Saturday, December 28, 2013

Federal Economic Malpractice

Now that the extended UI benefits are ended, at least a few elected politicians realize just how fucked they are, let alone the people without jobs.  The rich fuckers in the House and Senate don't give a flying fuck about the middle class and lower class working and unemployed folks, but their own gigs could be in trouble if the economy tanks.  For the national elected idiots, it doesn't really matter that they are clueless, evil shitheads; even if they don't care about the individuals who will suffer, they should be able to understand the macro issues and see that the abrupt cut-off will harm the larger economy--THAT IS THEIR GODS-DAMNED JOB.  Continuing the payment of UI benefits is the right thing to do for the country and the economy as a whole; the fact that it also helps middle and lower class folks who are unemployed is just like a delicious icing on the fucking giant shit cake.  The political and economic calculations should encourage the majority of the House and Senate to do the right thing; let the teabaggers like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul go fuck themselves. 

Then, the short-term stimulus should continue with an expansion of food stamps and social security right away in order to get this economy going.  In the intermediate term, a big boost in the minimum wage will act as a stimulus to create jobs.

Don't hold your breath.

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