Tuesday, June 12, 2012

One Year Ago Today

i'd like some good tee vee scifi shows

is blood and chrome our only hope?  possibly, if canada decides to ban ronald d. moore from entering the country, it might be not bad, sort of battlestar galactica without the idiotic nonsense the moore killed that show with.  if we've been very, very good, blood and chrome will be all shooting, all flying, all kicking cylon ass with no idiot god and no annoying angels.  too bad they fucked up saul tigh's character because it would have been awesome to see him as the crazed war-hero cylon fighter he thought he was, too, even if he didn't meet adama till after the war.  (caprica had promise if only because it looked like moore had little to do with it and because they had a stellar group of actors.) 

falling skies

steven spielberg might as well be the grandfather of jj abrams, brannon braga and ronald d. moore.  falling skies looks absolutely awful, too, but not nearly as awful as terra nova.  steven spielberg's stuff is usually insultingly dumb so it doesn't wear well, and the tv show looks just lame.  i'm sure it'll look cool the first couple of times you see it, but there won't be any there there.

terra nova looks absolutely awful

brannon braga.  that's all you need to know.  might as well also say ronald d. moore or jj abrams to have the seal of shitty brain-dead scifi televsion, guaranteed.  they're the three stooges; it's sad that anyone listens to them after the absolute idealess garbage they've puked up. 

liam neeson should make more movies like taken

wall-to-wall action, over-the-top violence, violence, cartoon violence, car chases, action, violence.  i'd watch that liam neeson/luc besson movie a thousand times before i'd ever watch anything that had the letters jj abrams in it.  no pg-fucking-13, though, please.

can pavement ever be forgiven for weezer?


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