Tuesday, January 31, 2012

yahoo news is as dumb as a rock

yahoo's political insight and analysis are laughingly useless.  even fox news wouldn't put up with this garbage.  romney is most likely to pick moby dick chris christie as his veep?  really?  a fat, astoundingly unpopular, thin-skinned blowhard who wouldn't even deliver his own state for mittens is going to be his choice?  jesus, that's genius.  so you would have mitt and moby unable to even win the states where they served as the chief executive.  two governors from the northeast?  yeah, that's great.  good job asshole.

david pennock is fucking moron.  mittens is going to pick tom coburn.  coburn is a christian, while romney is not.  he is southern, sorta, and he is a senator.  marco rubio is too young, too much of a liar, and far too ethnic to appeal to the racist wing of the modern republican party, especially since romney himself is already part of a hated minority.  romney needs: white; christian; conservative; southern; experience; senator, since none of the house members have the stick to play in the big leagues of presidential politics.  (can you imagine eric cantor or paul ryan up there on the big stage being savaged by the obama campaign?)  coburn fits these criteria best.

newt gingrich is not going to be the nominee, and none of the candidates would ever pick rubio.

tom coburn is the next veep, or mittens is a guaranteed loser.  yahoo fucking blows.

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