Monday, October 3, 2011

the world's worst author? rodney c. johnson?

could it be?  could this sorry bastard be the world's worst author?  i think so.  first of all, the name: rod(ney) cock johnson.  that's just a horrible joke.  then look at the bibliography and notice that it's not just embarrassing 6th-grade level fantasy books but also 'erotic' 'spanking' stories as well.  how fucking creepy is that?  i'm sure his erotica could act as a foolproof birth control for tens of millions.  plus he's a dimwit conservative admirer of sarah palin.  there's no mistaking this guy for a genius award winner, that's for sure, but is he a worse writer than michael savage?  as awful a 'novelist' as glenn beck?  as ridiculously inane as bill o'reilly?  as irredeemably terrible in every way as ayn rand?  i'd like to think so, but i don't have the time to actually read that garbage.

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