Monday, April 11, 2011

what is john cole so afraid of?

it seems like he just can't deal with conflict or dissent or something.  it's odd, because obama has done much to alienate his base.  that's a charitable way of saying that he failed to live up to the expectations he created during the campaign.  he was a master of stating simply that he was a corporatist douche on the one hand, while spouting flowery and soaring rhetoric about some undefined, fanciful vision of hope and change before and after the simple, corporatist declarations.  blame the victim, but those people, the ones dumb or desperate enough to believe the rhetoric instead of the confession, are stung just the same.  obama has proven to be the master of getting backed into his chosen corner.  it's happened again and again, so you know it's not an accident.  his political skill is staking out a position weakly, failing to defend it all and winding up right in his comfort zone.  he's a right-wing politician, just not as ostentatiously stupid as paul ryan or michelle bachmann.  he cares as little about the deficit and the debt as the rest of them, but he is willing take any position in order to appear to be ahead of the prevailing, ruling-class fashion.

so back to the question: what's the problem?  fear of losing?  feeling lousy about backing the wrong team?  going with the status quo to feel like you have a stake?  it cannot be about results, because obama has failed time after time.  what he calls victories should be called failures by john cole and his people.

up until recently, i thought obama would not be beaten, but now i'm starting to question.  an energized base for the repubs, full of teabaggers and racist assholes and fueled by unlimited kochesque money, making a play for boatloads of those vile and ignorant 'independents' along with a disinterested and disheartened democratic liberal activist base leaves the 2008 electoral map in tatters.  could be, but nobody's gonna primary obama in any serious way regardless.

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