Wednesday, February 22, 2012

the ulitimate saab fanboy freakout

the saab fanboys (and fangirls) over at the saabsunited site have gotten themselves into a lather because there's apparently a rumor that the krauts are one of the purported serious bidders for the saab automobile carcass.  i for one can't figure that play for bavarian motor works, assuming that serious bidder means that bmw is talking about building saab cars with trolls in sweden as opposed to meaning that they plan on taking some of the newer equipment out of there at fire sale prices.  do they hate volkswagen and their wretched audis that much?  could peppy front drive and xwd saabs really deliver some vw and audi drivers to the bmw hegemony?  are there enough people who would and do buy a kraut car but not a bmw kraut car that might buy an near-equivalent saab?  where?  very strange, but it does have the saab faithful skipping the cialis for a coupla days.

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