Friday, November 17, 2017

Shame On The Dems And The Media For Believing Leeann Tweeden When She Is Clearly Lying

The Dems need people willing to push back against the GOP and Tweeden for lying about the picture.  Obviously Franken can't do it.  Not Schumer or the pearl-clutchers in the Senate--and idiots like Tammy Duckworth who said she had every reason to believe a Fox "News" birther friend of Roger Stone Republican activist like Tweeden, but that's right there are no good reasons to question her veracity.  Jesus.  Fucking losers.  But someone on the Dem side with balls needs to stand up for the their team.  Preferably a woman, but someone should be telling the truth about this hit job.  Tweeden is not sleeping in that picture, she's pretending.  It's clearly staged.  Franken is not touching her, so that is in no way photographic evidence of groping and/or assault.  If she's lying about that, then she might be lying about the rest.  She's a Fox "News" employee after all, birther, friend of Hannity, so she is a known scumbag liar and piece of shit.  And if Franken did assault her in some way, and it can be verified by someone not associated with Roger Stone or Fox "News" or the like, well, that's fine.  Until then, it's a lie.  A smear.  Some Dems need to say this.  Fight back.  Hard.  Until it goes away.  That's how an adversarial system works.  It's not about right and wrong, it's about winning.  Every.  Fucking.  Time.  Somehow the GOP sorta understands this most of the time, but the Dems never do.

And there needs to be pushback against the incompetent establishment media who are once again bumbling around as useful idiots serving the movement conservatives while pretending they are acting on principle.  Two-bit hacks like Michelle Goldberg are using this horseshit to further their own climb up the village ladder, to the detriment of civilization as she enables conservatives because of a "disgusting, indelible photograph".  A picture where he's not touching her and she's not sleeping, but Goldberg is dumb enough to push the right-wing narrative.  Again.  Use your eyes you fucking morons.

I am not a Franken supporter, or even a supporter of most Dems--if Franken is forced out Mark Dayton will appoint another worthless establishment Dem to replace him--but when the conservatives can so easily undermine the other major political party, well, that's bad news for everyone.

This is only the latest evidence we'd all be better off to let the Democratic Party completely collapse along with the Republicans.  The entire establishment is weak and diseased, and with these right-wing political parties gone, we at least have a chance to rebuild a major party on the left in the aftermath.

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