i think newt might regret having a hissy fit to demand audience cheering. he looked green when mitt's supporters cheered his attacks on gingrich. oops.
update: mittens looks much more comfortable up there so far. i wonder if they spiked his herbal tea or something. he's riding newt pretty hard and keeping him off balance. the cnn feed looks pretty nice on my hd tv. too bad the four ogres are so fucking creepy. also, ladies and gentlemen, the jerusalem post's voice of israel, wolf blitzer.
update: mittens is well-prepped. certainly he seems ready for this shit. gingrich looks pissed. every time santorum or paul talks, gingrich must feel his balls receding into his torso. if he can't go nuts all over romney romney romney during this thing, he knows he's fucked.
update: romney is just taunting gingrich now. after all these fucking years, mittens finally shows a bit more life than al gore.
update: santorum! the final frontier!
update: jesus, romney is skull-fucking gingrich over newt saying whatever crazy shit the locals want to hear.
update: now paul skull-fucks newt and namechecks reagan to do it. ouch.
update: the questions from the audience are a stupid stunt. if the moderators weren't so fucking useless in all these debates, we wouldn't need the circus act to keep people interested. or at least awake.
update: romney is feeling good enough to jump on santorum. newt's toast.
update: santorum is screeching mandate mandate mandate, and it sounds like he wants to date romney. romney's double-talk over healthcare reform is ridiculous; he should just stop, but the 'bad medicine' quip is his new catchphrase.
update: cnn is quite obviously carrying the water for romney. it's almost like mittens knows it won't last and is resisting the help. he's is quite obviously boning up the general election.
update: sweet frakking jeebus, mittens sodomized newt with answer about his wife, bringing up ms and illness and not so subtly pointing out that he's stayed with his sick wife. fuck.
update: romney said 'reagan diaries'. oh, my.
update: santorum is a fucking moron.
update: once again, ron paul's completely sane and sensible answer about cuba and foreign policy sinks like a rock with these republican dipshits.
update: a palistinian-american republican has gotta be the biggest idiot since the homosexual republican or the african-american republican. romney's a pathetic ass-kisser to newt's pimp.
update: is newt's last mission going to be that he can prove he's just a stupid and soft-headed as one of the dumbest senators in u.s. history, rick santorum? i'm sure a real jesus would want better defenders than those two insane motherfuckers.
update: thank the gods this thing is almost over. if obama really does lose to this mittens asshole, he should seriously consider going back home to kenya to live out his life in shame.
update: bye-bye newt; you're all done after tonight. mittens sodomized you harder tonight than rick man-on-dog santorum fucks his pets.
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