Sunday, May 2, 2021

Nothing Dumber Than A Rich Girl At Columbia: The Emma Sulkowicz Story

Whether the author, Sylvie McNamara, intended it or not, this is a brutal neo-vintage fisking of Emma Sulkowicz.  

As it turns out, the young woman who suffered terrible treatment at Columbia University and turned it into arresting performance art with a mattress, is, at the end of her 20s, a shallow, aimless dimwit.  I mean, who ever heard of rich kids being hopelessly stupid conservative assholes?  What kind of vapid, privileged young woman has an affinity for fatuous libertarian assholes like Nick Gillespie and his toupee and the execrable bigot and hateful imbecile Robby Soave?

The conservatives were right about her all along, but for all the wrong reasons.  Until she told them, none of those fucking dipshits recognized that Sulkowicz was a vacuous fool, too--she was one of them!  Trickster must be a word for someone so comfortable that they get to do nothing useful at all and know they'll never suffer for it.  She couldn't make it as an artist.  She's not very bright.  She's never had to work for anything and never will.  It's the entire Reason staff and audience all wrapped up into one neat package.  Being a libertarian is all about consenting to be a risible reactionary racist teabagging fuckface.  Sad.  But there's nothing dumber than a rich girl at Columbia. 

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