Saturday, February 29, 2020

Bernie Lost SC Bigly, And Now Joe Biden Is Poised To Win The Nomination

South Carolina is a humiliating, devastating, and probably fatal loss for Sanders tonight.  Biden may finish with more than 50% of the vote; the Sanders campaign cannot survive that.  The establishment media is going into overdrive right now propelling Joe Biden forward into Super Tuesday.

This press coverage is worth far more than the last five years of Sanders' organizing and spending.  That sounds insane, but the evidence will start appearing tomorrow.

National polling will begin to show a Biden surge; Sanders will lose his lead nationally and that loss will be permanent.  Sanders support in state polling will now crumble.  Biden will get a significant number of delegates in California after tonight.  Biden will also win more than half of the Super Tuesday states; Sanders will be denied wins in Massachusetts and Minnesota after being rinsed tonight in SC.  ST will end in humiliation for Sanders and an overwhelming victory for Biden; California will take days to report results.  Sanders will get no benefit from winning CA.  Once Sanders loses the delegate lead, he should simply drop out.

This is his fault.  After Nevada, Sanders should have gone hard at Biden over SS cuts, racist shit, the bankruptcy bill, South Africa, and Anita Hill.  That was the one chance, and they fucked it up.  The campaign needed to perfect, and they were not.  It isn't fair.  Neoliberal, racist, hateful campaigns get to make mistakes and still win, but not the Sanders campaign.  So what if it isn't fair?  That's racing.

Everyone was lined up against Sanders, and they beat him.  Super Tuesday is lost to Sanders now.  Biden will win a majority of ST states, cementing his status of frontrunner.  All of the people on the left waiting for ST to save them are utterly helpless fools who are going to be crushed when reality steps in on Wednesday morning to bury their dreams.

South Carolina is a disaster for the Sanders campaign.  Fatal.  The only chance Sanders has is if the bounce does not appear, blunting the Biden gains on ST, but the Sanders campaign is not in control of that now.  Their die was cast the day after Nevada.  Nothing they can do now will change the outcome.  If they are lucky, they will survive.

But nobody is that lucky.

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