Monday, July 6, 2015

Greece Is The Word And The Word Is 'No!'

Good job, Greece.  Fuck the Krauts.  Fuck the Frogs.  Despite the bullshit the right-wingers and bankster cocksuckers have been spewing, Greece is now a wealthy country.  Without crushing debt service being paid solely to the foreign banks, Greece has that money to energize its domestic economy.  And, even better, the economic decisions can be made by the people in Greece for the benefit of their own actual nation.  Imagine that!

The danger for the Krauts and the Frogs and their banks is that the rest of the Eurozone--and the rest of the fucking world--will finally see that austerity destroys everyone and every thing except the banks and will reject austerity for all time.  That would represent a massive redistribution of wealth BACK to the people who create the wealth and would be a huge hit to the bankster mafia.

Rock on!

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