Thursday, April 19, 2012

One Year Ago Today

his bad dream

over at crooks and liars, they have a piece about giant cockbag dylan ratigan getting chummy with even bigger cockbag andrew breitbart.  this is just the latest way in which ratigan has shown that he is in no way a liberal, or even too bright, and is at best an anti-republican conservative/big-business libertarian, which may actually be some kind of mutant like a teabagger.  apparently, ratigan wound up on msnbc because he wasn't a big enough douchebag to stay on cnbc, but is still a mindless, fox news-lite style suckup.  c&l's is absolutely right; there's no way breitbart should be given a forum in any decent media.  it's beyond shame because i'm pretty sure ratigan possesses none.

one of the commenters there brought up something i caught a couple of weeks ago, too.  ratigan kissed the ass of swift boat liars and brent bozell enabler and all-around genuine american piece of shit t. boone pickens on his show because of pickens's supposed support for clean energy without ever bringing up the problems with hydro fracking for natural gas.  pickens is another person like breitbart who should never be given a forum on the public airwaves because of his proven disregard for both the truth and common decency.  just for giggles, ratigan broke the balls of professional leftie adam green the next day when green tried to find out why ratigan was such an ass-kisser and yet somehow failed to ask pickens about fracking or his millions of shares of stock in the companies looking to profiteer from said fracking.

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