Monday, January 31, 2022

Or Is THIS The Greatest Cover Of All Time?

Wayne Allyn Root Might Be The Dumbest Motherfucker Who Ever Lived

Even amongst the most vile and demented racist bagger fucktards on the Free RePubic, Wayne Allyn Root stands out as a particularly grotesque screaming imbecile.

Plus "Allyn."

No bagger slurps the syphilitic cocks of the racist reactionary right-wing establishment with as much idiot's glee as Root.

He's beyond debased and insane.

Root's a bagger's bagger.  Few if any have bagged as much or as hard as him.

He's more than just dumber than dog shit.

Thanks, Trump.

Gods Bless The Holy Bagger Remover Savaging Florida

Killing motherfuckers in Florida is the holy duty of the brave beautiful patriotic bagger remover.

Florida is a shithole.

Ded baggers are the only good baggers.

Thanks, Trump.

The Media And Political Establishment Is Inherently Conservative And Dumber Than Dog Shit

Without his wingnut welfare sinecure at the Times, David Leonhardt would most likely be squatting naked in some rancid, oily puddle on a decaying road in Georgia, eating worms.

Conservatism is mental defect.

Virginia Is For Baggers--May The Holy Bagger Remover Flourish In The Shithole Virginia

Baggers killing baggers every day in Virginia is the real christmas miracle

Welcome to North Mississippi, you miserable motherfucking baggers.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Hey! Joni!

Jesus Frakking Crispy, The Free RePubic Baggers Are Giving Each Other Tips On How To Buy And Take The Horse Paste--Praise Be!

Gods damn, this is funny as fuck.

These assholes aren't gonna wait for the bagger remover to kill them because they're fixin' to poison themselves with the horse dewormer.

Thank christ baggers are literally too stupid to live.

Don't Listen To Dr. Jimmy Dore: Masks Work

So wear a fucking mask and take proper precautions when you are out and about.

We are in year three of this shit, and year two shoulda ended 8 months early.

Fucking baggers.

Without Help From The Bagger In Chief In Florida, The Holy Bagger Remover Would Not Be Nearly As Blessed

Ron DeSantis murders baggers by they cartfull so that the beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover can take weekends off.

And maybe leave early on Wednesdays.

It's a good gig being the holy bagger remover when you have vile stupid cocksuckers like DeSantis doing all the bagger removing work for free.


Tesla Sucks Ass

 If you buy one of those shitty cars or stan for baldy Elon Musk, you are more debased than the most inbred teabagger in fucking Mississippi.

And you have failed the easiest intelligence test in history.

Abortion Is Health Care And Healthcre Is A Human Right

Kudos to Senator Peters for not being afraid to say so.

The  United States cannot be a free society until every American has healthcare including abortion without any restrictions.

The USA is a failed state.

Mormon Missionaries Are A Health Hazard

Even before COVID.

And not just because of all the herpes and crabs.

All missionaries are enemies of freedom and sanity.

Christians are a cancer on civilization.

Neil Young Is Pretty Fucking Cool--Way Cooler Than Jimmy Dore

Neil Young is prob a pain in the ass sometimes, but he's a pretty rad dude and has been for a long fucking time.

Not a bad musician, either.

Young still has some fight in him, and he's n not content to be another lazy, reactionary fuckface just to get paid.

That's more than Jimmy Dore can say.

Floridaman Is Hilariously Fucking Dumb Even If He's An Affirmative Action Doctor

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Baggers are dumber than dog shit.

The brave beautiful patriotic bagger remover loves Floridaman.

One Of Infinity

Friday, January 28, 2022

Aaannd...Specialized Just Killed Off The Independent Bike Shop, Atmo

Speshy has always been a nightmare-they peaked with the Tesch Allez bikes or the water bottles from 2006, depending on your perspective-but this gonna be a disaster for consumers.

Soon Trek and Giant and all the other big brands will be doing this, and then the only bikes left to sell will be sold in department stores.  Bikes for little kids and shit like that.

If a shop stays open as a repair shop expect that service to cost a fuckload more on principle.

I Guess The Rich White Racist Neolibs In Northern Virginia Are Not Quite Ready To Admit They Live In North Mississippi

Never go full bagger.

If you have a multi-million dollar mortgage in Arlington, anyway.

Heh, indeedy.

Kinda remarkable that the Dems puked up McAuliffe as a candidate, and then the bagger who won proceeds to destroy their public school system.

They can't claim to have the best public schools in the US anymore.  


Thanks, Obama.

Your Never-Liberal Establishment Media At Work

Stephen Hayes is Jim Hoft-level dumb.

But there is is on your NBC and MSNBC next to Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes.

The People Rushing To Ban 'Maus' Are Nazis And Nazi-Sympathizers

And if you disagree, cite your fucking source.

These racist assholes hate Jews and love Nazis, so...

Well There's Your Problem's Latest Bonus Episode From Pittsburgh Will Be Very Short

Smaller government

More freedom.

No bridge mandates.

The private sector will do this better.

Don't be a pussy.


Market forces at work.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Extremely Vintage Rush, Before The Band Was Ruined By Neil Peart's Asinine Drumming And Dopey Libertarian Lyrics

Tucker Carlson And Alex Berenson Couldn't Team Up To Flicker A One Watt Bulb

Conservatism is a mental defect.

And you know these two fatuous grifters are fully vaccinated and take every precaution around unwashed bagger true-believers.  

We can pray the beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover finds them anyway.

Sarah Palin Is Dumber Than Dog Shit

She's also a fucking menace.

Why hasn't she been fired into the sun along with all her idiot spawn?

Dr. Jimmy Dore And Limey Nurse John Campbell Were Sure Omicaron Was Less Serious Than A Cold

Not severe at all.

Everyone should get it so they can get back to a normal life.

A common cold is more dangerous.

Dr. Dore and Nurse Campbell were so sure of it.

I wonder what happened?

Conservatism is mental defect.

Anyone Surprised By White Nationalist Rhetoric From Fox 'News' Should Continue To Vote For Dems And The GOP

Fox "News" knows what sells to racist revanchist baggers.

Tucker Carlosn is too dumb to care, but Laura Ingraham is a white nationalist nitwit.

That's the Fox audience.

Carrie Lukas And Her Children Should Be Barred From School Forever

Baggers are too stupid to waste schooling on.

Fuck them.

Carrie Lukas is a vile reactionary dipshit and her children are doomed to a life of bagging.

Friendly Reminder That Every Conservative Is A Racist

Drooling baggers choking to death from COVID are racists.

Libertarian retards are racists.

Trump voters are racists.

Anti Trump voters are racist.

The GOP is racist.

Neolib Dems are racists.

All conservatives are racist.

Texas Is A Shithole, But Those Bagger Retards Are Working Hard For The Holy Bagger Remover

Fewer baggers in Texas is a good first step.

Maybe Texas will be a decent place someday.

Olden Dawns

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Remember The Student Debt That Repey Uncle Joe Isn't Gonna Fix?

If you voted for the Dems, you're gonna get everything you deserve.

Never, ever vote for Dems.

Refreshingly Brutal Fisking Of The Execrable Bagger Lunatic Robert Malone By Timothy Bella

Gods damn.  Timothy Bella delivers a fisking for the ages.


Malone is a fucking nitwit and an unhinged bagger lunatic, so it's nice to see him deboned so skillfully in the establishment press.

The next time Malone gets some coronavirus shit right will be the first time.


Thanks, Joe Rogan.

Just Awful That They Elected A Scumbag Cheater Like Big Poopy To The Hall Of Fame

He sucked.

And he used PEDs too.  Just not very well.

If you going to elect a low-stats scumbag like Big Poopy, Bonds and Clemens should be have been voted in first.

Dying Baggers Beg For Their Lives But The Holy Bagger Remover Shows No Mercy--Praise Be!

So funny when they beg.  "I can't breath."  

Heh, iindeedy.

If those fucking retards had just gotten their shots, they'd be alive.

We're better off with 'em ded.

Thanks, Trump.

Every Day In Every Way, Absolutely Nobody Likes The KHive Slut Queen

Zero delegates, zero allies, zero popularity


Thanks, Ron Klain.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Jimmy Dore, Dr. RFK Jr. & Alll The Rest Of The Bagger Assholes Are Still Wrong About Vaccines

Get your fucking shots, kids.


Fucking .


Don't be a bagger.  Listen to the real doctors and shit.

Useful Reminder That Free RePubic Baggers Are Also Nasty Racist Motherfuckers

Baggers are vile in so many gross ways!

Racist cocksucker is one way a bagger sucks AND blows dirty dog dick.

Bagger Dipshits Will Put Their Kids AND YOUR KIDS At Risk Because They Are Dumber Than Dog Shit

But don't worry, Dr. Jimmy Dore says kids can't get COVID or get sick from COVID or die of COVID, so shut the fuck up.

Baggers are too stupid to care about their kids, so the holy bagger remover is obligated to do the work jesus commands.


Congressional 'Progressives' Are Victims Or Incompetents Or Collaborators Or Punching Bags--Why Not All?

President Ron Klain got exactly what he needed from congressional "progressives" but that's not enough for the conservative Dem establishment.

Anyone who trusts a "progressive" or votes for a Democrat will get everything they deserve.

Florida Kills Another Bagger With Horse Paste

Praise be.

They took him Florida to get the dewormer and then he died.

Jesus is a great fucking man.

Good For Neil Young Standing Up For Sanity

Neil Young over Joe Rogan any day.

Neil Young is no fuckin' bagger.

Conservatism Is A Mental Defect, And The Bagger Supreme Court Will Prove It Again And Again

We are a society ruled by conservative retards, and the Supreme Court is no different.  Americans will side by and allow all this to happen, so we certainly deserve what we are getting.

Monday, January 24, 2022


Fatuous Bagger Morons Like Like Risible Floridaman Jake Hoffman Are Hilarously Helping To Kill Their Bagger Brethren

Praise be.

Jake Hoffman is dumber than dog shit, but without retards like Hoffman, the holy bagger remover would actually have to break a sweat to kill a million baggers.

And every sane, decent person in American can agree that with President DeSantis, we'll get to 10 million ded baggers at warp speed.


Thanks, Trump.

Child Poverty And Poverty In General Should Be A Way Bigger Story Than Bari Weiss And Bagger Idiots, But Somehow It's Not


It's almost like very few people in the political/media establishment don't give a shit about poor people.


And children and working people and unemployed people will continue to live in poverty in the richest country in the history of the world.

Good News From Sarah Palin, But It Can Get So Much Better

If the beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover manages to bag this skank, well, gods damn the universe is  an amazing place.

Come on jesus, give us a treat.

The Best Possible Nazi News: Ded

This sorta news will put a smile on your face.

Thanks, jesus.

Baggers Are Gonna Keep Gettin' Dumber Till They're All Ded, Thank Christ

It' fucking glorious.

The holy bagger remover is truly a gift from the gods.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Fight 4 Freedom

And Brady Lost, Too--A Good Day For America

Heh, indeedy.

Very rarely, and mostly on things that don't really matter, the bad guys lose.

But it's still the bad guys losing for once, so...

Thanks, Trump.

The Bagger Rally Was Unfortunately Not A Superspreader Event

Not enough baggers showed up.


The brave beautiful patriotic bagger remover was hoping for a denser crowd.

Get Your Fucking Shots, Assholes

If you are an unvaccinated bagger, you are killing people or will be soon.

You stupid fucking cocksuckers.

Jesus christ.

Doughy Pantload Should Lay Off The Sexy Candies

If your mom was a rancid reactionary cunt, maybe you would be a risible reactionary dumbfuck, too.

And you could fuck candies, like Jonah Goldberg as well.

Thanks, Hillary.

Nobody Tell The Baggers That COVID Vaccines Are Safe And Effective At Preventing Infection And Spread

Nothing must slow the march of the holy bagger remover.

We need fewer baggers.

Vaccines for you and me, but no vaccines for baggers.

Thanks, Trump.

In Fancy Private Schools, Each Student Gets Their OWN Litterbox


In public schools, kids have to share a litterbox.


Thanks, Trump.

Bagger Pussy Boy David Mastio Is Done With Masks--And I Think He Needs His Diaper Changed Too

Cry more, bagger.

Mastio worked at the Washington Times, so you know he's a bile reactionary cocksucking bagger imbecile. 

We can pray to jesus that the beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover gets an opportunity to remove Mastio as part of its blessed holy mission.


Unvaxxed Loser A A Ron Chokes Again For The Packers--BWAHHAHHAHHAHAHHHAHAHAHAH

Packers lose another big game with choke artist Aaron Rogers at QB.


Thanks, Colin Kaepernick.

Bye Bye Bagger: Scott Quiner Is FINALLY Ded

Praise be.

Another unvaxxed bagger cocksucker is ded, and jesus has a boner.

Guess those reports of him getting better in Texas were more bagger lies.

I wonder if he got a personal visit from Jimmy Dore?

The holy bagger remover blesses us again.

Thanks, jesus.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

U R Not In Control

Thank Christ This Annoying Pandemic Is Over

Boring and stupid.

We need to have something better to talk about.

Now that the coronavirus is over, we can get back to fun.

Not Breaking News: Florida Is Way More Fucked With Cornavirus Right Now Than They Are Admitting

Baggers gonna bag.

DeSantis is a mass murderer.

More Nazi Funfetti

Fucking Nazis.  

Good thing conservatives are dumber than dog shit.

Free RePubic Baggers Don't Like It When You Call Nazis Bad Names

Baggers love Nazis.  And they hate women.  The bagger closet is very crowed.  And nasty.

The Beautiful Brave Patriotic Bagger Remover Is Looking Foward To Making Bank At The Anti Vax Rally

Praise be.

All those unvaccinated baggers licking each other's buttholes is gonna be a hoedown for the holy bagger remover.

We pray to jesus for so many more ded baggers after tomorrow. 

Instead Of Giving Poor People Money, Repey Uncle Joe And The Dems Are Taking Money Away From Poor People


Excellent public policy.  Especially in an election year.

I mean, nobody gives a fuck about poor people, but tanking the economy in an election year is a baller move.


Never, ever vote for Dems.

Mommy Is A Ded Bagger Now: The Holy Bagger Remover Marches On

Baggers should not be breeding.

Not those little baggers are half  orphans.

What the fuck is the matter with people.


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Changed Machines

MLK Jr, In 2022, Would Be The Enemy Of Rapey Uncle Joe's Dem Party, The KHive, The Hildos, The Obama Stans, The Media And All The Rest Of The DC Establishment

Rapey Uncle Joe And The Dem/GOP Conservative Establishment Got Exactly What They Wanted From Joe Manchin

Also notice the lack of pushback from "progressives" in the House and Senate.

They're all niece and quiet about what is supposedly a huge failure and defeat.

Sure seems like it is okay with them, too.


It's almost like this was exactly what Rapey Uncle Joe and the rest of the scum in DC wanted all along.

Lotsa hardship, more thanks to "Manchin", and yet nobody is saying a fucking word...

The Holy Bagger Remover Is Making America Greater Again One Bagger At A Time


Another unvaxxed asshole ded, so that's a good thing for the rest of us.

The bagger remover is a friend to us all.

Prob A Good Time To Nationalize Wharton And Every Other Private School

Always a good time for that.

But jfc, the Wharton kids are fucking useless.  No wonder this country is so fucked.  Our oligarchs are all dumber than dog shit.

UPenn really should be the University of Pennsylvania.  Yale, UConn New Haven.  Harvard, UMass Cambridge.  It's already SUNY Cornell.  You get the idea.

Ryan Cooper Gets It, Atmo--Somebody Tell Jimmy Dore That Ryan Cooper Is What Being Correct Looks Like

More than a year into the vaccine era in the US, the 40% of the population who remain unvaccinated have given us years more of the coronavirus, years we didn't need to endure.


But the reactionary dolts like Dore and the rest are so deranged at this point, we'll never be through with this.

Thanks, Biden.

This Creep Watkins Turned A Legion Of Demented Baggers Into Qtards

It's pretty fucking funny.

Now we know just dumb 'dumber than dogshit' really is

These retarded freaks will believe pretty much anything if it's dumb enough.

The Holy Bagger Remover Is A Worldwide Blessing

Praise be.

Killing bagger retards is not just an American blessing.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The End For Kona Bikes

Well, that's that.

At one time Kona became the new Bridgstone, a small, iconoclastic bike company that was good cuz they were a bit different.  Certainly Konas were not the same as Bridgestones, and the companies had different design ideas and goals, but a fun, smaller bike brand was a good thing.

Now they're dead.  It might take a while for them to rot away, but they're gone now.


Thanks, Obama.

Florida, A Bagger Shithole, Loves The Bagger Remover More Than You Do

All those ded racist baggers in Florida make jesus smile.

So many disgusting fucking teabagging cunts could be alive today but for the work of Florida to kill itself for our amusement.

The beautiful brave holy bagger remover is the light and the truth.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Dr. Marco Rubio, Dr. Ron Johnson, Dr. Jimmy Dore, Bret Weinstein, Peter Thiel, The Koch Brothers, They All Said Omicron Corona Is Less Serious Than A Cold

So That's Good.

If you can't trust those bowel movement conservative liars and fucking morons, who can you trust.

The beautiful brave patriotic holy bagger remover will never be defeated.

Holy Shit! Is This Tony Kim Video Real?


Apparently it is


There's a gofundme, too


Omicron Is Less Serious Than A Common Cold--JUst Ask The DC Federal Court


It's like fine.  Jimmy Dore said so.

France Is Not Fucking Around With Althetes--Pinkbike Is About What You'd Expect On The Topic

Not surprising that some of the downhillers are anti-vax nitwits.  The PB twits have a problem with some of this shit, but at least a few of them are really not interested in dying form the 'rona.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Friendly Officer

I'm SHOCKED That Nobody In The Establishment Is Talking About All The Poor People Who Got Fucked By The End Of The Child Tax Credit Payments

Well, not really shocked.

But the people who get fucked by Manchin and Reapey Uncle Joe and Michael Bennet and Ro Khanna and Bernie Sanders and AOC and Pramila Jayapal and the rest are the people who can't work or don't work or don't make enough to get the full tax credits at the end of the year who were gettin' paid for six months and now aren't.

Politics and horseshit aside, child poverty and all the bullshit surrounding it, the fact that these families had their money taken away by the evil stupidity of Joe Manchin and the political incompetence of Rapey Uncle Joe and the 'left' in congress is a fucking atrocity.

These people have the fewest options and the least privilege of anyone in this fucking country, and nobody gives a fuck.

For the love of christ, don't ever vote for the Dems.


Justin Wolfers Is Not The Only Brainless Dipshit Economist Out There, But He IS One Of The Most Grotesque

Wolfers' biggest problem is not even that hair.

Economists are generally fucking reactionary retards, so calling them dumber than dog shit is not exactly breaking any news or anything.

Baggers Keep Giving Us Hope For The Promise Of So Many Fewer Baggers Stinkin' Up The Joint

Conservatism is a mental defect.

But it's making the world AND America greater again and again.

So many ded baggers because they were too stupid to get a fucking shot.

Praise be.

Free RePubic Baggers Are The Most Easily Gulled Baggers In The Known Universe--Praise Be!

They love their horse paste to death, thank christ.

And they hate safe, effective vaccines, so the holy bagger remover will continue to kill these stupid motherfuckers with impunity.

Thanks, Trump.

Funny How Things Always Work Out Exactly How The Hard-Right Dem/GOP Establishment Wants And The 'Left" Gets Played Every Time


Almost like it was the plan all along.

But how could Sanders and Warren and Jaypal and Khanna and AOC and the rest be such dupes.


Virginia Is A Shithole

And the holy bagger remover is pleased.

Getting your medical advice from Fox "News" bagger nitwits is positively Trumpian.

Heh, indeedy.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Please Keep Scarfing The Horse Paste, Baggers--It's Good For You

Doesn't do shit for the coronavirus, but ivermectin is very very good for baggers to take by the handful.

Horse paste and baggers are the winning combo for 2022.

Free RePubic Baggers Not True Fans Of Choice And Freedom, But They ARE Dumber Than Dog Shit

Conservatism is a mental defect.

But it is fun watching some vile baggers getting all butthurt about freedom, choice, and bodily autonomy.

Thanks, Trump.

Sounds Like A Party In Boston At Mass General

Death panels?  Holy shit they ARE real.  Nice job everyone.  Rapey Uncle Joe has been a real leader this past year.  Just fucking wonderful.

Get Your Shots Kids--Don't Listen To The Baggers And Liars And Lunatics

Only baggers should resist the vaccines.

Everyone else should get their shots.

Don't die.

Don't get removed like a bagger dipshit.

Stewart Rhodes Is A Very Stable Genius

Thank christ that violent racist guntards are also really fucking stupid

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Thanks, Trump,


Friday, January 14, 2022

Let's Go Brandon--Rapey Uncle Joe Is The Worst President In Anyone's Lifetime

And his people are just as sickeningly incompetent as Trump's.  Rapey Uncle Joe has managed to be a worse POTUS than Trump in less than a year.


At least Trump was entertaining.

Rapey Uncle Joe just sits in a shit-filled diaper eating pudding all day.

Thank Christ For Bagger Shitholes Like Florida And The Holy Bagger Remover

The brave beautiful patriotic bagger remover kills baggers ded.

Especially in Florida.

Praise be.

The KHive Slut Queen Is Dumber Than Dog Shit

Nobody likes Kamala Harris.

Which is fine because she's a vile fucking cop and dumber than dog shit.

Listen To Flat-Earthers Like Jimmy Dore And Robert Malone: Omicron Is Less See-vere Than The Common Cold


Only idiots and lunatics know the truth!

If you can't trust Jimmy Dore and Robert Malone, then WHO??

Faith Moderne

Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Brave Beautiful Patriotic Holy Bagger Remover Is Fixin' To Have A Great Few Weeks--Praise Be!

When the baggers start to get this shit in the next few weeks, all the glorious comedy we have wanted will be ours.  We are so blessed by jesus that we are alive to witness all this funfetti.

Thanks Trump.

Jimmy Dore Needs To Know: Athletes Like Kyle Warner Are Lying About Vaccine Injuries Because They're Baggers & Morons Like RJK Jr.

Conservatives are dumber than dog shit.

And they lie.

Never, ever trust a conservative about anything.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Kyle Warner is fine how.  He's a fucking liar about the vaccine.

Jimmy Dore is fucking stupid to buy anything of this bowel movement conservative propaganda.

If California Was Going To Have Single Payer Healthcare, They'd Have It Already--Newsom Was Lying All Along

California needs better leadership.  They could have single payer already and that would be the start of single payer in every state, but Gavin Newsom is a slimebag.

Such Very Good News From Glenn Beck

We are praying for the beautiful brave bagger remover to remove Glenn Beck.

This news is good, but ti could get so much better.

Thanks, Trump.

Even Rebecca Watson Is Getting In On The Robert Malone And Joe Rogan Fisking

Pro Tip: Don't Go To School In Kansas

What's the matter with Kansas?  Everything, but this is fucking nuts.  I'm pretty sure even Kansas could do better than this if they really gave a fuck.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Beato MTB

Sorry Fatuous Bagger Dipshit Damon Linker, But There Are No Conservative Intellectuals

Conservatism is a mental defect.

By the definitions of conservative and intellectual, a conservative cannot be an intellectual.  

Conservatives are dumber than dog shit.

It's 12 January 2022, And There Are Still Qtards On The Free RePubic

2022 & the Q lunatics are still out there smearing themselves in their own shit and screaming incoherently.  


Thanks, Trump.

Oh, Noes! People Are Figuring Out That Robert Malone Is A Right-Wing Liar And Joe Rogan Is A Fucking Moron

Paging Jimmy Dore!

Paging Franco Analysis Spaghetti!

Paging Syd Blumenthal's kid!

Paging the ConservoCouch!

All your friends are right-wing bagger liars and bowel movement conservative propagandists. 

Ruh roh.  Joe Rogan might be too dumb to be allowed to run around losse.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

The Cops Are Not Just Bastards, Thy're Uselsess Bastards

It's not like cops do anything useful, so abolishing the police would just remove a racist occupying army from the nation.

Fuck 'em.

The 1312 Project.

Do You Have Jimmy Dore On Speedial? Then You're Not Ron Placone Any More, But Tell Him Natural Immunity Is STILL Bullshit

And that Kristi Noem is a dumb bagger cunt with whom no decent sane human should ever agree.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

'Oliver's Army' Was Elvis Costello's Biggest Hit?

Holy Fukk! Call Jimmy Dore AGAIN! Call Dr. Marco Rubio! Omicron Coronavirus NOT Milder Than A Cold!!

Who could've guessed that Jimmy Dore AND Marco Rubio would BOTH get it so wrong?


Conservatism is a mental defect.

The Best Thing About Free RePubic Baggers? They're Literally Too Stupid To Be Helped--Praise Be!

I don't even know why doctors even try to help baggers or even treat them.  Money, i guess.  But I fucking love how amazingly stupid these vile racist reactionary cocksuckers are.  The beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover and its holy work are the best things to ever happen to humanity's anti-bagger dreams.

So. Many. More. of these fucking shitstains are gonna die for no reason except to make humanity a little smarter and the planet smell way better.

Thanks, Trump.

If The Coronavirus Wasn't Such A Comedy Blockbuster, The 1312 Project Would Be Getting All The LOLs

Cops are not just bastards, but Nazis.

Who knew?

Abolish the fucking police.


The 1312 Project.

Not Breaking News: Rapey Uncle Joe Is A Senile Old Incompetent Racist Fool

Who spends his days sitting in a shit-filled diaper eating pudding out of a can.

Thanks, Obama.

Rapey Uncle Joe Should Def Be Leading The World In Sending Aid To Afghanistan

Rapey Uncle Joe and his administration should be transferred to The Hague for a quick trail and hanging, after which the UN could get moving on the aid to Afghanistan.

That would be the best outcome. 

Short of that, the senile old racist cocksucker in the White House should be advised to release the funds and open up the aid programs or else no more pudding for him.

The Best Possible News From Kelly Canon


Another glorious victory for the brave beautiful bagger remover.

The only good bagger is a ded bagger.

Thanks, Trump.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Call Jimmy Dore: Natural COVID Immunity Is STILL Bullshit--Robert Malone WRONG Again

Oh noes.  That bullshit poor stupid Jimmy Dore is so hot for turns out to be horseshit. again.

Robert Malone is either really fucking stupid.

Or lying.

The 'independent' 'left' 'media' need to be better than this shit.

Racist Butthurt Baggers Crying Over Some Murderers Is God's Gift To Comedy

Cry more, baggers.

Your racist heroes are gonna die in prison.

Such a deadly lack of coping.


Thanks, Trump.

Rochelle Walensky Sucks Ass, Too--It Ain't Just Rapey Uncle Joe's Yuge Fail

Walensky is a dipshit.  Her husband was the valedictorian at Princeton his year and has an MD?PhD from HJU, so maybe President Klain shoulda picked him.

Fun Little Twitter Rant About Education And Rapey Uncle Joe's COVID Failures

The USA is a failed state.

None of these asshole give a flying fuck about kids or schools or education as long as they can keep the workers working till they drop.

And they sure as shit don't care about teachers.

Rapey Uncle JOe's been worse than Trump.

But of course he 's even more senile and incompetent than Trump, so...

Friday, January 7, 2022

The Best News About Cirsten Weldon



The brave beautiful patriotic bagger remover has hilariously removed an especially rancid bagger.

Cirsten Weldon is ded.

Praise be.

Thanks, Trump.

Don't Ever Vote For Dems Or Any Other Fans Of The Cheney Family

Dick Cheney should have been sent to The Hague for justice.  

And the Dems in Congress were sucking his dick in public.

So, don't ever vote for Dems.

Coronavirus Vaccines Reduce Infection And Transmission

Even if they don't eliminate either.

That's the important part baggers: vaccines reduce infection and transmission.

The holy bagger remover prays that baggers are too stupid to understand this.

And the good news is that they surely are.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Beato Bandit

Free RePubic Baggers V Drs. Battazzi And Hotez

Baggers lose again.  Not a shock, but baggers are dumber than dog shit, and the holy bagger remover will never rest.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Ron DeSantis: COVID Superspreader And Bagger Remover Helper

Ron DeSantis is willing to sacrifice himself to help the holy bagger emover kill every last bagger in the world.  Praise be!  We are all team bagger remover now and pray for a slow and painful removal.

Watching DeSantis struggling to talk truly heartwarming.

Thank you jesus.

Do Bikes Attract More And Bigger Twits The More Expensive They Get?

The Serotta Forum was a frightening example, and now Pinkbike has all the twits, too.  Is that because mountain bikes have tripled in price in the last decade?  So now the dipshit on Pinnkbike is a rich dipshit who needs his taxes raised?