Sunday, September 30, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh Being A Lying, Sexually Violent Creep With A Lifetime Appointment Is Funny And All, But Trump Is Torturing Innocent Children For Reals Right Now

Trump is a vile piece of shit, and his administration is worse than he is.  Per the New York Times story, the government, the United States government, is locking up children in a detention camp in West Texas, with no access to schooling of any kind, because the USA continues to arrest and imprison immigrant children at a horrific rate 24/7.  Even better, this tent prison is completely unregulated, so given the Republican predilection for sexual violence as practiced by Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, Roy Moore, Dennis Hastert, and Jim Jordan among others, you can be sure that some or all of these children will wind up sexually abused by their captors with the full support of the American government.  This is being done while everyone with any decency is pointing and laughing while Cryin' Brett and his army of scumbags flail around like demented fucktards in a non-stop circle jerk, pausing only long enough each hour to gorge lustily on their own noxious steaming shit to own the libs.  Thanks, Trump!

Here's an idea: instead of treating innocent children like criminals and ensconcing sexually violent children like Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, we let the children out of the kiddie prisons, find their families or find them foster families, get them into school and on the way to becoming citizens, while at the same time we bury Brett Kavanaugh in a hot dusty prison tent somewhere so he can rot.

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