Saturday, November 29, 2014

Teabagger Idiot And Mother Megan Fox Is Way Dumber Than Yo Mama

Among other things, she doesn't know what muddled means.  Jesus fucking christ, she's a fucktards's fucktard.  Yep, she's dumb as a post, but sad to say, she's probably approximately in the 50th percentile of all Americans for intelligence if you include the former Confederacy.  Besides being a fucking moron, she's also comically ignorant of even elementary school-level science, but the poor thing probably had a shitty education, and when that was added to her utter lack of innate intelligence and curiosity, she was left a helpless teabagging dipshit.  And apparently she home-schools her kids, so she's busy creating the next generations of hopelessly ignorant teabagger assholes.  Here's your rock-ribbed Republican voter, America.  Merry fucking christmas.

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