Wednesday, February 13, 2013

One Year Ago Today

scraping the bottom of the barrel: gretchen hamel on fox

because of the particular over-compensating pathology of rupert murdoch and roger ailes, fox news channel does some amazing scraping of the bottom of the most rancid barrels in america to find a particular sort of on-air 'talent'.  amilya antonetti is one especially sad example; former jc watts associate gretchen hamel is another.  sometimes when you watch fox you suddenly get the feeling that shepard smith was hired on orders from the top becauase of his looks as well.
update: fox news closet queen alert: holy shit!

papists pulling the lever for obama

the catholic clergy is doing everything it can to deliver the election to obama this year.  too stupid to take their pathetic and inexcusable victory and shut the fuck up before someone brought up their history with unnatural sex and sex crimes, the creepy boy-rapers and boy-rape-enablers decided to alienate 99.5% of american women and at least 99% of american men who are not complete fucking morons with their useless yapping on a subject about which no group of people on earth have less credibility.  the republican establishment and the romney campaign brain trust must be livid that the cocksucking clergy and the retards in congress have made this loser an issue in a year that they had a decent chance to unseat a sitting democratic president.  obama may be the luckiest man ever to occupy the oval office, even luckier than clinton who had gingrich to kick around.

lost girl

meh.  the premise is beyond silly, but the lead actress in it is really attractive, and a little bit different than the typical american tee vee type, with a sort of low-budget molly parker vibe going on.

update: the werewolf guy is pretty decent, too.  somehow he pulls it off despite the material.  maybe it's a canadian thing that i just don't understand.

update: exactly what is the point of the canadian remake of being human?

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