary Hildos can't stand it.  Sad.  Thanks, Trump!

Tom Watson Is Also A Very Stable Galaxy Brain Genius

Warren, Harris, Gillibrand, and Klobuchar!! Brilliant!  Liz Warren, the worst natural politician since Hillary Clinton who destroyed her chances to be Bernie's VP when she hired all the miserable fools who fucked up the Clinton and Harris campaigns.  Kamala Harris is a cop and is Willie Brown's ex-whore.  Gillibrand is a fucking zero and got run out of the race because she helped Roger Stone ratfuck Franken.  The Klobmonster is an ugly little barn troll who throws staplers at staff and eats with a dirty comb.  These are all great picks!  Tom Watson is a political expert!  Listen to him!!  No wonder Bernie is running away with this thing.

Armando the big cuck not DK Dem Yorens can really pic the winners, too.   Never hire that retard to be your attorney.  Jesus.

Bhaskar Sunkara Is A Stud

Sunkara drops the hammer on the very dumb Klobmonster, and then has a bit of fun with the also very sad and stupid Claire Potter.  (Weird Warren Lass dummies like Potter and friends are every bit as gross and horrible as the welfare academia shitbags like Scott Lemieux.  In fact, these two dipshits are pretty much part of it.  For the love of christ, don't send your kids to schools where these ninnies teach.)  Sunkara drags both the Klobmonster and Potter to hell because they deserve it.  And because nasty right-wing creeps deserve no quarter, ever.  Bernie knows AMLO.  And Bernie's gonna win.

Hey, Kids! If You Do Bad Drugs You Might End Up As Dumb As Armando Big Cuck Not Daily Kos Democrat Llorens

Drugs make you a loser like Armando!  Seriously, if you are this demented, please just lock yourself in a small garage with all the cars running.  Armando might be too much of neolib dullard to be real, so we should consider that the Armando Big Cuck Not Daily Kos Democrat Yorens character is in reality a performance art piece by smart ass like David Sirota.

Yes, Bernie Would Have Won The Primary In 2016, Too

Except for the fact that the multi-billion dollar infrastructure of the entire Democratic Party rigged it for Hillary.  That was clear from the start, when Bernie, with no real campaign of his own, started ripping into Clinton's support across the country.  We know California was stolen from Bernie in 2016, and the overall race called a Clinton victory because of the superdelegates behind Clinton before Sanders had a chance to actually win.  The victory was stolen from Bernie because it was promised to her in 2008, and the assumption was that she could not lose.  That did not quite work.  Bernie would have won in 2016.  Bernie is winning in 2020.

Pete Booty-Gig Failed Out Of Streeling University

That fascist little creep is motherfucking weird.  But if he can't even organize a Wikipedia page without fucking it up, how the hell is gonna manage to get elected to anything ever again?  He's not.  And even Streeling Univeristy won't hire that little prick after this fuck up.

Why Are Hildos All So Fucking Dumb

There are mushrooms out there in America with a more rational understanding of our society.  Does this dummy really think Bernie has never accomplished anything?  Did he not notice that the entire political landscape has been changed by Bernie's campaigns?  Everything the Dems AND Trump are talking about is either in favor of or against Bernie's agenda.  I guess being a racist right-wing neolib tool makes you stupider than you otherwise should be.  Kaivan Shroff might be more than the holder of the world's dumbest made-up twitter handle, but not much more.

Hell, Yeah! Jamie Peck Gets It Regarding Bernie, Atmo

Nice.  Peck has been doing the legwork to get Bernie elected, too.  She was out canvassing in New Hampshire in the cold and ice.  Bernie is gonna win.  Hell, yeah!

Cringe TV With Kim Gordon And Julia Cafritz 26 Years Ago

Jesus, that was a long fucking time ago.  Julia Cafritz was a cute little naughty rich girl milf at 30.  Damn.  MTV was fucking weird back then, and Lisa Kennedy Montgomery was always fucking awful.  Kim Gordon was doing her her best Project: Mersh effort, tho.

Bill De Blasio Endorses Bernie

Good man.  Plus rubbing Bloomberg's nose in it is fun, I'm sure.  De Blasio is right about Bernie, and he knows it is good politics as well.  Bernie is 46.  De Blasio wants in on the action.  Smart.

I Would Vote For Trump, For Jill Stein Again, For Nobody, For Zombie Raygun Before I Would Vote For Bloomberg--And You Should, Too

Anybody, even Trump, even blank, even Bugs Bunny, would be a better vote than one for Bloomberg.  Trump is vile and reactionary and racist and evil, but he is also astoundingly stupid, stunningly incompetent, hilariously vulgar, and wholly senile.  Trump is a failure at everything, including being POTUS.  He's a thin-skinned bully but also a weak, ineffectual life loser.  Bloomberg is 100% of the arch-conservative evil, racism, hatred, fascism of Donald Trump but without the very helpful fatal liabilities.  Bloomberg is also 100% a Republican, so if you are forced to choose between only Bloomberg or Trump at the point of a gun, pick Trump.

Well, Charles Blow Has Found Something To Be Righteously Correct On: Bloomberg

Until (very) recently, Charles Blow has been an insufferable neolib simp and boot-licker, but there are some boots Blow won't lick and some piss Blow won't guzzle.  Good for him.  Welcome to the party, pal.  Once Bloomberg is dispatched by Dave Sirota, I'm sure Blow will return to his previous duties as insufferable pissboy, but for now he's on the winning team.  Bloomberg is a fucking scumbag, an evil little ogre, even for a Republican, which he is.  Bernie destroying Bloomberg was the plan all along.  Blow and the rest are following a plan they didn't even know existed.  Thanks, Trump!

Joe Biden Stans Are The Saddest Pandas

So sad.  You love to see it, the shame, the tears, the denial.  They know it's over. They know creepy Uncle Joe is senile old loser, but they're so weak and frail themselves that they can't do anything else but mope around in a stinking diaper of despair.  Sometimes jesus is so fucking kind to us.  Thanks, Trump!

Bernie's Gonna Win Nevada

This poll has 55% of the respondents over the age of 55 AND still has Biden in second.  That's fucking awesome.  Bernie's gonna win Nevada, bitches.  You really do love to see it.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Bernie Beats Everyone

You love to see it.  Destroying Creepy Uncle Joe over Social Security was the most skillful political maneuver thus far in the 21st century.  Sublime.  And watching Warren self-immolate was the most satisfying self-pwn this cycle.  So good.  Thanks, Trump!

David Sirota Unloads With A Nifty Drive-By Fisking Of Vile Neolib Pissboy Edward-Isaac Dovere

Sirota having well-deserved fun with this shit.  Dovere is a fatuous right-wing racist hack, so pummeling him with his own inadequacies is the best thing any of us could ever do to make America greater again.  Establishment failson pissboy media is killing us.  Dovere sucks huge moose cock.

Libertarian Boys Should Be Smart Enough To Never Apologize To Bad Faith Fascists, But They're Not Because They Are Libertarian Boys

Weigel has been gone from Twitter since he apologized/non-apologized for the perfectly fine retweet of Justin Cass' Virgil Texas' Salo tweet.  None of the neolib dimwits have ever even heard of this movie, they sure as shit (heh) have never seen it, and they have no idea what the fucking flick was about, so fuck them.  Booty-gig's petty-fascist stans are fucking dopes, too.  Zero homophobia, but a pretty funny indictment of the sick war-mongering conservatives who comprise the Booty-gig campaign in the tweet.  Neolibs need to get out more, but they can't because they're fucking dumb as rocks.  Weigel is a pussy.

This was the tweet:

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Rich No-Talent White People Are Strangling Our Culture

Upper-class white people are the cancer eating away at America's butthole.  How long before it spreads?  White people are just garbage.  Rich white people are worse.  Talentless failsons and faildaughters make the world a measurably shittier place.  Imagine all the good songs that never got played because clumsy hacks like Colleen Fitzpatrick had all the privilege hoarded in their useless careers.  Jesus.  But hey, let's all get worked up over horrid pop songs and rich movie idiots giving themselves handjobs and statues. 

Racist Right-Wing Neolib Establishment Dem Hildos Will Always Be The Worst People On Earth

But gods damn, their hatred and fear are fucking sublime.  Bernie is killing them, and they're are dying in paroxysms of insane panic.  It is utterly amazing.  But remember, these people are vile reactionary racist monsters.  Fuck them all.  They're never to be given quarter.  We must annihilate them all in order to see any progress in our society.

Would Gavin Newsom Take The Offer From Bernie? Though His Fucking Idiot Lt. Governor Might Have Killed That Chance Today

That dumb bitch Eleni Kounalakis may have just given a huge boost to Jay Inslee's VP prospects.  What the fuck was that moron thinking?  Jesus.  I assumed Kounalakis was solid, even with the Harris endorsement since it was home state and all that bullshit, but fucking Booty-gig is a fucking racist Republican.

Now Sanders cannot count on Kounalakis to follow through on Single-Payer in Cali if Newsom is the Vice President.  What a cock-up for California.

The thought being that, though Bernie didn't need Newsom to deliver CA, having a vibrant young sniveler and naked, Kennedyesque careerist in Gavin Newsom on the ticket would bolster confidence due to having a Dem chief executive type ready to take over the program after Bernie.

But now, because he has a mutton-head as a lt. governor, Bernie will have to leave Newsom in place to institute the M4A in California.  This means Jay Inslee's outside shot just moved a bit more towards the inside.  Nice going, Newsom.  Proving once again that his shitty taste in women didn't stop with that gross whore Kimberly Guilfoyle Newsom Scaramucci Trump.

Nina Turner For Chief Of Staff

Or special advisor.  But I don't think she would be a very good VP choice since she is not in office now and lost her last race.  Barbara Lee, Rashida Tlaib, Kate Brown, maybe even Gillibrand, Tammy Baldwin, or Sara Nelson.  But gotta have won your last race.  Stacey Abrams, Andrew Gillum, they both lost, too.  I'm sure Bernie wants a woman, especially to rub the noses of all the Hildos in it, since his VP will likely be the first woman president.  Too bad AOC isn't five years older.  Ilhan Omar isn't eligible.  Not Beto.  Jay Inslee would have been a good pick for Warren if she hadn't been a total shitbag as a candidate and a person.  He's not as good a match for Bernie.  Solid women who are not neolib idiots are in short supply.  What about Gavin Newsome?

Glenn Greenwald Gets It About Warren, Atmo

Glenn Greenwald has been on point since the charges were dropped in Brazil.  Good deal.  Glenn seems like a decent guy.  And he knows what's what with Liz Warren and her downfall. 

Elizabeth Warren Is A Snake

And a liar. And a Republican.  Warren made her choice.  She could have been on the winning side, but she chose badly.  Attacking Bernie over health care is a fucking disaster; her campaign is over, and she is lashing out and showing her true conservative face.  Warren will go down in history as every bit as bad a natural politician as Hillary Fucking Clinton.  Sad.  Thanks, Trump!

Michael Bennett And Deval Patrick, Get The Fuck Out

Two more losers gone now.  Bye, bitches.  Both Bennett and Patrick are pretty fucking vile neolib assholes, so this is a good gods-damned day.

No Conservative Dolt Has Been As Wrong About Everything As Mark Penn

Mark Penn is a special kind of stupid, but he is a deranged conservative, too.  So if you listen to Penn about anything, well, that's your own fault.  Penn will always do whatever he can to keep the 1% in power.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Bernie Needs To Create Some Space Between Him And Second Place

Now is the time.  Booty-gig and the Klobmonster are not going anywhere in any of the remaining states, so the next two will likely have someone else claim that second place behind Bernie, but that second needs to be greater than six or two percentage points behind Bernie.  If it is not clear to the Bernie people now that the Dems will do anything to stop Bernie and spend any amount of money to stop Bernie, even if it means another Trump term, then they will never be able to withstand the ratfucking to come.  Sanders needs to start killing these rival campaigns. 

When Markos Moulitsas Gets Twice As Smart As He Is Today, He May Then Become A Corn Cob

Fucking deranged.  Sanders wins the first, Sanders wins the second, and now how many more will Sanders win until it's down to Bernie and Bloomberg or Bernie and nobody?  What will Kos be squealing about after that?

Jesus, Warren And Biden Are Useless--Drop Out Assholes

Biden's campaign is elder abuse at this point.  Warren lost all the Hildos to the Klobmonster.  These campaigns are sad fucking jokes after New Hampshire.  Biden was the fake frontrunner all year, but he got obliterated in two consecutive contests--he was never winning and was never going win; now we all know it.  Warren is from fucking Massassachusetts, so if you don't win New Hampshire, you are dead meat.  She has no sane reason for continuing.  Fourth and fifth places in NH are worth absolutely nothing.  

If Warren doesn't drop out now, it should be clear to everyone that she is in the race on behalf of the Dem Party establishment to prevent Bernie from winning enough delegates to win on the first ballot.  That's it. 

Xeni Jardin Is A Fruity Nut Cake, Too

Warren is not admirable.  Nobody who was a loyal Republican during the Nixon and Reagan years is anyone worthy of outsized respect or admiration.  But Xeni Jardin is fucking nuts, so she's also an Klob stan.  Maybe Klob will beat her with a stapler and make her feel loved.

Armando Big Cuck Not Daily Kos Democrat Llorens Sounds Scared

His brain is broke.  Armando Llorens is a disgusting racist arch-conservative dipshit.  And he knows Bernie's gonna win.  It's killing him.  You really do love to see it.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Bernie Sanders Has A Great Campaign Staff: They Planned Out This Election In 2018

Everything they thought would happen has happened.  These folks are the best group of political strategists in modern American history.  Everything is going exactly to plan.  They saw it all in 2018: Bernie versus Bloomberg.  Warren or Biden will probably come in fifth in NH.  Fifth!  A mortal wound to anyone, but especially if you were the "frontrunner" for a year or a Senator from Mass.  Bernie's people knew.  Talent doesn't lie, and Bernie has the talent on his side.  Bernie's gonna win.

Even Juan Cole, The Biggest Establishment Guy In The Fucking Universe, Knows Bernie Is Going To Win

Juan Cole is as establishment as they come, and even he sees the truth about Bernie Sanders.  Of course Sanders is the only candidate, in 2016 or 2020, who will destroy Trump in every stage of the election.  Hillary was weak and unlikable, while Bernie is a fucking star.  It will be glorious to watch the right-wing racist Dems scurry to Trump's side and lose anyway.  You really will love to see it.

Just A Reminder That Only The Biggest Dopes On Earth Would Pay Michael The Whore's Whisperer Goodnough For His Advice

Horse piss whisperer is a fucking dummy.  But smarmy self-promoting racist reactionary white guys are always going to be like a fucking weeping sore on our society's nutsack.  Handsome fella, tho.

Sady Doyle Is Fruittier Than A Nuts Cake

Get this crazy woman some help please.  Sady Doyle's deranged identity politics make her think it is better for the frontrunner to bow out so the fourth- or fifth-placed finisher can take the top of the ticket just because that also-ran loser is a lady person.  Coo fucking coo.  Sad.  Thanks, Hillary.

Joe Biden Was Always A Fatally Weak Candidate Against Bernie

"Welcome to the party, pal!"  Anyone who wasn't a neolib assclown knew Biden was never the frontrunner; Bernie's been that frontrunner all along, but the dolts couldn't see that until Biden got humiliated in Iowa.  Now he's going to be finished in NH, and Booty-gig is gone after Nevada and SC.  Bernie wins.  Bernie was always winning.  And Biden will finish out his career never having won a single delegate.  Heh, indeedy.  Thanks, Obama.

Stillwithering Hildos Are Every Bit As Unhinged As MAGAtards And Qtards

Very dumb sistahs are a problem, too.  Hillary Clinton is one of, if not the worst natural politicians in the last century in the US--with Warren closing in on Hillary's futility--and the people devoted to her as fucking useless as Trump's base.  And this thirsty bell-end looking motherfucker Feff Jecke is never, ever getting any pussy no matter how hard he begs.

Bloomberg Wants Bernie

Big mistake, Mikey.  Whether Bloomberg thinks he can take the nomination away from Bernie behind closed doors, or he just thinks it's time to get behind the only (other) candidate who can win, Mike Bloomberg is pushing Bernie ahead of the other Dem candidates.  Bold strategy, Cotton.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Kate Willett Gets It On Bernie And Medicare For All, Atmo

This comedian is pretty fucking sharp. Kate Willett is exactly the sort of Bernie supporter that is the difference in 2020.  People like Willett are the key.  Bernie's gonna be POTUS.

Not All Liz Lads Are Very Dumb Brothers, But....

Jesus motherfrakking christo, this asshole is a fucking moron.  Warren is trash, and the Liz Lads are fucking worse than MAGAtards.  Bernie owes nothing to Warren.  She didn't run when he asked in 2015.  She didn't endorse him in 2016.  She ran this cycle to stop him.  She will probably endorse Biden before Bernie at this point.  AND if Warren wants to bend the knee to Bernie, she gets nothing after all her clumsy ratfucking.  Fuck her.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Bougie Tools Like Kevin M. Kruse Need To Be Purged

Some time at the work farm might sharpen this asshole's analysis.  Kruse is pretending that the rigging came before the vote and not after the counting protocols crashed, leaving all the reporting and math and the rest in doubt.  Kruse is pretending not to understand that releasing a portion of the results in order to give Booty-gig four days of pretending to win is not the conspiracy against Bernie.  Kruse is pretending to have missed that the DNC taking over the count, failing to release accurate numbers, and then calling for a recount just as Bernie was overtaking Booty-gig is evidence of the actual conspiracy against Bernie.  Kruse is pretending that Booty-gig complaining to Tom Perez to change the math instructions as Bernie went into the lead in the last metric is not part of the conspiracy in Iowa.  Kruse is apparently denying that the AP and NBC and others refusing to declare a winner due to discrepancies, but the IDP and CNN declaring Booty-gig the winner just as he begins an event on CNN is not in itself a conspiracy against Bernie.

Unless Kevin M. Kruse, Princeton U dullard, is not pretending.  In which case, well, he's just a professional fucking stooge and amateur bootlicker.  And right where he belongs at Princeton. 

Tom Perez, Like Joe Biden, Like Hillary Clinton, Like Rahm Emanuel, Is Part Of Barack Obama's Legacy Of Failure

Obama fucking sucks major ass.  He was always an arch-conservative shitbird.  But he could talk real pretty.  Keith Ellison was set to become chairman of the DNC until Obama intervened.  Now it's all fucked up again, and Trump will benefit again.  Perez can't even steal an election properly.  Than man is a total buffoon.  Brilliant.  Thanks, Obama.

Oh My Gosh Golly, Neolib Pissboys Are So Very Easily Offended

Toms gonna Tom.  Sadly there are not very smart brothers everywhere.  But that piss ain't gonna drink itself, and they have buckets to empty!  Then on to boot licking.  And pearl clutching!  I hope President Bernie banishes all these miserable cocksuckers to the lunar farside.

Mitt Romney Ran For President With Paul Ryan As His Running Mate And Got Humiliated

Romney got destroyed when he believed he would win.  He was forever humiliated.  Now blithering reactionary racist neolib fools like Lawrence O'Donnell and Armando Big Cuck Not Daily Kos Democrat Llorens who lionize him today will join Romney on history's list of fatuous boot-lickers of the Trump Age.  Nice job.

Nate Cohn, The NYT, And The Needle Eat Shit And It Is Really Fucking Fun

The Paper of Record, people.  I mean, that paper employs The Bedbug, David Brooks, Tom Friedman, Ross Doo-hat, Frank Bruni, Maureen Dowd, and a phalanx of other insane right-wing racists and war criminals, so we should not be surprised that reporters and The Needle are also tools of the reactionary plutocracy.  Propaganda is a gas, man.

Bye, Yang Bang Gang

Sick of so much motherfucking winning.  Crazy that a libertarian dipshit couldn't get traction.  Shocking.  Well, not that shocking.

Jesus Frakking Christ, Lawrence O'Donnell Is Fucking Simpleton & Boot Licker

This is risible nonsense; O'Donnell is a fatuous dumbfuck.  Mittens was always a reactionary scumbag, and anyone pretending he's some kind of hero is an utter buffoon.  But Larry O'Donnell will be there to lick those shiny shiny very dirty boots and guzzle that piss.  Asshole.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

They Tried To Steal The Win In Iowa From Bernie, And Now Everyone Knows It

The Sanders campaign knows it.  From the start they have been confident in their winning all the metrics.  When the partial results came out, it became really clear that the Dems were using the chaos as a way to give Booty-gig some good optics at the expense of Bernie.  Surely this exact scenario was not planned last year, but they are taking advantage off all the bullshit to hobble Bernie's campaign.  There's no other way around it.  Rank incompetence is not the whole story; most of the people seeing the ratfucking are not tinfoil hat loonies.  It's right there to see.  Sanders won, and it was clear all along.  The good thing is that the villains have been exposed.  Lots of the blame rests with Booty-gig and his campaign.  Booty-gig got the poll spiked to blunt Bernie's surge.  He declared victory when he knew he lost.  His campaign is wrapped up with most corrupt people in the Dem establishment.  They're all gods-damned CIA ratfuckers.  They did not create a grand conspiracy, but they hopped on a chance to attack Bernie.  That's how this shit works.  Every decision, every error, every mixup just happens to hurt the Sanders side.  Not an accident.

Justin Jackson Is Fucking Awesome

Mr. Jackson gets it, atmo.  He should be the Speaker ahead of people like Nancy Pelosi--should he be up for slumming in electoral politics with the Dem establishment.  Jackson has a better vision of the political reality than Kyrsten Sinema and the rest of shitbag neolib assholes in the Democratic Party.  Justin Jackson would make an excellent POTUS in 2036. 

Matt Duss Rocks--Establishment Conservative Dems Suck

Simpletons like Charlie Pierce, Ava DuVernay, are the fucking worst.  Pelosi is utter arch-conservative trash.  Fuck her.  And fuck all the dipshits who lick her disgusting boots.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Holy Shit, The Very Cool Meagan Day And A Fan Out The Vile Neolib Life Losers In Lawyers Guns & Money's Welfare Academia

Welcome to the party people.  Here at motr, we have an entire tag dedicated to the piss-guzzling, boot-licking, sniveling little neolib life losers from non-competitive colleges known as welfare academiaDickheads. Heh.  Those guys suck major ass.  Balloon Juice, too.  (Note that everyone loves Atrios, but Herr Dr. Black is in tight with those idiots.)

As Reported At 62%, This Result Would Be Very Worrying If Biden Were The Guy In Second Instead Of Booty-Gig

Biden had the claim of never trailing until a couple of weeks ago, and a close second place to Bernie in Iowa would have been a problem.  But Biden is out, non-viable, and Booty-gig ain't going anywhere in this race.  Bernie against Biden head to head might have turned into a slog, with a corpse barely animated by hatred and ignorance and fossil-fuel money making Bernie win every vote in every state and making it too hard to maintain, but the racist neolib establishment's warrior is already out of the game now.  Who are the anti-Bernie people going to vote for?  Any one of four?  Fine.  None of them can beat Bernie in any state you can think of.  Bernie will roll this up now.

The orchestrated attacks on Biden's Social Security record amount to the most deft political strategery in recent history.  Nicely played.

Even Better, Bernie Took Biden Out In Iowa--4th or 5th, Biden Is Done

This is as big as the win for Bernie.  Now all the hateful right-wing racist lunatics like Michele Mendoza Ferrer Curry will be scurrying like rats looking for a place to hide.  You really do love to see it.  When evil people like her lose, every good person wins!  Biden's campaign is no longer viable; Bernie will win in NH, Nevada, and probably South Carolina now.  Thanks, Trump!

Franklin Foer Proclaims: Evidence Suggests Everyone In My Family Is An Execrable, Tedious Hack

Jesus christ, I have to assume every Foer has like either 4 or 7 toes.  Webbed fingers.  But if you want execrable writing 100% guaranteed to be devoid of substance, well, call on a Foer!  Franklin sure does a good job licking those boots and guzzling that hot rancid piss.  Inane, sententious twaddle is the Foer family business!

But The Most Important Thing Is BERNIE WON IOWA!

Bernie won the nomination last night, and the neolib racist scum are freaking the fuck out.  This asshole is boiling over frothy insanity because they know Bernie won't be stopped now.  (You know these neolib arch-conservative Dems are completely deranged when they turn to Symone D. Sanders for succor after Biden came in 4th or 5th in Iowa on the night Bernie won big!)  The Dems did all they could to dull the moment--and will continue to do so for as long as they can manage--but the reaction of the vile Hildo assholes should be sweet recompense for all the good folks out there.  They're scared, they're crying, they're lashing out madly, and they are losing.  You really do love to see it.

The Fuckeries With The DMR Poll And The Caucus In Iowa Are Not Mistakes

This is all part of the Dem establishment doing everything it can to hobble Bernie.  The DMR poll turned out to be right on, but they didn't want Sanders to get the benefit of the predicted win in Iowa, so they spiked it.  Bernie won the caucus, and apparently did a good job changing the caucus demographic, so they used the problems with the shitty app--sold by incompetent Hildo Dem establishment grifters to the hapless Dems in Iowa--as an excuse to delay the results.

If that DMR poll had showed Biden with a lead, nobody would have cared what Bernie or Booty-gig said about irregularities, and the poll would have been published.  If the results from the caucus had shown Biden or Booty-gig crushing Sanders in Iowa, preliminary results would have been cobbled together from the app and the phones and the texts and released in the interest of democracy.

But the poll got spiked and the results got delayed because they would have been a benefit to Bernie.

This is the ratfucking that the Dem establishment will continue.  They might not be changing results outright, but they are taking every opportunity to slow Bernie in the hopes that they will stop him.

Don't let the fuckers get away with it.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Bernie Is 46! And That Dean Scream Riff Is Fucking Gold

Bernie wins!  He won Iowa and the presidency tonight!  Good shit.  Robby Mook is a risible failure, mostly because Biden got violated tonight, and it wasn't close enough to steal away from Bernie.  Sanders' Dean Scream joke will go down as one of the highlights of the primary season.

Jesus Fucking Christ, Biden Is Fucking Brain Dead Speaking After The Iowa Caucus

Joe is sundowning.  Pretty soon his dentures are going to slip out.  4th or 5th places means Biden is out.  He's done.  Dead.  Caput.  An ex-parrot.  Biden is completely empty inside, and he knows he wil never president.  Sad.  Tonight Bernie won the White House.  Thanks, Joe!

Great News From Rush Limbaugh 60 Years Late: He's Dying Of Cancer!!

Excellent news! Sad it is so late.  A yuge Bernie win in Iowa, and the news Rush Limbaugh is dying, and hopefully suffering terribly, of cancer would make this one of the greatest days in human history!  Thanks, cancer!!

So, Biden Made It Into February And To The Iowa Caucus--I'm More Than Mildly Shocked

Biden is dead tonight, though.  If he doesn't win outright by more than a point or two, Joe Biden's campaign is over.  Finally.  I never thought he'd make it to December, frankly.  That man is like a shoddily reanimated corpse, and all this fuckups from the 'Joe 3003O033O30' insanity to the racist shit to the exploding strokey eyeball to the Social Security nonsense would have killed any other candidate.  But the establishment hates Bernie so much and would rather Trump win than Bernie win.  Too fucking bad, because that all ends tonight unless Biden wins with a decent margin over Bernie.  That doesn't look like it can happen, so adios you creepy fucker.  Bernie is 46.

Joe really likes his granddaughter.  

Well, It Turns Out KC Smushed SF In The Super Big Game Bowl

Damn.  That was good.  It looked like the Forty Fuckin' Niners had that thing won, but in the end KC embarrassed them for fun and profit.  Two interceptions that looked like they cost your team the game, but, nope, you are the MVP.  Nice job, Mr. Mahomes.  Kinda hard to ever want a Shanahan to win.  What the fuck is the matter with Kansas?  For one day, nothin'.  Right, Trump?

Bernie Wins With Free Kittens

And free sex. That's something conservatives don't get, but everything else works for everyone, even conservatives.  So I guess Bernie's gonna win.  Everybody get in the van!  Thanks, Trump!

Please Run, John Kerry--We All Need Some Laughter In Our Lives

Comedy is hard, but funfetti is delicious.  If John Kerry ever gets into this because Biden spends the night of the Iowa Caucus sitting on a beanbag chair eating pudding without his dentures in on live tee vee, well, Bernie should considering becoming a man of all the gods.  Jesus frakking christmas, John Kerry lost once, but this time it'll be even more hilarious.  He couldn't beat George W. "Retardboy" Bush, but he'll take out Bernie AND Trump!  Pleez, Jebus.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Dave Rubin, Like Every Conservative, Is Dumber Than Dog Shit

Debate Sam, asshole.  Holy fucknuts, Dave Rubin is a fucking zero.  Conservatives are dumber than dog shit.

And Thus, Slowly And Calmly, The Establishment Bends The Knee To Bernie

Surely a few of the worst will suffer under Bernie, the Hildos, the Clintons themselves, the Bush and Trump families, other fascists, racists, villains, bullies, conservatives, but for most, it will be the best of times.  Even much of the establishment will grow to appreciate the Bernie era, and who would not like to see Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Donald Trump and all their scumbag followers flushed into the cesspool of history.  It's coming.  And it will be wonderful.

Rashida Tlaib Would Make A Great VP

Booing Hillary Clinton is the best thing any human could ever do.  Hillary is fucking human garbage.  The best advice in the world: never apologize to a Clinton.  The Clintons are pure evil, racist right-wing evil.

Rachel Bitecofer Is A Dipshit

She fucking loves the smell of her own farts.  Anyone dumb enough to think Rashida Tlaib booing Hillary Fucking Clinton is a debacle, well, they're perfect for the vile Hildos, those arch-conservative racist neolibs who love Hillary Clinton, promoting a bathetic conservative establishment worldview and delivering a laughingly simplistic analysis bordering on parody.  The worst thing Rashida Tlaib did was walk it back instead of leaning in with a hearty "Fuck Yeah!".  But Rachel Bitecofer will be farting up a storm and be sniffing away regardless.  And don't call yourself the doc unless you have an actual medical degree, asshole.  Nobody gives a shit about a Ph.D from some shitty southern state school.  Jesus.