Updated? New owner? What ever! It's frakking wicked.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
One Year Ago Today
occupy wall street wins its first big victory
al-awlaki: obama's latest murder. this time with robots.
whatever al-awlaki's crimes beyond his english fluency may have been we will never know. right now, the only evidence we have that he was a danger to anyone anywhere is the word of his killers, and they are not known to be very smart or very honest. all independent evidence states that this clown was just some guy who poked the eye of the american hegemony with his idiot rantings, so he had to die. the fact that he was an american citizen is conveniently ignored by the cheerleading fuckers. america has moved far beyond a nation of laws, and this is merely the latest example. the president used the full force of the u.s. military and intelligence forces to murder an american citizen without trial, without evidence and without reason. how long will it be until a president uses a drone to assassinate a citizen on u.s. soil? anyone who cheers the murder of al-awlaki is either a monster or a fool of gigantic proportions.
al-awlaki was a perfect scary monster for consumption in the u.s. a man with little or no connection to actual operations against the interests of the united states but instead a u.s. citizen who didn't subscribe to the 'america fuck yeah' worldview, he was a safe target and could be held up as a traitor for the cheering monkeys back home. he's another john walker lindh, a bad bad american who deserved to suffer and die so that the rest of america could feel better. lindh was a harmless goof and al-awlaki was just as ineffectual. the u.s. government has attempted to connect him to every act of violence in the past 10 years, but anyone dumb enough to buy that load of horseshit is free to wallow in their own fetid ignorance forever and ever.
watching the sickening self-congratulating today all over the media from elected and military officials along with tee vee buffoons and random internet jerkoffs is both one of the most disgusting as well as one of the most pathetic displays in recent american history. whatever potential the american experiment had is long dead. the only american exceptionalism extant is exceptional evil and stupidity.
if obama wants to murder a few more folks, i have a list
when bill o'reilly praises your extra-judicial murder, you know you are wrong
next time, let bank of america fail
wait, what? melissa harris-lacewell-perry is a great black public intellectual?
thar she blows! the great christie whale!!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
One Year Ago Today
is herman cain a michael steele for the new decade?
jon stewart sucks
montana follows vermont in leading the way
it's not going to be easy; there will be pushback by the weasels and sycophants who suck at the teats of the mellons and the coors and kochs and the duponts and petersons. however, the success was too much to ignore in canada and could be here. vermont, montana, places with leaders not afraid to innovate and to lead, real progress is possible.
chris 'tweety' matthews is an idiot, again, and he has a boehner for chris christie
greg gutfeld consistenly delivers the dumbest commentary on television
hermentum all over fox news now!
watching occupy wall street percolate
nice to see some love for joe mcginiss's sarah palin book
hahahahahahahahahah stupid knows no color
now it's done, and it's a great day for america
now tom caron is talking about sifting through the rubble. the post game show will not be truly sublime because eck's not there, but jim rice and his stylin' duds will be pretty entertaining. now the death watch starts: tito 'the-least-popular-jackson-brother-evah' francona has to go. the team started like shit, but 20 games lost in september and it has to be bye-bye. maybe theo epstein should go to, but francona's history. remy looks like he's gonna need his prescriptions adjusted right now. 'inexcusable', he says. no shit. 20 losses in the last month of the season. now they're talking about the trade deadline failures. that's epstein. oops. papelbon's a free agent. he's certainly going out a loser. literally. maybe the yanks can pick him up for the 6th inning of games cheap; they can go papelbon, soriano, roberts, mariano. remy'll probably have to be on suicide watch unless he's a huge bruins fan and big drinker.
caron's writing off francona. jim rice says the team didn't work hard enough. holy shit, it's been 10 minutes, and even the jerkoffs in the studio are hanging the manager out to dry. fucking awesome! this is the redsox and boston sports in general at their best. they're miserable happy losers who just don't know what to do if they win. they'd rather cry than smile. wah wah wah. gotta love it.
meanwhile, the yankees are going about their business and don't have to play the miracle rays in the first series so they won't see them till next year. and hell, even if they go out in the alds, they did better than the sox so it's a successful season in new york.
francona looks like a condemned man. say he comes back next season and the team starts 3 and 15. he'll be gone so fucking fast it'll make his head spin and glasses fly off, so it's probably better if they just fire him tomorrow and get it over with. i know that teams are not supposed to step on the playoffs with high-profile firings, but maybe the sox ownership will be so fucking tweaked that they'll can tito and theo tomorrow in a spasm of frustration. 7 and 20 in september blows moose cock.
tom caron is talking like an old timey sox fan, expecting the worst and knowing that the sox will always find a way to fail. that's the way it should be. the sox, celtics, patriots and bruins are no fun when they win; boston is so much more entertaining when their teams lose in the most embarrassing ways possible. talking up a bruins preseason game is the only thing they can do now. fucking beautiful.
and the braves lose, too, and that's always good. too bad that the cardinals and that hateful bastard larussa couldn't lose, too. fuckers.
now caron is walking back the fire francona talk. somebody musta motherfucked him up and down during the commercial. the first feeling is right, though. tito's toast. 'change the attitude in the clubhouse' from rice. maybe big jim needs to go down and kick some ass to get those clowns going! gonzalez is talking about god's plan. what a fucking moron. if jeebus cared about adrian fucking gonzalez, that would be about the most pathetic thing anyone could imagine. maybe god can pay gonzalez's fucking salary for this season. asshole. most of these guys should just keep their idiot mouths shut. and apparently gonzalez is bad luck, so he might wanna reconsider that god bullshit. maybe allah would do more to help gonzalez get world series ring or at least his teams into the post-season. big poopy looks like he's gonna cry. maybe he can run away to south america with manny. papelbon looked like he was gonna cry, too. what a pussy. highly paid losers. they certainly should bring back wakefield. he's totally useless, so he fits right in. 'if theo's still around. if terry's still around'. sweet jesus, rice is vicious. i think he wants the job. that would be fun to watch, anyway.
that evan longoria from desperate housewives looks pretty happy in his postgame interview. very nice for him with his show ending and stuff.
tom caron must've been rehearsing his historic bitch and moan routine in the mirror. like redsox teams of old, he said. fuck yah. heartbreakers. losers. cancer boy lester says papelbon is the best closer in baseball. really? what team was he watching? fucking douchebag. now he's making excuses. epstein's looking a little green. he probably hopes that sacrificing francona will be enough to save his job. he looks like he's hoping to get the chance to fire francona and not find himself fired first. two consecutive years of failure. ruh roh. sorry, charlie, the best teams in baseball are playing this weekend. it sounds like epstein just threw tito under an express bus. papelbon for a few, and it's over. the sox post game goes out on a low low note. booo-hoooooo.
what a great day for america. the devil rays love america. the orioles love america. america loves them back.
Friday, September 28, 2012
One Year Ago Today
shame on jon stewart
btw, peter orszag and the new republic suck
obama rips off warren; kos notices
wonderful cynical and cautionary take on the guardian uk
Thursday, September 27, 2012
One Year Ago Today
ralph nader is right again
breaking: chris christie is a horrible...
where the hell did fox dig up andrea tantaros?
mittmentum? finally?
looks like msnbc misses olbermann
of course, larry o'donnell is failing miserably. he's a douchenozzle of the highest order. he thinks he's so much more cosmopolitan than the little people on the other side of the broadcast, but many of them recognize that he's simply a preening, self-congratulating moron, kinda' like a low-effort bill o'reilly.
for fun, take a look at the actual numbers. they're in the low hundreds of thousands. even fox is only half a million. nobody really watches those fucking shows anyway...
chris christie is smarter than ann coulter
and jesus, he's one ugly fat fuck. no way america's electing someone as disgusting-looking as chris christie.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
538 Reactionary Tool
Wait, what? The 538 guy is an ignorant, reactionary cocksucker? Really? No shit. Wasn't that pretty fucking obvious when he got hired by The New York Times?
One Year Ago Today
i have figured out terra nova
getting there
olbermann lead with the wall street protests
we expected more of obama
why is fox news kissing trumps ass?
i endorse hermentum!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
So Much For Maggie Gyllenhaal's Career
This atrocity will be the end of it, I hope. There's no way you can't know who the assholes are behind this garbage, and she's beyond the point of needing to cash the check to survive, so fuck her. With any luck, this will leave a stain she can't wash off.
One Year Ago Today
please make the terra nova ads stop
since they already ordered the 13 episodes, it might not be cancelled till december. terraquest dsvnova anyone?
$250,000 is a high income anywhere
the wealthiest people in this country--top 10%, top 1%, top 0.1%, whatever--would be happy to enlist the $250,000-$400,000 or so earners in this country as the cannon fodder in their class war. they believe those fools will throw themselves against the barricades to resist the waves of the great unwashed. those sad bastards will probably even be surprised when their masters toss them to the wolves. they shouldn't be, but they will. as far as the times is concerned, those in the quarter-million club will choose to fight with the times's own masters on the wrong side. envy and fear rule and the folks in charge know how to feed it.
the sad truth is that taxes for the top quintile in the united states are at all-time lows, and the tax burden has been shifted to the middle- and lower-class earners over the past 40 years. this is the real class war, and it already has a huge casualty list. the nyt is an organ of the upper class, not be trusted when it comes to the class war.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Akin Gingrich 2012 Tour
Can't you just smell the glory? The babes can't get enough of these two hotties, and I'm sure the panties will be damp till election day.
One Year Ago Today
serious props for abbas from uri avnery
putin, jr.
mittens wants to be the anti-gore
losin' it
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Was There Ever A Time When Ann Coulter Was Sane?
Ann Coulter has always been a creepy fucking bitch. Was there ever a time when she was sane? Was she really that bad of a lawyer that she was forced into this idiocy? Or can she really be that fucking stupid? We may never know the answers to these questions, but tune in for our next episode of Bullshit, or Not?
One Year Ago Today
pam geller's plastic surgeon
more serotta forum epic fail
the upper middle class in the united states is generally just not that bright.
who's the more despicable: michael oren or netanyahu?
the 1 state solution
i see the best outcome--also the least likely, unfortunately--as a single-state solution. israel is a fictional construct made reality by the continued support of the west, especially the united states. all of that wasted money would be better spent supported the economy of a single state in the region, where each citizen is guaranteed a vote as well constitutional civil and religious rights protections. i know that would make jesus cry because of course israel must exist as jewish nation so that jesus can return and destroy it! but still, maybe we should worry more about people and less about fictional assholes and work for a peaceful, secular nation for the palestinians and israelis. one man, one vote. one woman, one vote, too.
the mormon question
money for mittens
Saturday, September 22, 2012
One Year Ago Today
fork enve
elizabeth warren is on her way
pumphead bill luvs him some newsmax
obama's got a bridge to sell
the troy davis horror in 2012
the democratic establishment is ruled by fear
nader is the current meme for establishment dem shitheads, and one of the comments name checked him as a joke, so i commented:
maybe nader would have said something about it. if he ran on an opposition to the death penalty, he would probably speak up at least and not be such a political coward. especially if the man who was to be executed on disputed evidence was a lebanese american son of small buisness owners, nader would have had the stones to speak up and say i identify with this dude and it sucks at least, even if the constitution gave him no more power to stop it than any other citizen.
Friday, September 21, 2012
One Year Ago Today
clarence thomas sucks, but you knew that
crumpton corsa team, gaulzetti corsa, spooky skeletor
now where is the ~ 2k-3k titanium frame and fork from an american shop in awesome stock sizes? that would fit in great with these three gems.
palestine/israel is our problem
my dream for palestine
abbas goes to new york
i would not trust georgia to execute a third down
obama: the true believer in fail
ralph nader has superpowers
is scott walker gonna get pinched
robust debate should characterize all races for office
50 million americans without health insurance
maddow was on high tonight
Thursday, September 20, 2012
When T-Paw Bails, You Know It's Ovah
Well, that's that. When Pawlenty decides you suck, you suck, and if even a useless piece of shit like T-Paw knows you're done, you are well and truly fucked. Not much Mittens does at this point is going to help. He's relying on an Israeli nuclear attack on Iran or an algal bloom of boiling American racism to give him any hope of being elected POTUS. Maybe that voter suppression stuff that the Koch-suckers have been working on for a couple of generations will finally pay off big this time. Once the race is won for Obama, look for the Dems to run up the score in October with some 'non-official' Mormon attacks in the hopes of acutely splintering the Republican party on a national scale and weakening the GOP positions in the Congress.
One Year Ago Today
clooney's new movie: less giamatti in the ads
this has to be a joke
fox news finds the world's worst doctors: ablow edition
dadt in the 2012 campaign
ed shultz is having too much fun with bill o'reilly
please jeebus, let chris christie run for president
tbogg the attention whore
bill o'reilly wants to cut spending so he doesn't pay more taxes
10% cuts in all government expenses? what a fucking moron.
elizabeth warren is cool
establishment democrats are every bit as stupid as teabaggers
i understand that dennis g. is an establishment guy. low-level establishment guys--and balloon juice is about the lowest level you can get--do their jobs and don't ask any questions. you're essentially a cheerleader for a team not many people like, but you get out there and flash some leg regardless. dennis g. will support the team and the captains because that's just what he does; he's not capable of doing anything else. he doesn't make value judgements or have his own opinions. he knows that even the talk of primary could make his guy look bad, so the people talking primary get the screechy insult treatment. he wants to seem so reasonable, so responsible that anybody who might object is clearly some sort of monster. ralph nader is a bad guy because he might not love obama enough. he's a bad guy because dennis g. says so. he cost al gore an election because that's what the democratic party says, and dennis g. says so. it's foolishness of the highest order, but it is the way our political system works. in this country politics is intramurals. the only dangerous opposition is anyone who doesn't want to play to dennis g.'s rules. he's out there doing his best to keep the idiots in line, and he will lie and pout and cry like a bitch if they don't.
ralph nader didn't cost gore the election; that's a zombie lie that will never die as long as tools like dennis g. have breath in their lungs. joe lieberman cost him the presidency. bill daley did. warren christopher did. al gore did. nader delivered votes in florida and took votes from bush. without nader, bush may have actually won the election!
i've been on these assholes for a while. it's politics as usual, but this politics is now plainly killing all of us. sure, it was hard to see in the 70's, and dennis g. is no where near bright enough to have seen it then, but if he's still an establishment guy now, then he's every bit as bad as rick perry or the run-of-the-mill brain-dead, racist teabagger. a primary may hurt obama, but obama has ignored a large segment of his 2008 voters. he's governed as a hard-right corporatist, so it's not a stretch to say that ralph nader and cornel west have a point when they say that obama does not represent them and, except for empty campaign rhetoric, apparently has no intention of ever representing their interests or their political positions.
it was good to see some pushback in the comments. of course abl and the barking morons were out, but that's their playground. the irreparable fractures in the democratic party are a good thing, with the dennis g./imani gandy douchnozzles on one side and actual free-thinking liberals on the other who will eventually be in different parties. the moderate republicans are welcome to obama and his acolytes while the liberals attempt to herd cats and form a true leftish (center-left) major party. not a great outcome, but better than the solid right-wing (democrats) and far-right (republicans) parties we have now.
the fundamentalist republicans long ago abandoned the position of always voting for the republican; they put morons on the school board and worked them up the ladder to change the complexion of the party. it took 40 years, but they self-selected for borderline-retarded jeebus-lovers, and now lunatics like orin hatch look like moderate republicans. dennis g. doesn't want that to happen to the democratic party in the opposite direction with actual liberal men and women of ideas and principles taking over the party from within. he wants you to vote only for the party pick because that is what keeps his people in charge. if anyone actually votes their beliefs, at some point we could end up with a party that thinks jerkoffs like dennis g. are right-wing stooges.
big gay al joins the big gay army
new uaw deal with gm is a pretty good thing
rick perry should stop talking about palestine and israel
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Over-Oversized Foresta
Nice over-oversized tubed frame here from Foresta, with some very cool details to go with the new tubeset, like that elegant internal brake cable routing. This is not a huge frame either, and the pipes look pretty fucking big as part of a smaller-sized bike. It's interesting to see that mondo crown and steel fork, too. This must be the proprietary big Sachs crown, and I heartily endorse that over a plastic piece. I'm glad to see some folks building with this stuff. I still have no idea whether this is the new standard or just a stunt, but I really think it's cool for some reason. Bullshit, or not?
Romney Didn't Lose This Week
Proving once again that he's a total cockbag did not lose Mittens the election. His disastrous convention did not lose him the election. Even his awful choice for veep didn't lose him the election. However, all these mistakes put together paint a picture of someone way too lame and stupid to win an election for meter maid. The longer he goes, the worse he looks, and the fewer people can stomach the idea of voting for him. Obama is shit, and may not be able to win the election in any active way, but it is apparent that Romney will lose the election himself, and Obama gets back by default.
O'Reilly and Friedman
Motherfrakking christ, those are two fucking clueless dickheads on the tee vee.
One Year Ago Today
crumpton corsa team
hollywood hates women
obama's horrible political instincts
obama's lost years
rivendell atlantis
breaking: charlie rangel did not resign
bill o'reilly has his panties in a bunch
plus he's a fucking liar. he's never gonna be oppressively taxed in this country. ike's rates weren't oppressive; fdr's rates weren't oppressive. if the top marginal rates were higher, and there were more brackets, certainly the economy did pretty well in the 50's.