Friday, May 31, 2019

Great Day: Beautiful American Patriot In Virgina Beach Loved The Fucking Constitution And America And Freedom So Fucking Much He Killed At Least 11 People--FUCK YEAH

If only more motherfucking American Patriots loved freedumb and the 2nd Amendment as much as this motherfucker did!  Fuck Yeah!  This is just the sort of exceptional American that we need to stand up against the Deep State and the Abortionists and the Illegal Immigrants and the Immigrants and the Radical Islamists and the Niggers and the Gun Grabbers and the Communists the Communist Chinaman and the Democrats and the Municipal Employees and the Socialists and the Faggots and the Trannys and the Beaners and the Children and the Venezuela and the Godless Heathen Atheists and the Feminazis and the Antifa and the Jews and the Papists and the NASA and the Vaccines and the Climate Scientists and the Womens.  Damn right, these are the wonderful beautiful great Patriots who aren't afraid to shoot random motherfuckers for FREEDUMB!

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