Friday, April 9, 2021

Hey! Remember When Obama Didn't Pass Card Check Right Away When He Had The Chance, After Promising Too During His First Campaign

Remember that shit?  Yeah, well, why the fuck do you think that happened?  It's all fine to bitch about how dumb plenty of workers are and how shitty Amazon is, but until we face the political reality AND the truth about the Democratic Party, well, better things aren't possible, atmo.

Unions should be in every workplace regardless, but Obama could have done something to make America a better place by passing Card Check, and he refused.  The Dems have done nothing to advance the cause of labor since then, either, and most recently refused to even make the minimum wage $15 when they had the ability to scuttle any must-pass bill without it.  Labor and working people are not a concern of the Dems, and until we have a political party that stands for the interests of Labor, well, that thing about better things not being possible...

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