Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Dems Would Rather Lose To The GOP Than Have To Give Up Their Identity As A Right-Wing Racist Political Party Not Named The Republican Party--And The Almost Succeeded!

Biden barely broke 50% and ran well behind almost every poll because he had no message and no agenda whatsoever.  He was counting on the 'no fucking way' vote against Trump, but it was barely enough.  Bernie would have destroyed Trump AND delivered down ballot all across the US.  Carl Beijer is all over this shit in this article.  Good.  Moar!

The Dems did lose big everywhere but the top line.  Biden delivered nothing for anyone but Biden.  The Dems lost most of the open House seats and lost a bunch of their members while not a single Republican save possibly one lost in the House, iirc.  Regardless of the details, that's a disaster for the Dems.   

The Senate was even worse for the hapless Dems.  Chuckles picked a group of candidates who lost everywhere, even in places with easy wins like Maine.  They had all the money in the world, but shitty, bland, conservatives candidates running on the ballot with a senile racist right-wing racist shockingly was no formula for victory.  Now they're counting on a couple of shitty neolib morons in fucking Georgia to have any chance of saving democracy for the world.  Not a great plan.  

But the Dems would rather lose as conservative lapdogs than win as anodyne centrists like Bernie Sanders or AOC or Ilhan Omar or any of 'em.  The Dems are vile.

Thanks, Obama!

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