Monday, August 15, 2011

where was obama during the wisconsin recall?

this piece is one of the many posts, comments and random quips floating lazily around the internets asking the simple question: where the fuck was president obama during the recall elections, and how many votes could he have delivered? 

probably enough to win another seat.  5000 votes woulda done that.  probably enough to turn defeat into victory.  that would have set a great precedent for his all-kinds-of-fucked reelection plans.  probably enough to energize some of the voters across the country who are probably gonna sit the next one out after voting for him last time.  see ever-more-perilous reelection hopes.

so, it really is a case of the wisconsin  recalls being another blinding example of what a wuss obama is and how much he sucks as a democratic president.  don't tell john cole or that stupid and angry african american woman.

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