Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Even In California They Love The 2nd Amendment So Much, But Not Enough To Reach The Double-Digit Death Toll Which Gives Jesus A Boner

Only eight killed means the shooter was most like a homosexual and not the most exceptional brave beautiful American patriot who loves freedom and jesus and the 2nd Amendment so fucking much--which is about right for California.  Lotta those people out there.  Democrats tend to be the non-heterosexuals.  But still, it's always nice to see innocent people murdered to protect freedom and make jesus jizz his jeans.

Poker In Rear: TRUMP-Duggar 2024

TRUMP/Duggar 2024: Licker up front.


Monday, May 24, 2021

Jimmy Dore And His Peeps Need To Work Way Fucking Harder To Not Fall Into The Trap Of Insane Racist Horseshit

This is just stupid.  People who work closely together in secure areas get each other sick all the fucking time.  It's why they need to be so careful.  They aren't opening the fucking windows on nice days or doing their work outside on laptops because it's such an unexpected warm day for that time of year.

Jesus christ, Jimmy Dore.  Use your fucking head.  Don't believe the racist reactionary shitheads any more than you believe Rapey Uncle Joe or Cenk Uygur.  Check your sources; the WSJ is never credible.  Be more skeptical of teabagging reactionary racists than anyone else.  Be fucking smarter.  Jesus.

Slide It In, Right To The Top: TRUMP-Duggar 2024 -- Ain't Never Gonna Stop

TRUMP/Duggar. 2024.  Slide it in.

Thee Obscured

Monday, May 17, 2021


The Two-State Solution Is Dead, So It's Time To End The Siege Of Gaza And Move Forward To Peace In Palestine

The atrocities in Gaza are the fault of the US and Israel.  Unless we are going to fund the Palestinians with a modern military twice the size of Israel's so that the two sides can fight it out, it is time to put a stop to all of it.  Israel as an ethnic Jewish apartheid state needs to be destroyed.  Only the one-state solution will work now.  The United States must lead the world in establishing one state in Palestine based on freedom and tolerance for all, especially the Palestinians.  Israel is dead.  It was always a racist fascist shithole.  Only Palestine is legitimate now.

'The Onion' Has More Balls Taking On Israel Than MSDNC Or Any Other Outlet

More calling out Israel's crimes against humanity, and less coddling the Zionist apartheid terrorist state.  Thanks.

Not Breaking News: Elon Musk Is A Fatuous Fraud, A Dipshit, A Grifter, A Liar, A Scumbag

Gerry Adams Is The Best Of Us

 Gerry Adams fucking rocks.  Solidarity with Palestine.  Absolutely.


Lin Wood Is Sick To Death Of All The Winning

So. Much. Fucking. Winning.  Everything Trump touches turns to rancid shit.  Sad.  Thanks, Obama.

Israel Is The Second Most Disgusting Terrorist Nation On Earth

And should be destroyed.  Nothing of value exists in Israel, so it's time to give the land back to the righteous Palestinian people and let them do what they wish with it.  The US has complete control over Israel, but we refuse to exert that control.  Now's the time.  After we erase Israel from history, then we can work on destroying the number one terrorist nation on the fucking planet.

TRUMP-Duggar 2024: Experience, Not Innocence

TRUMP Duggar, 2024

Sunday, May 16, 2021

MAGA CHUDS, Libertarians, Teabaggers, Republicans, Whatever You Call Vile Racist Conservative Assholes, They're All Going To LIe About Being Vaccinated Now

So we're all fucked.  There's no way that any large number of randos are fully vaccinated--the point about most of the vaccinated cohort being old people is a valid one--and that means that a yuge majority of the dickheads you see running around without masks are just fucking liars.  Liars who can make people sick.  Liars who can kill people.  You know, conservatives.

1: Covid vaccinations should be mandatory, however you want to shape it to fit your ideas of liberty and safety and all that bullshit.

2: Mitigation strategies like masks and distancing and all that should be in place until 90% of the total population is fully vaccinated.

3: We've been at this for six plus months now and should be there already.  If COVID-19 was our moonshot, our first rocket test exploded on the launchpad, killing millions...

Let's Remember To Be Careful Out There, Kids--And Nike Sucks Major Ass

Costco Should Make Jason The Head Of Their Anti-Bagger Taskforce

Ricky Schroder gets cucked by the mighty Costco Jason.  Heh, indeedy.  I bet little Jimmy Surowiecki is jealous.

They Grow Up So Fast: TRUMP/Duggar, 2024

TRUMP-Duggar 2024


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Not A Single Sane Person On Earth Wants Anything To Do With Jenny 'Xeni Jardin' Hamm

CooCoo.  This fisking is pretty fun, tho.  The woman is a mental case.  Literally.  But she's also a toxic liar and shitbag.  Even GWAR won't claim her, homie.

How Fucked Is New York If Andrew Yang Becomes The Fucking Mayor

Jesus christ, what a fucking disaster Andrew Yang will be for New York and the world.  That fucking guy is fatuous dipshit, yet the Dems cannot find a decent candidate to challenge him, so they are just gonna have to relax and enjoy it while their city collapses even further.  Nice going, assholes.

TRUMP Duggar 2024: Children Should Be FELT And Not Heard

TRUMP/Duggar 2024

Feets Don't Fail Me Now

Friday, May 14, 2021

Lin Wood Is Not Simply A Hateful Teabagging MAGA CHUD Grifter

He is also coocoo for Cocoa Puffs.  I'm not sure exactly how this grift is paying off for Wood, but I am sure that he is dangerously insane as well.   Rapey Uncle Joe is not the President.  The military is on Trump's side and loyal only to him.  Somehow god is working to do something not at all bugfuck crazy in Lin Wood's America right fucking now.  Fantastic.  And somehow Wood is collecting a check, too...

Yes, Fauci Sucks, But Jimmy Dore And His Show Have To Be Better Than Boosting Racist, And Insane, Coronavirus Horseshit

Redfield is whackjob.  Fauci is a liar.  And a Republican.  The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' website is not peer reviewed.  This is racist horseshit.  COVID-19 was spreading around the world for a year before the first major outbreak.  Dore and his show need to be better than this.

Like Sanders In The US, It Took All The Power Of The Political And Media Establishment Of The UK To Prevent Jeremy Corbyn From Getting Elected

The ultra-conservative establishment of Labor and the Tories and the media had to work overtime to prevent a decent man in Jeremy Corbyn from becoming the PM.  And now they're forever fucked, but the poor and helpless and the defenceless are even more fucked.  As usual.

Nifty Cornel West Shredding Obama Fluffers For Fun And Prophet

Unfortunately For Matt Gaetz, Sex Trafficking Cases Do Not Usually Unfold Like Corruption Cases...

Not nearly as likely for cooperation and plea deals to not lead anywhere fun.  No Manafort or Cohen shit here, probably.  If Greenberg is going to cooperate, well, child molesters and pedos and traffickers don't have many friends unless every prosecutor and judge is a loyal Trump Republican.  Plenty of times, corruption type prosecutions are too close for comfort for everyone involved on all sides, but not when it comes to statutory rapists, traffickers, or kiddie diddlers.  Gaetz should already be on a plane, headed for a country without extradition.  Luckily for us, Gaetz is not anywhere near that bright...

Excellent News From Bill Maher

Probably not gonna get any better, tho, since he was fully vaccinated, but we can thank the brave beautiful patriotic coronavirus for its service regardless.

TRUMP/Duggar 2024: Fuck Their Feelings

 TRUMP-Duggar 2024

Is This Your Last Night? Or Mine?

Thursday, May 13, 2021

The United States Would Be Better Off With Eric Trump As The Head Of The CDC

Yesterday: No way enough people have been vaccinated to fuck around yet.  Sorry.

Baggers and other tards had a fit.

Today: Fuck it, I give up.

This is absolute madness.  

How exactly does this idiot Rochelle Walenski think we're gonna be able to tell who has been properly vaccinated and who is a fucking bagger retard?

Here's a fun project: In a week, go count the number of adults out and about in Kentucky who are not wearing masks versus the percentage of fully vaccinated adults in Kentucky.

Rochelle Walensky is dangerously stupid, and she's 100% Rapey Uncle Joe's problem.

Fucking stupid assholes.

Steven Crowder, Who Doesn't Have A Job And Lives With His Dad, Is Dumber Than Dog Shit

That pussy Crowder wouldn't last 10 seconds as a plumber, welder, or electrician, EVEN IF he was qualified for the job.  He can't even manage being a tee vee jerkoff who lives with his dad and gets an allowance from Uline or wherever without looking like a total fucking dipshit.  Jesus.

Mr. Personality Here Pretty Much Gets It On Road Tubeless, Atmo

Now if would only ditch the stupid disc brakes and flat tires and inflate his tires properly, he'd go even faster.  Or ride proper tubulars as god intended...

THE Children's Place: TRUMP/Duggar 2024

TRUMP-Duggar 2024

The Heart Of Rock And Roll Was Still Beetin'

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Abolish The CIA, Too

Fucking monsters.  When we're abolishing ICE and the fucking police, the CIA has to go, too.  This CIA fisking thread is pretty fucking good, tho.

I Guess The Yankees Probably Didn't Understand How Vaccines Work

Oops.  This looks bad, and is bad, but I can't help but think the MLB in general and the Yankees organization in particular didn't understand the concept of being vaccinated for something, both as an individual and as a group.  Nice job, fellas.

TRUMP - Duggar 2024: Let Your Fingers Do The Walking

TRUMP Duggar, 2024  

Political Song for Michelle Arthurs-Brennan to Sing

This Is Like Harvey Talking To David Berkowitz, Only Hambini Is Harvey And Michelle Arthurs-Brennan Is Berkowitz

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Will Menaker Gets In On The Drive-By Fisking Of Fatuous Lunatic Jenny 'Xeni Jardin' Hamm

Jesus.  That woman is fucking nuts.

The Johnson & Johnson Pause Was A Huge Fuck-Up

Yes.  The answer is yes, asshole.  Peter Weber seems like a dipshit, and The Week is generally establishment conservative neolib drivel.  Stopping the distribution of the J&J vaccine was a yuge fucking mistake.  Stopping it over bullshit anti-vaxxer crap was even worse.  As a nation, we need to get everyone vaccinated ASAPy-like.  We're already six months into the vaccine era and have less than ONE THIRD of the population vaccinated.  That's inexcusable.  We should be done by now.  Trump and now Rapey Uncle Joe have fucked this up so fucking badly.  Pausing the J&J vaccine gave every idiot the excuse they needed to not get their shots while undermining the confidence in every fucking coronavirus vaccine, and the fucking "experts" should have known this.  Incompetence is the only reliable thing Trump and Rapey Uncle Joe contributed to this whole sordid COVID-19 shitshow.

Josh Duggar May Be Too Intelligent To Take The VP Spot For TRUMP2024

He may be too much of a very stable genius.  Sad. 

Josh Duggar is clearly the pinnacle of the exceptional American conservative, tho.

Don't Believe Children: TRUMP/Duggar 2024

TRUMP-Duggar 2024

Monday, May 10, 2021

Political Song for Jimmy Dore to Sing

This Risible 'Content' From MAB & Cycling Weekly Is Blithering Nonsense Intended To Make Everyone A Little Dumber

Christ, no wonder Hambini had no tolerance for Michelle Arthurs-Brennan.  She's an idiot.  And this garbage is pathetic.  Cyclists are such chumps; they gobble whatever shit is dumped in front of them.  Those twits need their taxes raised.

Jenny 'Xeni Jardin' Hamm Is Fruitier Than A Nutcake

Fabulist and fantasist don't cover it.  Lunatic doesn't seem like enough.  Toxic nutcase liar is too mild.  Grotesque whackjob, maybe.  Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.  Demented mf.  Fukkin' nuts.  Whatever it is, Jenny is sick in the fucking head.

Feelin' Good, Feelin' Children's Places: TRUMP - Duggar 2024

TRUMP-Duggar 2024: Feelin' good all over kids.

Sunday, May 9, 2021


See You Next Tuesday, Liz 'The Snake' Warren

C U Next Tuesday.  The Snake is a lying neolib piece of shit, and I hope to fuck somebody torpedoes her 2022 chances.  Taking millions from a teabagging, anti Medicare for All, Joe Arpaio and Kyrsten Sinema-supporting bitch doctor in Arizona in order to make sure Sanders had no chance and then getting nothing for from Biden is kinda fucking hilarious, tho.  Would be even better if a Republican beat her in 2022 because the Dems refused to vote for her.  The Snake is an even bigger disappointment than Sanders or AOC.

Kidz Bop 2024: TRUMP/Duggar

TRUMP / Duggar: Boppin' Kidz in 2024

Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka Meee-Owww

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Out There, All Alone In The Night

And a photo of every human being--and every living thing in the known universe--except you, General Collins.

Poor Elderly John Stossel Isn't Even Trying Anymore

Socialism and fascism are the same?  Jesus, Stossel, that's just dumb.  Even baggers shouldn't be stupid enough for that.  Venezuela is socialist and bad?  But France has a higher level of government control of the economy than Venezuela.  Cuba and Venezuela are poor because of socialism and not at all because of US aggression?  Where do you get your news, the CIA?  They've never been right about anything!  You know Stossel has given up when he has to bring on some idiot from Texas Tech to bolster his case.  And he brings on some scholarship welder to talk about paying student loans?  The sad old man can't get it done anymore.  I mean, the boot is there, and its so shiny under all the shit covering it, but Stossel can barely even lick it anymore.  Stossel will hold the pissbucket because it's all he knows, but he's barely even sipping the rancid piss anymore.  He used to guzzle that shit like a champ with a smile on his creepy face!  Sad.

Conservatives Are So Fucking Lame--But Why Are They All Plagiarists Like Benny Johnson?

And Ben Domench-McCain?  There's nothing more pathetic than a conservative.  Too stupid to be funny and too disgusting to anything else.  Conservatives suck ass.

Wholly Krist, The QAnon Lunatics Are Still Active On That Raving Racist Reactionary Shithole Free Re-Pubic

What kind of sick son of a bitch still believes in that Q nonsense at this point?  Trump has been repeatedly humiliated after losing to Rapey Uncle Joe and is powerless to even get his FaceBook back.  What the hell plan are these retards trusting??  Jesus, conservatives really are dumber than dog shit.


TRUMP - Duggar 2024: Let Freedom Ring

TRUMP-Duggar 2024

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Vittoria Buys A. Dugast

Interdasting.  I'm probably not the one to listen to regarding Vittoria, since I thought they were all done after the Geax branding failed, atmo, and now we have a couple of really good Vittoria mountain bike tires and plenty of Vittoria road tires, too.  More and better tubulars would be pretty sweet if that would happen somehow.

TRUMP-Duggar 2024: Endorsed By Jerry Sandusky

TRUMP-Duggar in 2024.

Not Breaking News: Anthony Fauci Has Always Been An Absolutely Amoral Piece Of Shit

Fauci sucked wicked hard from way back.  He fucked up the response to AIDS, and now he's trying to do the same for the coronavirus.  Nice.  Anybody who listens to Anthony Fauci is an amoral piece of shit, too.

The COVID vaccines should be made freely available to anyone and everyone who can produce them.  If a country needs help with the process and/or infrastructure, we should be doing that shit for them to help get them rolling.

Kids' Choice 2024: The Trump-Duggar Ticket!

Vote Trump & Duggar in 2024.


Monday, May 3, 2021

Vote For Donald Trump And Josh Duggar In 2024: 'Kids R People, 2!'

 TRUMP / Duggar, 2024

Please Jesus, Let Florida Get What It Deserves As Soon As Fucking Possible In Whatever Time Corona Has Left

Let the lords' mighty warrior corona continue to deliver as much divine death to all the vile Florida people in the time left before the sane people outside of Florida finally defeat the holy corona warrior, and may Ron DeSantis deliver all his people directly to hell where they will be violated by spiky demon cock in all their skull holes for eternity.  GIT 'ER DONE!

The Best Possible News About Kenya's Own Catholic Lunatic Dr. Stephen Karanja: He Ded

If only hell was actually a thing.  But at least that lunatic jesus freak is fucking dead from our friend corona.  Now come to the US and eliminate some prominent anti-vaxxers, too.

Melinda Gates Finally Tried An iPhone

Her reaction to the vaccine was the best thing to ever happen to her; it would seem she had the most helpful side effects...

Groping American Greatness: Vote Trump Duggar 2024

TRUMP - Duggar 2024

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Project Mersh Part II

Won't Somebody Please Think Of The Children! TRUMP/Duggar '24

 Donald Trump & Josh Duggar: 2024

The People Who Said Donald Trump Had The Intellectual Ability Of A Slow Child Or That He Was Clearly Clinically Mentally Retarded Were Vastly Overestimating His Mental Abilities

Dumber than dog shit would be an insult to the average conservative who is truly dumber than dog shit.  Trump's beyond fucktard status.  He really believes this shit.  He thinks that election was stolen from him.  He has no idea what really happened, or how Mitch McConnell engineered Trump's defeat by deflecting Trump's focus from a new stimulus check in October and onto the Amy Boney Carrot debacle.  The man is not only a lardy orange moist boy with a comically tiny dick who lost to Rapey Uncle Joe.  He's also an absolute fucking mental midget.

Nothing Dumber Than A Rich Girl At Columbia: The Emma Sulkowicz Story

Whether the author, Sylvie McNamara, intended it or not, this is a brutal neo-vintage fisking of Emma Sulkowicz.  

As it turns out, the young woman who suffered terrible treatment at Columbia University and turned it into arresting performance art with a mattress, is, at the end of her 20s, a shallow, aimless dimwit.  I mean, who ever heard of rich kids being hopelessly stupid conservative assholes?  What kind of vapid, privileged young woman has an affinity for fatuous libertarian assholes like Nick Gillespie and his toupee and the execrable bigot and hateful imbecile Robby Soave?

The conservatives were right about her all along, but for all the wrong reasons.  Until she told them, none of those fucking dipshits recognized that Sulkowicz was a vacuous fool, too--she was one of them!  Trickster must be a word for someone so comfortable that they get to do nothing useful at all and know they'll never suffer for it.  She couldn't make it as an artist.  She's not very bright.  She's never had to work for anything and never will.  It's the entire Reason staff and audience all wrapped up into one neat package.  Being a libertarian is all about consenting to be a risible reactionary racist teabagging fuckface.  Sad.  But there's nothing dumber than a rich girl at Columbia. 

TRUMP DUGGAR 2024: For The Children

Donald Trump and Josh Duggar 2024.  Grab 'em ALL by the pussy.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Sandy Giant

Loyalty Day: An Exceptional Holiday For Exceptional Assholes

Loyalty Day.

TRUMP - Duggar 2024

 TRUMP/Duggar 2024

Exceptional American Patriotic GOP Child Molester Josh Duggar Should Be In Jail Until His Trial

No fucking way this kiddy-diddling pervert should be running around loose.  He's a known menace and should be in jail receiving exactly the treatment he deserves.  No kids are safe with that creepy fucking child molester around.

Josh Dugger is pretty much the ultimate Republican, tho.

This Paranoid Baggy Moron Is A Frakkin' Liar

Never happened.  Nope.  Doctors ain't writing notes.  Nobody is compelled to get the shots.  And also nobody had a heart attack from getting the shots.  This heart attack never happened.  Or if it did, it was something this guy was getting that day no matter what.  Baggers are fucking too stupid to live.

Get you gods-damned shots, people.  Don't be a fucking bagger.

Fore Sail