Saturday, October 17, 2020

A Most Important Question: Has Voting For The Very Evil Lesser-Evil Hard-Right Democrats Worked Out?

Is the Democratic Party a better party since 1990?  Matt Fahrner is asking.  Has the Democratic Party become more like the party of FDR in the last 30 years?  Did that idea of first more Dems, then better Dems worked out for anyone from the center and left?  Has two generations of voting for Dems no matter who they were made the courts better?  The healthcare situation?  Labor?  Racial justice?  Criminal justice?  Environment?  Education?  Anything?  But Trump is the worst ever Hitler monster, so you HAVE to vote for the Dems this time!!  

But if you look at it from any reasonable perspective, Obama and Trump and Clinton and Bush have pursued the identical agenda and served the same masters.  Sure, Trump is tiny-fingered vulgarian and impotent orange racist clown, but his agenda has been and continues to be indistinguishable from Obama's.  No real change in that will ever be permitted.  That's the lesson of 2020.  (And 2016, pretty much.)

Never, ever Biden.

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