Except for Tesla owners. Those sorry bastards are wicked fucking stupid. But please use your electric time bomb as a boat, too, dipshit. It's sublime comedy.
Elon Musk is truly a screaming idiot.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Except for Tesla owners. Those sorry bastards are wicked fucking stupid. But please use your electric time bomb as a boat, too, dipshit. It's sublime comedy.
Elon Musk is truly a screaming idiot.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
The Dems who support Rapey Uncle Joe are the best reasons to never, ever vote for Dems.
VOTE BRANDON/JACKIE 2024: 2 ded motherfuckers.
Anywho, Donald J. Trump is a hero to the world for his role in accelerating the fall of the GOP into a frothing cesspool of rancid reactionary bagger insanity.
Under his eye.
Thanks, Trump!
The GOP cannot be bigger losers.
The Dems have nothing but somehow the Republicans have less.
Brandon can't even remember who's alive and who's already dead, but the baggers can't seem to get anything working against him.
Whiny little pissboys like Matt Lewis are coping as hard as any boot lickers have ever coped, but that doesn't seem to be enough.
Thanks, Trump.
That's not right.
I guess the GOP decided to stop wasting money in AOC's district.
Olbermann was given every fucking sort of opportunity a tee vee guy could ever get and got creepier and creepier each time.
But no.
Now he's reduced to humble bragging about banging reactionary shitbag Kyrsten Sinema over a decade ago to signal boost his podcast.
Thanks, Dan Patrick.
But when they lose, they act like the victims.
Heh, indeedy.
Math is hard.
John Nolte is a fucking dipshit.
This is why baggers lose so easily.
Literally too stupid to win.
Thanks, Trump.
Police don't belong near children.
The cops are not your friends or friends to children.
Police rape and police kill.
All cops are bastards.
The 1312 Project.
Vingegaard could learn something from this:
But Evenepoel and the rest of the miserable fat Belgian bastards didn't have to be schooled.
Van Aert was there and his teammate won.
Evenepoel has had an amazing season all of the sudden.
Matt Lewis has a sad because his baggers lost to Trump's baggers and are now gonna lose to Dems.
Boo fucking hoo.
Frail weirdos like Lewis are the reason Trump can so easily wreck the GOP.
This did not happen.
This man is a liar.
Every single one of these stories turns out to be a lie.
The next one of these "vaccine injury" cases that is true will be the first one.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
But not quite.
So close, tho.
This fucking asshole Dore is too dim and helpless to fully comprehend what he's reading on that screen.
Jesus frakking crispy, what a fucking simpleton.
No wonder he was so easily gulled by the vile right-wing cocksuckers like Prasad and Malone and McCullough and Campbell and Weinstein.
Libertarians are way more toxic and stupid than the most inbred toothless bagger.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Vinay Prasad is a piece of shit.
Thanks, Ann Rand
Hamsters are smarter than National Review.
But you can't have a heartbeat when you don't have a heart, so...
Not really.
To understand the extent of the failure of our society would be too much to survive.
We would have to wreck it all as penance for the biblical flood of sins.
So we won't do shit.
Fuck 'em. I'm good. That's how we live now.
That's the best we can do.
Thanks, Rapey Uncle Joe.
Too bad for the National Racist Review tards that there is not a single elected socialist in the national or state governments at any level, but the MAGAtards are the rank-and-file GOP in every state.
They're concerned because they're pants-wetting morons.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Fetterman clearly wants to win.
He's actually opposing Dr. Ooz.
Fetterman is not running as a lesser Republican.
Most other Dems are not doing the same.
Thanks, Obama.
Tesla is an intelligence test: if you buy one, you failed.
Jesus, this whole trip sounds awful. Imagine depending on the car to direct you to a charger and then hoping it's working or else you are fucked.
Nobody's bringing you a gallon of charge to get you to the next one.
This is nightmare fuel, like taking a six-figure payment to have sex with Donald Trump and then having sex with Donald Trump.
No fucking a bagger president would put up with this sorta shit from a Dem governor for a second.
The state government would be annulled and it would be bagger-led reconstruction for NY or CA or WA or CT at the point of a gun.
Rapey Uncle Joe undoubtedly would love to feed those immigrants and refugees into a yuge wood chipper because he's a reactionary racist piece of shit, but from a political standpoint, he should end DeSantis and Abbott over this.
There's no end to just how gullible baggers literally are.
These poor bastards will believe anything except what's actually true.
It's kinda glorious.
And it is definitely killing some of them, so keep bagging, baggers.
The beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover is the most wonderful development in human history.
Thanks, jesus.
With globohomo you get fun and singing and dancing and parties, but with with globobagger you get really nasty shit being jammed down your throat every day by some dumb asshole screeching about whatever made-up god grift is being fellated by the rest of the reactionary shithbags.
Just say no to globobagger.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Thanks, jesus.
Only thing sadder than a bagger is a Canadian bagger.
Baggers are dumber than dog shit.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Fuck you.
You are dumber than dog shit, more useless than the most racist inbred bagger.
Fuck you.
Nuclear power is an intelligence test: if you support it, you failed.
But it's always edifying for white guys to be exposed as even more titanic assholes that had been previously believed.
Brett Favv-rah sucks major ass.
He should be facing criminal charges. Being a bagger IS a crime, dammit.
Thanks, Obama.
The American bagger has shown they will believe any and all horseshit as long as it is delivered by a racist reactionary dipshit.
The blessed holy bagger remover could not have killed so many of these grotesque fuckwads on its own.
Thanks, Trump.
Beyond all the insanity and evil, how the fuck could the Dems just let the bagger cocksuckers DeSantis and Abbott get away with this shit even one time?
Fight back for the politics if not for the humanity.
Fuck me, it's almost like Rapey Uncle Joe and the Dems are in on it, too.
Thanks, Obama.
NOT TRUE! Paul squeals from under his strip-mall rug.
Can Ron Johnson really be a bigger retard than Rand Paul?
We may never know the answers to these important questions, but tune in next time for another exciting episode of Bullshit, or Not?
Idaho baggers are positively Trumpian.
Christ, these reactionary stooges are even bigger losers than Trump's kids.
Heh, indeedy.
Thanks, Obama.
If Trump had been even barely competent as a leader, the world would have been his.
But thank the gods he's a syphilitic moron whose only talent is embarrassing himself in front of everyone.
Thanks, Obama.
He's doin' great licking the boots of the new CNN bosses tho!
If Chris Cillizza knows anything, it's how to lovingly lave the rancid shit off of the filthy filthy boots of some reactionary asshole with his tongue.
"Analysis" by Chris Cillizza.
Heh, indeedy.
What a miserable piece of filth.
Rapist enabler.
And now he's ded.
So, the good news just keeps on coming for humanity.
Thanks, jesus!
Not all girls need abortions, Miss Lindsey knows.
Now every GOP candidate running for every office should be asked if they support this asshole's national abortion ban.
Once again, the Dems have been handed the keys to victory.
And once again they will not use them.
This asshole needs a Ukraine flag emoji and some anti-vax links to go along with this fucking inanity.
Too bad Cannondale never quite got the details and the QC up to snuff on these aluminium road frames...
Not what Jumbo Visma wanted, but the race was a proper show this year.
Lotsa good racing in 2022.
Lotsa COVID, too.
Prob not the most embarrassing thing about Cal, tho...
Then maybe CMU wouldn't be such a shitshow.
But that's not the way things work in a world built and run into the ground by dummies (like Carnegie and Mellon).
At least that vile old racist bitch is still ded.
And Rush Limbaugh.
There's a use for a dude of whom the conservatives are viscerally terrified. The kind of guy who makes them sputter and sweat and shiver with a frail coward's hatred. Fetterman is clearly one of those dudes, so that's a good enough reason for him to be a Senator.
Today was the best day of the rest of your life.
Things will only get worse.
At least some folks will be getting everything they deserve.
The rest can fuck themselves.
Under his eye.
Pretty much vapid, bad at reading, and dumb, with shitty taste in tee vee.
Also, not much of a writer, as he proved.
Welfare academia are more useless than baggers.
The answer, of course, is both.
She's dumber than dog shit because she is a conservative.
But she's lying because in her example of the $40,000 loan forgiveness lawyer couple, both of those people would have been Pell Grant recipients, so they started from the poorest group of college students. No matter what they may make in the future, they are the actual pulled-themselves-up-with-hard-work folks Republicans pretend to love.
Also, something like 40% of student debt is held by people without degrees, so complaining about the PhD group is comically disingenuous.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Veronique de Rugy and the Mercatus Center are dumber than dog shit.
I never thought jesus could love us so fucking much.
The blessed holy bagger remover is truly making America greater again.
MAGAts, MAGA CHUDS, MAGAtards, they're all just anodyne, rock-ribbed, rank-and-file GOP.
Nothing new, nothing unusual about them.
They're just conservative, racist, rotten, dumber than fuck, reactionary cocksuckers, the same as Republicans have been since they started.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Yes, the bagger remover is a sign of jesus' love for us.
But it's also all those vile motherfuckers being dumber than dog shit.
Praise be!
Sure, you knew conservatives like the baggatron cocksuckers on the Free RePubic were fucking hilariously stupid, but the truth is that they are fucking way dumber than anyone could reasonably believe.
They will readily be gulled by every unhinged conspiracy but will refuse to even consider the simple facts that might keep them healthy and alive.
Praise be.
These vile reactionary assholes are killing themselves with this insanity and truly making America greater again.
Every dead bagger means a fuzzy kitten smiles.
Thank you jesus.
First the queen dyin' and now this hilarity.
Lotsa good news for the good folks out there.
Where's your gods now, assholes.
Thanks, Jeebus.
The world will dance a little happy dance when that nasty old bitch finally kicks.
But the world would have been better if the whole lot of them had been blown up a hundred years ago.
Fuck you.
Florida is doing the work of the blessed holy bagger remover.
Ron DeSantis is a mass murderer.
Praise be!
Jimmy Dore is really fucking stupid.
The Great Barrington Declaration was risible libertarian horseshit from day 1...
Remember when Obama didn't raise the minimum wage.
Remember when Rapey Uncle Joe didn't do it either.
Didn't even try.
Lied to your face about it.
Fun times.
Never, ever vote for Dems.
Trump's GOP is the GOP since LBJ chased every last racist into the arms of the Republicans in the 1960s.
There are no good Republicans, and there never were.
Republicans are racists, reactionaries, revanchists, gun nuts, libertarians, Proud Boys, Nazis, MAGAtards, neocons, jesus freaks, lunatics, morons, demented assholes.
Conservatism was, is, and always will be a mental defect.
Without such unhinged assholes, the beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover would not have been able to remove so many disgusting syphilitic racist reactionary baggers from our world.
Truly great men and women who are dumber than dog shit.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Under his eye.
I mean Ron Johnson is probably too stupid to steal the money, so at least Rick Scott put it to better use than electing Republicans to the Senate.
Surely the man who stole tens of millions from Medicare won't steal tens of millions from us!
Heh, indeedy.
Thanks, Trump.
He is very smart and handsome and tall. His mother told him so.
Surowiecki got that big brain from watchin' Entertainment Tonight every night when he was goin' to Choate.
Conservatism is a mental defect, so Cocaine Mitch isn't too smart. He outsmarted Trump by making the Supreme Court the October focus instead of another stimulus check, but he wasn't smart enough to put Trump down for good.
If Trump had sent that check in October, he would have won 45 states.
McConnell knew this and made sure it didn't happen. Smart.
He didn't engineer a conviction in the impeachment, tho. Very, very dumb.
Thanks, Obama.
So many dumb fucking baggers still not getting the COVID vaccine!
Praise be!
This continues to be the only thing making America greater again: dead baggers!
Thank you so fucking much jesus.
The Dems and GOP are the same people. Only a fucking imbecile would ever vote for a Republican, but only another imbecile would vote for the Dems expecting something, anything, to change.
Never, ever vote for Dems.
Jeesus fekkin' kryst.
Baggers are dumber than dog shit.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Megan McArglebargle is about as clueless and hard right as you can be in this galaxy, and yet the baggatron cocksuckers on the Free RePubic honestly believe she's some kinda lefty.
These poor bastards are fucking retarded.
Thanks, Obama.
They're not kidding about believing in a god.
Free RePubic baggers really believe that nonsense.
Conservatives have no idea how the world works or what science means.
They have not even the most basic understanding of anything going on around them.
Conservatives are frail and helpless and ignorant and always will be because they are not capable of learning or comprehension.
Baggers are dumber than dog shit.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Thanks christ for the beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover.